
Chapter 2: The start (1)

in that strange place Tommy stayed in his place waiting for something to happen, a light, a portal or something, like the novels. and suddenly a door appeared in front of him, his heart start to race with anticipation.

This was the moment he had been waiting for since he had been given the system by the Goddess of Reincarnation. He had no idea what was on the other side of that door, but he knew that it was his gateway to a new world, a world of adventure and excitement.

Taking a deep breath, Tommy pushed open the door and stepped through. The room on the other side was pitch black, and Tommy couldn't see a thing. He felt his heart sink a little, wondering if this was some kind of cruel joke. But then, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a faint light in the distance.

Curious, Tommy made his way towards the light. As he walked, he realized that he couldn't feel anything around him. He couldn't feel the ground beneath his feet, the air around him, or even his own body. It was like he was a mere presence, floating through the void.

It was then that the system spoke to him.

"Welcome, Tommy Morgen," it said in a robotic voice. "You have been reincarnated as a Saiyan, can you concentrate and think about your status?"

Tommy was a bit taken aback by the system's voice, but he quickly realized that it was his only source of information in this strange new world. He decided to focus on the information it was giving him.

a screen opened before him like hologram.


Tommy morgen (will change after birth)

Race : saiyan

Age : 2 months

battle power : 10

ki points : 0

shop : unlocked

inventory : lottery ticket (×3)

"So i'm baby now?" Tommy was confused.

"What do you mean by ki points?" he asked the system.

"Ki points, are used to unlock and upgrade your abilities. You can earn ki points by completing missions and defeating opponents."

Tommy nodded, trying to take in all the information. It was like he was playing a video game, but it was all too real.

"Stay vigilant and be prepared for anything, after all your existence will change the future and make a lot of variables." the system replied. "Your strength and agility will improve as you gain experience and battle power, but you must also focus on increasing your ki energy and unlocking new abilities. The shop offers various items and upgrades that can help you on your journey."

Tommy listened intently, trying to absorb all the information. He was determined to succeed in this world, to become the ultimate Sayen warrior.

As he was surrounded by darkness , he felt a sudden jolt of energy coursing through his body. It was like a spark had been ignited within him, and he felt stronger and more powerful the more he felt it.

So he start concentrate more try to feel this new energy to memorize it.

Next chapter