
The Tyrant's obsession

“In the end we discover that to love and let go can be the same thing.” – Jack Kornfield _____________ She stared into his grey eyes as he walked closer to her. He pressed his body on hers as he peppered her neck with kisses. “Will you give yourself to me?” He murmured in between kisses and Reign felt like her body was about to combust with pleasure. “I already belong to you” ~~~~~~~~~| Reign was abused by her madam Diana and daughter her whole life then she found out that all she had ever known had been a lie. She found out that her mother hadn’t died from natural causes but had been murdered and had gotten all the inheritance that was supposed to be hers, stolen. She didn’t know how she was going to get revenge till an opportunity presented itself. A royal decree showed up one day and announced that Isabella would be getting married to the second son of the king who was known to be very ugly and a Tyrant. Isabella didn't want to get married to him so she made Reign go in her place. Reign didn't want to but after finding out about her mother, she is then advised to get married to the prince so she can become Queen and can make the people who killed her mother pay for what they’ve done but it's not as easy as Reign had thought and she definitely didn't expect the kind of love the Tyrant poured on her. Will she be able to accomplish her mission or will love blind her from her goals?

Blossom_Harold_1 · History
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206 Chs

Family dinner

Reign shivered as Ares placed a kiss on her bare shoulders.

"What….. what are you doing?" She stuttered as her eyes fluttered. What was this feeling she was having? She had never felt like this before.

Ares dragged his hand down her arm.

"Isn't this what you want? That's why you're trying to seduce me, right?" He placed another kiss on her neck. Reign shivered and immediately pulled away from him.

What are you doing, your highness?" She questioned as she bowed her head at him. She could feel her nipples hardened against her dress. Being that close to him was doing things to her body.

Ares furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.

"Why then were you trying to seduce me if you aren't trying to get me to fuck you?" Reign blushed.

"Your highness, that's a vulgar word. I just thought…. I thought seducing you would bring us closer" Ares frowned.

"Yes, closer to fucking isn't it?" She gasped.

"Ares!" She called out which made him sigh. He walked over and sat on his bed with a groan.

"Can you leave, Isabella?" She frowned. Had she ruined things by not allowing him to have sex her?

"Ares, I…."

"No, your relationship with me is still the same. I just need to calm myself right now and resist the urge of ignoring all your warning signs and fuck you raw anywhere I see fit" Reign blushed Harshly. Her nipples had gotten so hard that it was starting to hurt.

"I'll leave then" Before he could say anything, she ran out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Ares groaned as he laid down on the bed. Was he was he reacting to her this badly?

Reign ran into her room, closed the door behind her then plopper down on her bed with a groan.

"What happened this time?" Reign shrieked then turned to the voice and found Jess staring at with confusion.

"What are you doing in here, Jess?" Jess dropped the napkin in her hand then walked over to Reign.

"I was cleaning the room when you ran in. Tell me what's wrong? Did you succeed in seducing him?" Reign shook her head.

"He thought I was seducing him for sex" Jess furrowed her eyebrows.

"Weren't you?" Reign glared at her.

"Of course not. I told you, I just wanted us to be closer. What I really want is for him to fall in love with me" Jess still looked confused.

"Hmmm don't seduce him then since you aren't looking for sex. Just try to be friends with him first then it should work it's way up from there" Reign nodded slowly.

"How do I know if we are friends or not?" Jess hummed.

"Well if he starts opening up to you then he considers you his friend. At least that's what I think" Reign nodded.

"Then if he's in love? How do I know if he's in love with me?" Jess chuckled.

"You'll know, I believe you would or at least I hope so. I'm done with your room now so I must go…." Just then, a knock sounded at the door.

"Milady? It's time for dinner and this time your presence is compulsory" Reign ran towards the door then opened up with a smile.

"Sir Williams, it's been so long since we last saw each other" He smiled kindly then bowed his head.

"I've been quite busy these days. I hope you have adjusted?" Reign nodded.

"I have and now that my fr… maids are here, I'm happier" Williams' eyes widened slightly.

"You got his highness you agree? You really are something miss Isabella. Change into your evening wear, milady and I'll take you down to the dining room" Reign nodded.

"I'll be done in a sec" She closed the four then turned to Jess with wide eyes.

"The first time I'm having dinner with the Royal family and I'm nervous. What if they notice I'm not prim and proper?" Jess chuckled as she walked up to her.

"Relax, just be yourself. They'll love you" Reign sighed. She hoped so and she also hoped Ares would be there.

Ares was busy reading some papers when he heard a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" He questioned.

"Your Highness, your presence is needed at the dinning room. His Majesty said it is compulsory for everyone to be there" Ares rolled his eyes.

"No thanks, I'm good. Just bring my food here"

"But your Majesty…."

"Are you deaf? Or just dumb?" The man behind the door sighed.

"Okay, your highness. Miss Isabella is already down at the dining table in case you wanted to know" Ares froze then stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

"What did you say?" Ares asked as soon as he opened the door. The man shivered with fear as Ares towered over him.

"Miss Isabella… has .. has already gone down to the dining room. I just thought I should inform you" Ares sighed then dismissed him before closing his door.

With a sigh, he called his maids that were outside his door to help him get ready. After so many years, he was finally going down to the dining room because of a girl.

"You have gotten pathetic, Ares" He muttered to himself.

Reign's eyes widened as she walked into the dining room. There were a lot of faces she had never seen before, was this castle really that big?

"Oh Isabella, you're here. Come and sit next to me" Mirabel said with a kind smile. Reign smiled back at her then bowed her head at all of them before going over to sit next to Mirabel.

"Now that we are all here, I think…." Diana began.

"Ares isn't here yet, let's wait for him" The king spoke. Diana and James immediately scoffed.

"Why wait for him when you know he isn't coming. When last did he come for a family dinner?" James uttered.

"He doesn't regard us as family so it's best we leave him alone" Diana said.

"You are right, I don't regard any of you as family except my betrothed and that's why I'm here" Ares uttered as he walked into the dining room with his eyes on Reign….