
The Tyrant Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Jon Hardy had no intention to hold back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1945 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Jon Hardy is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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211 Chs

Chapter 11 Conflict

  Bunny girl bar.

  Drinkers were crowded around? On the stage, the blonde girl was wearing a bikini and a small round hat, swaying and waving her legs to the exciting music.

  There were countless men and women dancing cheerfully on the dance floor, which was extremely lively.

  It's 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, which is the peak time of the nightclub.

  The song is over.

  The crowd took a break, and Marisa, wearing a white evening dress, walked onto the stage. Her beautiful figure immediately attracted the attention of all men.

  Marissa glanced at the men in the audience and said with a smile, "At the request of Mr. Wysland, I will sing a song for everyone to cheer up."

  As she spoke, she turned her bright eyes towards a handsome man in the crowd.

  The dancers all turned to look at Mr. Wysland's . With so many people watching, Mr. Wysland's nodded gracefully to everyone, acting very gentlemanly.

  Clap Clap Clap~!

  There was warm applause from the audience.

  The pianist started playing, and Marissa sang a classic song with a slightly sad and melancholy voice.

  People were fascinated to hear it.

  Hardy looked at Marissa on the stage and did not expect that not only was she sexy and beautiful, she was smooth in dealing with people, but she also sang so well.

  When the song ended, everyone applauded, and the music became passionate again. People were holding wine glasses and twisting around, and some even jumped on the table to cheer and dance.

  Marissa stepped off the stage and walked towards Mr. Wysland's group.

  Suddenly, a strong man appeared next to him and stopped in front of the woman. This strong man was probably two meters tall. Marissa, who was tall, stood in front of the strong man and looked like a little girl.

  "Miss Marissa, can you dance a song with me?" The strong man said it with a grin.

  Marissa looked at Wysland, not far away, and refused: "Sorry, sir, I have a friend waiting for me over there."

  Marissa has encountered many such situations. Basically, just say this sentence: A man would politely say goodbye, but what she didn't expect was that after hearing her words, the strong man's face suddenly darkened, and he reached out and grabbed her waist.

  "I don't like others rejecting my request." The strong man glared at Marissa.

  Marissa was startled.

  However, she has seen the world, so she did not shout loudly but said with a cold face, "Sir, please let me go; we don't seem to be familiar with each other."

  "Hahaha, dance with me it won't take long." Are you ready?" The strong man said this and dragged Marissa to the dance floor.

  Mr. Wysland also noticed what was going on here and said to his companion, "Marissa, what happened?"

  He said that and looked at the strong man.

  Mr. Wysland is in his thirties, wearing a straight handmade suit and a brand name watch on his wrist, looking like a gentleman.

  When he saw Marissa being robbed, he immediately acted like a flower protector.

  If he can show his virility as a man in front of women and be a hero who saves beauties, then he may be able to have a happy relationship in the future.

"Get out!"

  The strong man glared at Wysland with a fierce look. Wysland was immediately frightened; his throat moved, he swallowed, and subconsciously stepped back.

  He is a gentleman, not a rough man.


  The strong man's face immediately showed a sneer.

  A pretty boy with no balls is a fake gentleman.

  "Hey, what are you doing? Let go of Miss Marissa."

  The two nightclub security guards noticed what was going on here and walked over quickly. When they saw the strong man still holding Marissa's wrist, they immediately shouted to stop.

  "Go away; don't cause trouble for yourself." The strong man curled his lips and said.

  "I'm afraid you are causing trouble for yourself ." A security guard said this and stepped forward to grab the strong man's arm, trying to free Marissa from his hands.

  The strong man's eyes became fierce; he clenched his right fist and punched the security guard fiercely.


  This fist hit the security guard's face firmly. The security guard flew two or three meters and fell heavily to the ground.

  He fell to the ground motionless and fainted.


  Marissa couldn't help but scream.

  Marissa's cry attracted other guests to look over, and Hardy, Sean, and Ryder also discovered the situation here.

  They got up and walked over quickly. When they got close, Ryder was also tall and strong. He pointed at the strong man and shouted, "Asshole, do you want to make trouble here? If you don't want to die, let go of Miss Marissa, apologize, and get out of the nightclub, otherwise I will let you know the consequences."

  Before Ryder could finish his words, four or five strong men stood up from the table next to him and stepped behind the big man.

Hardy's heart moved.

  He had a feeling that these people might be here specifically to cause trouble.

  The strong man looked at Hardy and the other three and said with disdain, "People call me Big Ivan. I came today just because I wanted Marissa to accompany me. No one can stop me."

  Ryan has a fiery personality, and I immediately punched him.

  A man immediately jumped out from behind Big Ivan and punched Ryder. Bang! Ryder was punched hard in the chest. Not to be outdone, Ryder hit the guy on the opposite side on the shoulder. The two then hugged each other. Together, they rolled to the side, smashing tables and chairs to the ground and shattering glasses and bottles.

  The other guests were so frightened that they fled away.

  Big Ivan laughed loudly. "Let's beat them down and play with them first."

  After saying this, several men immediately jumped out from behind Big Ivan. Some of them ran towards Sean, who was so scared that Sean quickly ducked back. .

The remaining three guys all surrounded Hardy.

  Hardy moved his feet, and before their fists could come over, he leaned forward and punched the guy in front.

  This punch completely followed the characteristics of being steady and hard, hitting the guy's cheek hard, causing the strong man's head to fall to the ground.

  Without waiting for the other two to react, Hardy punched again, an uppercut hitting a guy on the chin, and many people heard a crisp click.


  The second guy knelt on the ground, covering his chin and howling miserably.

  Many people could tell that his jaw was deformed, either broken or dislocated.

  The third guy had already punched, and Hardy raised his arm to take a hard hit, then swung it hard with a big swinging fist.


  The fist hit the man's temple hard, and the third guy rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground.

  In just a short confrontation Hardy managed to deal with three of them and took the opportunity to kick the guy next to him who attacked Sean.

  The guy stumbled to the ground. Sean saw the opportunity, picked up the stool next to him, and slapped him hard.

The guy's head suddenly burst into blood.

  Ryan was still struggling with his opponent. Sean held up a stool and hit the kid hard on the head. Ryder broke free and raised his fist to knock his opponent unconscious.

  Big Ivan didn't expect things to develop like this.

  The few people he brought to cause trouble were all his best fighters. Usually there were only two or three people watching over the nightclub, so he was absolutely sure that he could beat them.

  As long as he beat them up and caused a scene in the nightclub, his mission tonight would be complete.

  But it was unexpected that a guy like Hardy who could fight would appear, and he would take care of all his men in just a few strokes.


  Big Ivan cursed and reached for his waist. He had just taken out his pistol halfway when, suddenly, a black barrel was pressed against his head.

  Big Ivan's movements were frozen.

  he knows.

  As long as he makes a slight movement now, the other party is likely to shoot.

  He had no intention of firing.

  He was just here to cause trouble. But if he killed someone in public, he wouldn't be able to get away easily.

  But I didn't expect that things would be completely out of control and develop to this point.

  Hardy has specially practiced the art of drawing a gun. It only takes a few tenths of a second to draw the gun from his body. When he saw Big Ivan's movements, he took the initiative and drew the gun directly.

  "Let go of Miss Marisa!"

  Hardy looked at Big Ivan with cold eyes. Big Ivan saw the strong murderous intention in Hardy's eyes. He knew that if he didn't let go, the guy opposite him would really kill him. Might kill him.

  Big Ivan slowly released his big hand, holding Marissa.

  Hardy reached out, grabbed Marissa's arm, and pulled her behind him.

  Marissa got out of trouble and took a deep look at Hardy.

  Big Ivan felt extremely aggrieved and embarrassed at the moment. He stared at Hardy and said, "With so many people watching here, you don't dare to kill me, otherwise, you won't be able to escape!"

  "Men's conflict should be solved with fists. What's the point of using a gun? don't be a sissy fight me openly and fairly!"

Big Ivan said to Hardy:.

  This guy looks big and rough, but he is not completely brainless. He wants to trap Hardy with words.

  "Hand over the gun." Hardy said calmly.

  Big Ivan gritted his teeth and handed the gun to Hardy obediently.

  It was a Soviet TT-33 pistol. Hardy knew about this gun, it was very popular in the 90's well know for its durability and low cost keep.

  "Okay, I agree with your request; men's duel should be solved with fists!" Hardy said.

  Turn around and hand the two pistols to Marissa.

  "Keep it for me."

  Marissa quickly took it obediently.