
The Tyrant's Pet

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. A princess from the small kingdom of Rikhill was loved by all. With her beauty that was enchantingly demure and a wise mind, she had caught a lot of attention and captured the hearts of many. One of them was the dashing crown prince of the Maganti Empire. Overcome by the desire to have her and his interest in the land of the small kingdom, the crown prince of the said empire would stop at nothing. The knights from the Maganti Empire marched across the masses and seized the four-hundred-year-old kingdom of Rikhill. The kingdom of Rikhill fell into ruin overnight. The crown prince left no members of the royal family alive aside from his war trophy, Aries. After suffering in his hands, Aries found the perfect chance to escape. That was when he took her to the world summit. A gathering of each sovereign from each kingdom and empire for peace talks. There, she met the emperor of Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Overwhelm by desperation, Aries begged him to take her in. It was too late when she realized that the man she asked for help was far more cruel, twisted, and downright diabolical than the crown prince for taking her as his… pet! EXCERPT: With a pair of crimson eyes hovering over her, Aries held her breath. When the corner of his lips curled up devilishly, she couldn’t react fast as he swiftly flipped their position. She only realized it when she was saddling him, gazing down at Abel, wide-eyed. “No one is above me in this empire and even out — not even the law, but look at you,” he intoned with a devilish smirk. “Staring down on me… so daunting.” Aries bit her lip, planting her palm on her inked chest. “Your Majesty…” “Do you now understand the power you hold, darling?” Abel carefully wrapped his fingers around her wrist, chuffed by her reaction. “Only you, Aries, may go above me and the only person in this world who can look down on me. No one else.” He raised an arm and ran his fingers through the side of her hair, settling his palm on the back of her head before he pulled her down until her face was a palm length away from him. “You better use this at your own disposal,” he whispered, tilting his head as he lifted it up to claim what’s his. HER. Meet Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, the sadistic tyrant, who reigned an empire with an iron fist. With his pet, Aries’ increasing presence in his boring, dark life, he was set to kill her. But alas, every time he thought of taking her life, he finds himself changing his mind. The more he kept her by his side, the more it got harder to dispose of her. And the more he yearned for something deeper and darker... it was driving him insane. With a secret he was keeping from her, what would Abel do if Aries found out about the rotting truth behind the empire and the emperor? Would he kill her? Or kiss her? Perhaps cage her? And if she found out that Abel wasn’t just a normal human, would she try to escape? Or would she accept that he wasn’t just a demon incarnate? In a complicated world that tainted them black, was love even possible to bloom between a pet and her master? Watch as these two play the dangerous and insane game of love and lust. Who would be the master and the pet? Who was the prey? Read to find out more. --------- Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e Disclaimer: Cover not mine. Got it from Pinterest. Credits to the artist.

alienfrommars · History
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919 Chs


"... mine now."

Aries's eyes popped out of their socket as her entire body froze up from the cold lips on hers. She blinked twice, watching him draw his head back before wiping the corner of her lips with his thumb.

"Bland," he said and shrugged nonchalantly. "But passable."

Her heart sank as she realized what kind of person this man was. He was no different from the man who caused her eternal sufferings. But... she didn't regret it.

This man's world had always been this way. She took a deep breath, loosening her grip on the ground.

When a subtle smile appeared on her face, his brows raised momentarily before he grinned. He rocked his head, pleased that she didn't chicken out.

"Hah... what a lovely smile." He clicked his tongue and pointed at her, raising a brow when he heard a familiar voice from a distance. He turned his head in the source's direction only to see a man running towards him.

"Your Majesty! What are you -- !!"

Aries and Abel turned and gazed at his young advisor as the latter stopped several feet away. His eyes instantly dilated, shifting his eyes from the body on the ground, to the woman, and to his emperor. It was too easy for him to grasp the situation, knowing the troublemaker emperor.

"Conan, you look pale and exhausted. I wonder why?" Abel wondered as he slowly stood up to face his legal advisor.

Conan gasped in dismay. Did he hear him correctly? Abel doesn't know why he looked exhausted?! Just who wouldn't panic when a ticking time bomb like Abel suddenly disappeared in this place? Knowing the emperor, he wouldn't mind offending anyone that could lead to war.

"Your Majesty, how... why..." Conan looked at the body not far away from his emperor's vantage point and sighed in distress. The more he realized this tyrant caused yet another problem despite his numerous reminders, the more he felt helplessly annoyed.

"Your Majesty!" he yelled in distress. "I already reminded you many times, but..."

"My dear Conan." Abel chuckled as he strutted towards his legal advisor, planting a palm on his shoulder. "This won't incite political discourtesy if no one sees the body, correct? They will just assume he got... lost."

Conan let out a defeated sigh as he gazed up at him. "Your Majesty, why do you always do this to me? The Great Heart Empire nearly wage a war with us, and now this?"

"Come on, Conan. Stop crying." Abel's smile grew brighter, squeezing Conan's shoulder. "Clean this up and take her with you. She's my new pet."

Conan shifted his eyes to where Abel was pointing his thumb at. He instantly locked eyes with Aries's pair of emerald orbs, making him sigh in disbelief as he already felt sorry for her. Abel patted his shoulder lightly before walking away without speaking another word.

Meanwhile, Aries stared at his back blankly. She should be relieved that she finally escaped the shackles of the crown prince of Maganti. But knowing she just put another shackle that was much tougher this time stopped her from celebrating.

"Hello." She peeled her eyes away from the darkness where Abel vanished to Conan. He was now squatting down in front of her, offering her a warm smile. Unlike Abel's diabolical smirk, Conan was the complete opposite.

Conan sized her up, noticing the bruises on her exposed skin and her disheveled clothes. He sighed as he didn't understand why Abel risked waging a war to another empire for this girl.

"Let's go, my lady." He beckoned, not offering her false reassurance or anything of the sort. "His Majesty had decided."

Aries studied his eyes and smiled bitterly. "Mhm."

Conan assisted herself up and led her to the quarters where the Haimirich delegation was staying at. Aries knew her life could be the same, or worse, than her life in Maganti Empire. She didn't have high expectations from Abel or in the empire that had taken her in as a pet.

All that mattered to her was to survive and she would stop at nothing to live, even for just another day.

And that was how Aries became the fearsome tyrant's pet.


Days... weeks... and a month had passed ever since the emperor of Haimirich took Aries in. But she never saw Abel after that night. Even when they returned to Haimirich Empire, he didn't call for her. This gave her a bit of space to breathe and to get herself together.

Thankfully, they treated her with respect and took care of her. From bathing her to dolling her to be pleasing in the eye, to her diet, and almost everything. She couldn't really complain as she lived the life of a princess; a life she lived — or a life grander — before the tragic downfall of their small kingdom.


Aries perked up, watching the door open from the settee she was sitting on. They told her that Conan would visit her in her room today to check on her. Whatever that meant, Aries had a vague idea. Since they were back in the empire, she knew Abel would soon call for her to do her... duties.

Conan peeked his head in and smiled. "Can I come in, my lady?"

"Uh, yes, of course." She awkwardly stood up, lowering her head to humble herself. She only sat down when Conan told her to while he perched on the armchair across from her.

Aries clutched her skirt, watching Conan place the books on the table between them. Her brows rose, eyes filling with curiosity.

"My lady, can you read our empire's language?" he inquired as he straightened his back. His eyes landed on her. "I know you can speak our language, but can you read it? If you do, that will be better since it'll be easier to teach you the things you need to know about the empire and His Majesty."

She gazed at the book and read 'history.' Yes, she could read the empire's language and speak it. Actually, she could speak more languages as she was required to learn those while growing up.

"Yes, I can." Her eyelashes fluttered, lifting her eyes to Conan.

Conan rocked his head in awe at this woman. Since Abel took her in, Conan's job was to do a background check on her. He already knew that she came from the small kingdom of Rikhill. Apparently, that kingdom that persisted for hundreds of years fell into ruin overnight in the hands of the Maganti Empire.

Apparently, she was the war trophy the crown prince of the Maganti Empire took home. All her kin died, and she was the only one who lived. To make it worse, she had to live with the person who murdered her family. It was still a surprise that she kept a sound mind despite going through hell.

"Then, that is good." Conan broke the brief silence and smiled. "These are the books I prepared for you. Read and study them while we look for suitable instructors for you."

Aries just nodded, closed-lipped. "Thank you."

The emperor's advisor studied her timid demeanor and sighed. This woman was too obedient, he thought. She might not survive for a long time if she kept this up. Abel was too fickle. Even so, that wasn't Conan's problem.

"Alright then. I hope you adjust well." Conan planted his palm on the armrest, pushing himself up. As he was about to leave, Aries called him softly.

"About —" she paused, seeing Conan cock his head back. "About His Majesty..."

"Oh? He is quite busy at the moment. Don't worry. He will call for you once he settled some important matters." He reassured and smiled before he left.

Aries stared at the shut door and let out a shallow breath. "That's not what I was worried about," came out a whisper.

For her, it would be better if Abel would be busy for the next ten years and not see her. But obviously, everyone would think servicing the emperor was an honor.

"Never mind." She glanced at the books on the table, biting her lower lip.

"I asked him to take me in, so of course, I should learn how to please him," she murmured, sprawling her arm to pick up the book. As she opened it, she took a deep breath.

"After all, he was the person who saved me from hell." Her eyelids drooped with hatred, recalling the tragic life she went through in the hands of the crown prince of Maganti. "He is the person who got me out of that lunatic's clutches." — although deep down, Aries knew it was her own efforts that saved herself for she took up the courage to enter a deeper kind of hell.