
The U in Luup

You arrive in a dark world, but the first one nonetheless.

infectedRaven · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Awaken, Dark one...

And you do, responding to a command, almost like a dog to its master. Your eyes open to a cold, dusty concrete floor. With a tiring theme spread across your body, you slowly pick yourself up. You look around to see that your standing on a giant concrete slab expanding a few hundred feet with some old civilization concrete pillars and blocks placed about. You look to the sky above and notice that there is no sky. Instead, what was then the sky, there's now a matte black atmosphere, dotted with white hanging, still particles.

Was there ever a sky? Actually, where am I?

As you stop to question your reality that you find yourself in, your glancing for an answer stops at what looks to be a statue that looks to be almost too real. You decide to slowly get close to it to get a better view besides your better judgement. You take one step too many and place your foot on what resembles a concrete slab mimicking the rest but is in fact a floor based activation switch. At the mark of the activation, a gastly ball of black ooz hovers down from above and to mere inches in front of your face. Despite all the ooz accumulated into a small mass, none of it falls onto the floor, just moving in waves and then repeating the process. A single eye pops out from the middle of the mass, as if it was fabricated from the blackest of its masses.

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