
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Become the successor if you kill Sawada

"Very well then, Gokudera-san you can seat at... eh, Gokudera-"

Gokudera ignored the teacher's words and walked towards Tsuna, noticing his actions, everyone stared at the two with curiosity, do those two know each other or something?

And to everyone's surprise, Gokudera snorted as he kicked Tsuna's table on the ground.

"Gokudera-san!" The teacher was so surprised by this that he couldn't speak.

"W-wow! Gokudera is like a gangster..."

"Ahh... I know I should have been afraid, but why do I feel my heart skipping a beat?"

"Tsk... those bad boys sure are handsome... I can't even get angry at him..."

Tsuna who was motionless couldn't help but frown hearing the whispering around him, somehow those girls managed to annoy him more than the one that was directly looking for trouble! The audacity! Clenching his teeth, he was about to retaliate but Gokudera turned around and left for his seat.

What actually stopped him though was Gokudera's aura that fluctuated slightly as if... Yes... he was pretty sure he had seen this kind of thing before.

Back then, Orochimaru had wanted to test my willpower, so he pretended to be hostile and attacked me. Of course, I countered him with everything I got although I had lost the battle in the end. Later I heard from my teammates how he did that to everyone, and he himself explained his goal as he forced one of the graduating students back to the academy.

He was only willing to train those who wouldn't cower in face of death, and that's why Orochimaru had revealed his killing intent while fighting with them, the one who got sent back was too coward to fight back and simply stared at Orochimaru, unlike him and the girl that was part of the group.

Because of this experience, Tsuna became more experienced in distinguishing real hostile intent from fake ones, and Gokudera's aura was just like that...

What's his goal?

"A-alright, let's start today's lesson."

Hours passed in the blink of an eye. After the history class came to PE and just as expected, he managed to guarantee victory in the volleyball match for his team. While it was a new experience for him, the sport itself wasn't that interesting so he quickly put it at the back of his mind.

As he walked through the corridors an unexpected situation found him.


Just as he reached an intersection that led to another corridor he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry." Tsuna quickly apologized and was about to continue his path however, the person held his shoulder with a considerate amount of strength as a hostile aura came out from him.

"Eh? What is this? Since when are the kohais of my school so unrespectful?" A tall student, almost 1.85 meters tall spoke with a wicked smile on his face. The two others by his side were frowning as they looked at him with hostility

As if their presence was tantamount to trouble, everyone in the corridor gasped and took a step back when they noticed their presence.

"Look... it's those delinquents from the third year..."

[A/N: Tsuna's school is called Namimori Middle School but it's also a school that encompasses everything from the 1st grade to the 12th.]

"Also, isn't that Tsuna? Should we call the DC?"

No one dared to be harsh in this situation, everyone here had suffered at least a little in the hands of the former kings of the school. Thankfully the Disciplinary Committee four years ago was strong enough to beat down the gang that once controlled the school, the reason for that being the current president of the DC, Hibari Kyoya.

While they aren't exactly angels, the DC is much better than the previous delinquent gang that commanded the school.


"Uh?" The delinquent stared at Tsuna confused with his sudden question.

"I said... who gave you permission to touch me?"

It was then that a scene no one had ever expected happened.

Tsuna stepped forward and threw a quick punch, it seemed weak and without substance but surprisingly, Matsuda was knocked out with just that single strike that hit him in the gut.

Gokudera who watched this from outside couldn't help but narrow his eyes, strong. That was the only word that he could come up with after seeing that scene, especially after he saw the look on Tsuna's eyes, the moment those guys showed a real hostile intention, they became as cold as ice and his entire aura changed completely, he would be lying if he said that Tsuna didn't have the bearings of an imposing tyrant.

"Bastard, how dare you hit Matsuda-senpai!"

The two quickly tried to flank him, their goal was to make him only face one of them so that the other could grab him from behind and lock him in place.

Seeing how Tsuna didn't move, they smirked and one of them made the first strike. It was a single punch and Tsuna didn't even try to defend, he just stared at the older boy who had his fist touching his face with a cold glance.

The one behind moved his hands beneath Tsuna's arm and tried to lift them so that he wouldn't be able to move but at that moment Tsuna used him as support to keep his center of gravity as he jumped and dug two feet in the face of the one who punched him.

Because of Tsuna's moves, he and the one behind fell backward, but Tsuna somehow used the momentum to do a backflip and landed on his foot, before the remaining delinquent could stand upon, Tsuna quickly kicked him in the guts, making him lose his breath and be stunned due to the strong pain.

"Woah! I didn't think Tsuna would finish them off on his own!"

"Holy cows!"

"What the fuck did just happen? Am I dreaming?"

"Shit... now I'm more afraid of Tsuna than the delinquents."

Tsuna ignored the comments of the students and kept walking towards the place that had been written in the note that someone left at his table after they got back from PE.

He didn't know who wrote it, but the person asked him to go to the back of the school, a relatively remote spot that not many walked around since there was nothing to do there.

When he arrived the first thing he noticed was Hayato who was sitting on the trunk of a tree with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi. You don't deserve to become the 10th. If the family falls in your hands, it will be its downfall! I'm the one who's fit to be the 10th!"

"Huh?" Tsuna who was wondering if this guy was gay or something because he called him to this place was enlightened by his words. "Oh! Italy isn't it? You must be someone from Vongola."

Seeing the bored expression on Tsuna's face, Hayato pretended to be angry and took out something from hidden pockets in his uniform. "You're a nuisance. You'll die here!"

Seeing the sticks he was holding, Tsuna searched the memories he inherited from the original Tsuna and after a second he exclaimed. "Dynamite!?" Hayato didn't wait for him to comprehend the situation and threw two explosives at him.

Thanks to his reflex, Tsuna was quick enough to catch the two and defuse both explosives. Just as this happened a voice suddenly reached their ears as an elevator door opened inside a nearby tree.


"Hm? Reborn? When did you... Ahh, never mind, It's best if I don't know." Tsuna shook his head and dispelled all the interest in Reborn's hideouts. However, the corner of Tsuna's lips slightly curved upwards, Reborn was really going all out to keep an eye on him, he had hidden his gun, but he felt a strong presence earlier when Gokudera threw the Dynamite at him, he was probably ready to get rid of the danger for him if he couldn't do it on his own.

Reborn had his characteristic smile on his face as he nodded to Tsuna and turned to Hayato. "Gokudera Hayato, you came earlier than I expected."

"Reborn, do you know him?" Tsuna asked seeing the way Reborn spoke about the transferred student.

"Yeah, he's a member of the family that I called over from Italy. It's my first time meeting him though."

Gokudera now had a respectful expression on his face as he looked towards the baby, even his voice tone down a bit seeing him. "So you are the 9th gen's highly trusted assassin. Reborn."

Seeing the awe in Hayato's eyes, Tsuna understood Reborn a little better, hearing something from the person himself was one thing, but when one other repeated that with genuine trust, it added to the accuracy of the information.

Hayato then asked. "You're not kidding about me becoming a candidate as the successor if I kill Sawada, right?"

Reborn slightly nodded. "Yeah, that's right. Then let's continue the killing."

Seeing the two naturally interacting with each other like that almost made Tsuna laugh out loud. Those two acting skills are top-notch, if he couldn't read a person's aura, he might have been fooled by this acting.

Hayato took out ten more explosives from hidden pockets and quickly lit their fuses using a bunch of cigarettes that he started smoking out of nowhere. His actions spoke little of his raw strength but proved he was a master of dexterity, at least sleight of hand as Hayato's actions were quick enough for the untrained eye to be unable to see his actions.

This information was something that Tsuna was quick to take notice of because even though he couldn't feel any Chakra coming from Hayato, his physical abilities already surpassed the limits of common humans.

Still, noticing how this guy had so many weapons with him, Tsuna sighed when he almost reached for his unexistent scabbard, he had been longing for a Katan for some time now, later he would borrow some money from his mother and see if he could buy one, even if it's just some wooden sword, it would already be enough since he could strengthen it with Chakra.

His actions didn't go unnoticed by Reborn who noticed his actions without trouble. Tsuna was very attached to swords, it was clear from his fight with Mochida that this was probably his main fighting style, when the time came for him to order weapons for Tsuna and his subordinates, he would remember that.

Gokudera threw the dynamite at him, although he wanted to knock Gokudera out first, he couldn't since the explosives that Gokudera was using had very short fuses, if he didn't take care of them quickly, there would be an explosion, and there would be innocents caught by accident.

Tsking, Tsuna made a mental note to reprimand this stupid fella in front of him later and rushed to defuse the dynamites.

Gokudera who kept track of Tsuna's action didn't waste time and prepared a second batch with double the amount of explosives and after liting their fuses he threw them as well.

Tsuna who saw ten explosives becoming twenty started to use Chakra in order to increase his speed, this was getting a little difficult.

It was then that Reborn's voice reached his ears. "It's said that Gokudera Hayato is a human explosive device that conceals dynamite all over his body. Some say that he can throw a thousand of them before running out of explosives, and his nickname is Smokin' Bomb Hayato."

Tsuna was alarmed hearing this, what the actual fuck!? Do humans in this world have knowledge of fuinjutsu seals? Where the hell is he storing so many explosives!?

"Humph! If my Double Bomb doesn't work, them take this! Triple Bomb!" Gokudera was suddenly holding sixty dynamite in his hand, all of them with their fuses lit, the moment he was about to throw them, however, a few slipped from his hand and fell on the ground. "Shit!"

Alarmed by this, he lost his grip on the others and they fell all around him.

Seeing this obscene amount of explosives around him, Tsuna had no choice but to use one of the cards he had been hiding, hopefully, he had enough Chakra, as he couldn't keep it for long, especially since he didn't want anyone to see it.

Quickly bringing both hands together, he did a few hand signs and activated his Sharingan for the first time in this world.

His sight was dyed red and everything that he had seen with those eyes open quickly came back to his mind, making him frown in anger. Despite the fact that he was using Sharingan, on the outside it seemed like nothing had changed for the onlooker's thanks to his quick use of transformation jutsu.

His Chakra however was already showing signs of giving up on him, his current amount wasn't enough to properly use his three tomoe Sharingan, the consumption would only become bearable when he achieved a Chunin amount of chakra.

Reborn who has much more experienced than Hayato was then pleasantly surprised when he noticed Tsuna bursting with power almost - it's still lacking quite a bit - comparable to the Dying Will Flames and dashing towards the bombs to defuse them at high speed.

He couldn't say how, but he thought that maybe Tsuna was able to use a portion of the Dying Will Flames for some unknown reason.

After a moment of tension, Tsuna suddenly stopped moving and fell on his knee, all bombs had been defused, but he almost used all of his Chakra, right now he could only keep his Sharingan plus transformation Jutsu for more or less thirty seconds, by the time he reaches the level of Chunin, this time will probably raise to thirty minutes so long as he is only using Chakra in the same he way he was doing now.

[Spirit level: Elite Jonin]

[Physical level: Early Genin]

[Chakra: Late Genin]

Based on his current level of progress, the moment he achieves the level of an experienced Genin, in other words, a Mid Genin, he would have chakra comparable to that of a Chunin.