
The Ugly Duckling and The Murderer Beast

What is more unusual than a murderous beast and an ugly duckling together and in the film industry nonetheless. From contemptuous remarks to forging alliance and maybe even friendship, a lot is to unravel between the outcast beast whose past is unknown and the ugly duckling who is trying her best in what she does.

Raquel_6363 · Fantasy
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The Ugly Duckling and The Murderer Beast

'So Miss Risa, how does it feel to be the rising star in the film industry'? 

'Well it was unexpected for-

'Of course it will be unexpected for someone who bears the title ''UGLY DUCKLING'' haha' .

The interviewer said with an amusing tone. Her eyes widened at his statement but it was not unusual for her to hear words said with such odious tone ,even from her childhood . Still she kept her calm, afterall she didn't want her face to fill the gossip tabloid with headlines stating ''The Raging Ugly Duckling''.

''I thought I was to be interviewed by someone professional or am I mistaken?'' Risa asked with her face showing no emotions of hurt. 

Before the interviewer could answer her question, a lanky man appeared by his side and said something which she could only assume that it was meant to stop the interview for a brief moment. 

The interviewer slowly walked away to the back door leaving only the 'lanky' man and the cameraman and staffs with her. To her surprise the man apologized to her on behalf of the interviewer.

''He's not very experienced , you see. I am sorry for what has happened. I think it's best if we do not continue the rest''

Risa only nodded at him. She felt uncomfortable at having someone who did no wrong apologizing at her but still accepted it.


'I heard the interview went terribly. I'm sorry I should have been there with you.' Diane said feeling upset about her absence.

Diane was the manager of Risa, the only person who would probably grieve her if she was dead. She was in her early 30's , a single mother. They were close after years of working together. Risa managed to hold a cold attitude towards since she thought Diane was the same as everyone, ignorant and insulting but she was warm. She didn't mind the scars on her face and didn't mind to the fact that she was partially blind in her left eye. 

''No, you couldn't have done anything anyway. Besides Sarah needs you. How's she?''

''They'll probably discharge her within a few days since she's getting better. Also I could have called the company to report about the incident.'' 

'Do you really think they would care about a mere actress who barely gets any role?What a joke.'

'Well not anymore.' Diane smirked and continued with a smug smile which didn't match her excited tone 'The boss called...he said you have been casted as the main supporting actor for the movie ''The Phantom Prince'', it's a novel adaption. It's a direct casting. The God's must have been on your side '

''Me?'' Risa blinked feeling confused. It was something more than unimaginable for her to get an opportunity like this.

''Yea ,apparently a character of the novel whom you will be playing has pretty scars like yours. So they thought of you as the apt one. I'm so glad'' Diane said practically jumping over. ' It's a popular novel by the way.'

'I don't know, I'm sure the audience would rather see a pretty actress with painted scar than someone like me on the screen.' She scoffed. 

'You really shouldn't keep up this negative attitude . You should take some PR classes.' Diane pleaded 

'Whatever. You and I both know it's the truth. If you are going to say I have my fair share of fans.....please! how many? 5? 7? all out of pity they like me.'

'That's no true. Why do you have to be so negative about it? I don't understand you. Diane said walking over to the nearby couch placing a hand over Risa's shoulder.

'You know what people say.....some say it's only because of my scar I got into this industry, some say I got someone in this industry. I'm tired too, I pretend it doesn't hurt me. Can't they just see me for my talent. Why are they so hesitant? Is it because I am not conventionally attractive ?? People say it's hard for them to see me on screen. Sure I've got my flaws but all I ask is just for a chance to see me for my talent' she asked with tears swelling up.

Diane's eye widened to see Risa welling up. It was unexpected .'I'm sorry for the world who doesn't see you, I know you best than anyone. They will surely see someday . And does it really matter if people don't like you? You will have me and Sarah by your side. She loves you. We are your family now.' Diane cried out loud with her two arms around Risa.

'I suppose . Thank you. I think I'll take on the role and try my best. Doesn't hurt anyone.' Risa wiped out her tears. She felt grateful to have both Diane and Sarah to call them her family.

'That's my girl' she smiled relieved to hear that Risa would not miss an opportunity like this. 

'Who are the lead actors though?' 

''Don't know. The audition is tomorrow. Some of the novel readers say that Kayden would be best for the role. Even an article is written on it.''

'Kayden?' Risa asked feeling surprised to hear that name after so long. ''HE HASN'T EVEN BEEN IN THIS INDUSTRY FOR THE LAST TWELVE YEARS.''

'Hmm that's true I suppose. He barely acted in 3 movies in a year when he was a child and got popular for being cute and nobody has seen him after that.'

'He still has fans?, They don't even know how he looks now and are already casting him. I hate pretty privilege. Call me jealous I don't care.' Risa said in an annoyed manner, after all she didn't feel like it was fair.

'Not only that, there were rumours surrounding him that he might have killed his mother then slowly his father too died mysteriously. What's even more interesting is that only his father's body was discovered'

'What! I thought both his father and mother died due to food poisoning or something like that and his mother's body was not there.??' 

'There's more to this story.' Diane said . ' I don't know if I should believe this or not'

'Wait, there's more'?? Risa asked wanting to know more.

But what Risa wanted to know more was if Kayden actually killed his parents. Considering how there were little to no articles about someone like him was making her even more suspicious about him. 'Did Kayden actually do something like that' Risa thought to herself again.

'I'll say the rest after we go inside to our room. take they key. It's a lot.' Diane said and both moved from the balcony to their small apartment rooms to continue their discussion.