
The Typhoon's Wife

A contractual marriage with her best friend's brother. A cute and adorable baby. Close encounters and blooming of romance Love confessions Disclaimer:The book cover design has been designed by a webnovel user @valeriex and the description for it was provided by a reader @beanguyen..So many thanks to them!! This story is an original work so all reviews are appreciated.The rate of updates is at least 1 chapter a day with a single random holiday every week. Neil took a deep breath and said "Al..I need a favor.." "Uh..huh." "Please marry....my brother.""You want me to marry the Typhoon????!!!",she whisper shouted to him. "I think you meant to say tycoon.." Neil asked her in a similar way. "Noo..I meant typhoon..you heard me right..

har_k · Urban
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343 Chs

Panda Eyes

"What about dad's good night kiss?"

Alicia's movements stopped for a moment.Then in a distant voice Alicia said,"He doesn't want one.And now you baby,come on,lay down fast.Ru lay on the bed immediately while looking expectantly towards his father.Alicia,who had yet to look up at Ryu,also lay next to Ru.

Ryu stood frozen at the door feeling guilty all over again.Sigh!His apology will have to wait.He only hoped that Miss Lu would be kind and forgive him.Going to the other side of the bed,Ryu pulled back the blanket and got into bed.Lying on his side with his head on his hands,Ryu started the story in his deep baritone voice.Ru was enthralled by the story and had turned on his side to face his father.Seeing this,Alicia also turned away and her back faced both the father and son.No one realized that Ryu's eyes were fixed on her shaking shoulders.