

The typical Heartbreaker SYNOPSIS His known as the Typical Heartbreaker, Whenerver someone will try to confess their Feelings to him , he typically reject them and will alaways say his not so famous line "Get lost!" . His reason behind of being a Typical heartbreaker? He once fall inlove but left him hanging-the girl leave him without bidding goodbye and without any explaination. He became a typical heartbreaker, in behalf of that girl, He break every girls heart, he wants to take revenge by breaking their hearts. But, not until he met this girl-she's not his usual ideal type of a girl, she's not even pretty compared to his Exes, -But she got his attention because of her simplicity and good personality- He fall in love again. -

kookielicious21 · Teen
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4 Chs


Hi everyone! before I start this story I just want to inform you all that this story (THE TYPICAL HEARTBREAKER) is also on my Wattpad wall. kookielicious21 is my username in wattpad, hope you'll visit too and read my other works on it.

This story is made up of fiction and from author's mind, none of this will may reproduce without my consent.



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