
The Tyrant Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Jon Hardy had no intention to hold back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1945 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Jon Hardy is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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219 Chs

Chapter 20 Austrian Gang Meeting

  Old Mike settled the accounts, and the principal plus a 30% premium came to a total of more than 3,800 US dollars, which was a lot of money.

  It's not expensive its on credit anyway.

  Hardy signs off.

  Back at Bill's house, this place has become their stronghold. Everyone is playing with guns in the living room. Hardy looks at their posture and thinks that, with these people and guns, it would be a pity not to rob a bank.

  Of course, he wouldn't actually rob a bank. there are so many ways to make money that there is no need to upset the government and the police.

  "Brothers, let me talk about the next work." Hardy said.

  Everyone looked at Hardy. they did not come to Los Angeles to retire, so they naturally knew that they would participate in gang wars next, but no one here was afraid. They were all veterans who had fought on the battlefield, and they were slightly excited when they heard that there was a combat mission.

  "I told you before that there is a conflict between the Austrian gang and several other gangs in Los Angeles. This involves the Irish gang, the Spanish gang, the Mexican gang, and even other gangs. I need more detailed information."

  "You are all new faces. To facilitate investigation, Henry and Matthew work in pairs to investigate the intelligence of the Irish, and Neil and Leo work in pairs to investigate the information of the Spanish gang."

  Henry, Matthew, Neil, and Leo. Nod immediately.

  "Sean and Ryder are still responsible for the daily transactions, while Richard and Kerry are responsible for following the car and being aware of possible sneak attacks by the enemy at any time."

  Several people who were named also expressed their understanding.

  Hardy thought for a while, then called Big Ivan and told him to pay attention to the Mexican gang, the Polish gang, and other gangs.

  Big Ivan immediately said that he would investigate carefully.

  Early the next morning, everyone briefly talked to each other and went out. Hardy took Sean and Ryder to drive the truck to deliver goods, while Richard and Kerry followed behind in Bill's Ford to prepare for possible situations at any time.

  There were a large number of weapons placed in the bed of the Ford.

  Time flies, and a week passes. This week has been surprisingly quiet, giving people the illusion that the whole of Los Angeles has become peaceful.

  But something big happened on this day.


  A loud whistle sounded.

  A huge container ship sails into the Port of Los Angeles.

  As soon as the cargo ship stabilized, several cars appeared at the port, and dozens of staff in customs and police uniforms got out of the cars.


  Customs officers boarded the ship.

  A container was opened and filled with wooden boxes. The wooden boxes were opened, and the sawdust was removed, revealing bottles of red wine inside.

  "Supervisor, it's French red wine."

  The supervisor looked at the entire container and nodded. "It seems that the whistle blower is right, seize it and check it thoroughly."

  The staff became busy.

  All the wooden boxes were moved into the port warehouse and piled up in the mountains. After careful inspection, they contained various brands of top French red wine.

  Mouton, Latour, Petrus, Margaux, and a large number of second tier brands.

  There are 430 boxes in total, with more than 2,500 bottles.

  "Supervisor, we have counted them all. They are all French red wines, with a total value of more than 250,000 US dollars. Their customs declaration documents state that this batch of goods consists of toys and fishing equipment. The goods are completely inconsistent with the documents."

  At this time, the toys and fishing equipment listed on the customs tax bill are tax free.

  If taxes are imposed, these contraband items may have to pay import duties of more than 80%.

  In other words, the total price of this batch of goods exceeds 450,000 US dollars.

  "What did the person in charge of the freighter say?" the supervisor asked.

  "He said he didn't know anything about it."

   The supervisor sneered twice: "take him into custody first. This batch of goods will be impounded directly. Report it to the superiors to see how they will deal with it." Fred, the boss of the Austrian gang, learned about this batch of goods.

  The news that the red wine had been seized by customs made him so angry that he almost smashed the phone.

  That's 250,000 $ worth of goods.

  The selling price is over $450,000.

  He was certain that this was definitely the work of other gangs; otherwise, the customs would not have been able to check so accurately, and the goods would have been seized before they even entered the port.

  This lose is too big.

  Fred thought for a moment and picked up the phone again, listen to the phone ring.

  Fred was very worried. If things went wrong, he didn't know how the boss would deal with him.

  The phone was connected, and a deep male voice came from the receiver.

  "Who is it?"

  Fred became nervous unconsciously. "Mr. Siegel, it's me, Fred."

  "What's wrong, Fred?"

  Fred carefully told the other party that the smuggled red wine had been seized by customs. When Fred finished speaking, an angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

  "Fred, you have disappointed me so much. Your actions are weak. What I have seen these days is your inaction. Now I order you to take action. go up and fight back."

  "I will find a way to clear things up with the customs, and maybe I can get it back, but it will cost me a lot of money"Fred was so scolded that he lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

  After hanging up the phone, Fred clenched his fists, he knew that this was the time when his boss was using money, and he even secretly transferred part of the company's funds.

  He had told him before that he need work hard to make money during this period, but now that he had messed up the business, he couldn't blame the boss for being so angry.

  The second in command, Allen Payne, was called.

  "Alan, our goods were seized by customs. Boss Siegel was very angry and told us to do something. What are your ideas?"

  Alan Payne thought about it for a while.

  "First, activate the action team to launch retaliation against the Irish. Second, now that normal business has been affected, increase the profit commission and let the subordinates do their jobs well. Third, encourage the subordinates to take action. Originally, the division of spoil is 40/60 lets increase it to 30/70"

  Retaliation is inevitable, and the Irish people's arrogance must be suppressed, otherwise, they will become even more arrogant.

  Now that the business has been affected, increasing the share as an incentive bonus will hopefully allow the people under him to do better work.

  As for private operations, they are generally operations where subordinates go out to make money on their own. Casinos, loan sharking, controlling bars, and brothels are gang businesses. As gangsters, there are many ways to make money, such as theft, robbery, kidnapping, and extortion. A business that brings in money.

  In the past, when gang members went out to do business, they would split the money with the gang at 40 / 60, with 40 for the gang and 60% for the individual.

  Payne suggested increasing it to 30 /70 which he thought would further stimulate the desires of those guys.

  "Okay, it's decided like this. You go and summon all the supervisors and district leaders for a meeting in the afternoon to assign tasks." Fred made the final decision.

  Hardy was notified and went to the headquarters for a meeting.

  In the conference room, Fred sat in the main seat, the second in command, Alan Payne, sat next to him, there were more than twenty leaders sitting on the sides.

  Hardy knew some of the people here, such as the warehouse supervisor and several other neighborhood bosses, but this was the first time he met many other bosses, such as the casino supervisor, the supervisor in charge of smuggling, and the supervisor in charge of the loan shark business. They were in different business and didn't had much interactions.

  Many of these people saw Hardy for the first time, and they all looked at him curiously.

  Fred started the meeting by saying. "A lot of things have happened recently. The Irish and other gangs have united and clashed with us. Taverns, nightclubs, casinos, and delivery trucks have been attacked, causing us heavy losses."

  "Today, a container of red wine we shipped from France was attacked. Without further checking, it's obvious that it must have been the other gangs who caused us such heavy losses."

  The others listened to Fred's speech, no one dared to speak out, and they all listened quietly, But they knew that, the boss must have made a big decision by calling everyone over.

  Fred held out three fingers.

  "This time the wine container was inspected; the time line and even the container number were clearly known to the other party. There must be a traitor inside."

  The face of the supervisor in charge of smuggling became ugly.

  He did not betray the organization, but if there was a problem in the place he was responsible for, he could not escape the blame.

  "Williams, I will send someone to investigate this matter with you. We must find out the traitor, torture him and get to the bottom of this then sink him in the sea."

  "That traitor cost us more than half a million dollars losses"

  Fred said with greeted teeth.

  Williams, the smuggling supervisor, quickly stood up and said, "Yes, boss, I will definitely do this well and find out that bastard!"