
The Tycoon and the Throne

Maxwell Sterling, a billionaire tycoon, finds himself tangled in a web of his own making when he impregnates Isadora Aurelia, a hotel attendant. Desperate to keep his mistake hidden from his family and society, he proposed an unconventional arrangement, he offered Isadora a job as a maid in his home, with the guise of observing her progress, yet secretly keeping an eye on her. Disowned by her family and with nowhere to turn, Isadora agrees to Maxwell's terms. But life within the Sterling Mansion is far from easy. With Maxwell's inner tumoil simmering beneath the surface and her ex-boyfriend's sudden appearance, cast a shadow of fear over Isadora's new life. When Maxwell's wife discovers the truth, the delicate balance of power within the mansion is shattered. Driven by jealousy and a desperate need to maintain control, Maxwell's wife sets out to destroy Isadora and reclaim her family's legacy. When Isadora's heart could no longer bear the weight of her suffering, she escaped into the unknown, seeking solace from the shadows that haunted her. But fate had other plans, leading her straight into the path of Prince Orion, a man whose piercing gaze and commanding presence would become her darkest dread – a stormy night to her already troubled skies

obiparadise_purity · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Past Revisited

Isadora secluded herself in her room after dropping the girls off at school, still reeling from Antonio's confessions the night before. The shocking revelations had left her sleepless, tears flowing throughout the night as she grappled with the emotional aftermath.

Overwhelmed and feeling utterly alone, Isadora was consumed by a sense of hopelessness. She longed for escape from her suffering, wishing she could simply cease to exist and thereby find relief from the crushing pain and sorrow that had become her reality.

Isadora had hoped to keep Maxwell out of the situation, but circumstances forced her hand. She couldn't help but recall the devastating night her family disowned her after discovering her secret, which she had managed to keep hidden for two months. The pain of that memory still lingered.

That evening, when Isadora arrived home from work, she walked into a scene she would never forget. Her parents and younger sister were seated in the living room, their faces stern and accusatory. As she entered, her mother unleashed a torrent of angry words, leaving Isadora initially perplexed. But the moment she spotted the pregnancy test in her mother's hand, she knew she was in trouble and that her secret was out.

"You're a disgrace to our family!" her mother spat, her words dripping with venom. "I thought I raised you with better values, but you're nothing but a promiscuous girl, sleeping with multiple men. And now, you're pregnant! I always knew that job of yours was a bad influence." Her mother's accusations had cut deep, and tears flowed freely down Isadora's face.

Her father's harsh declaration followed: "You're no longer part of this family." Her younger sister coldly placed Isadora's luggage beside her, a stark symbol of her banishment.

Isadora pleaded for understanding, "It was all a mistake, please listen to me!" but her words fell on deaf ears, her family's resolve unshakeable.

After being struck by her father's harsh slaps, Isadora was cruelly cast out of the family home, left to face the darkness alone. Her tears fell like rain, but her pleas for mercy went unheard.

She couldn't comprehend why her parents were so heartless, wondering what she had done to deserve such treatment. The stark contrast between their cruelty towards her and their kindness towards her younger sister had long been a source of pain. Why did they always blame her for every minor misstep, while lavishing love and understanding on her sister? The questions swirled in her mind like a maelstrom, leaving her feeling utterly abandoned and alone on that desolate night.

Isadora pounded on the door, her tears mingling with her pleas for mercy, but the door remained shut, a cold and unforgiving barrier. Exhausted and desperate, she finally dragged her luggage away, her heart heavy with sorrow.

Her attempts to reach Antonio had been met with silence, and his empty house offered no solace. As night descended, she felt utterly abandoned, with no one to turn to.

She huddled on Antonio's doorstep, shivering in the darkness, her tears falling like rain as she searched for a glimmer of hope. The world seemed to have turned its back on her, leaving her alone and adrift in a sea of despair.

In a moment of desperation, remembering the source of her misfortune,  Isadora recalled the forgotten lifeline she had tucked away - Maxwell's business card, surreptitiously taken on that fateful night.

Summoning her courage, she finally dialed his number, her heart racing with each unanswered ring. It wasn't until the tenth attempt that Maxwell's gruff voice finally responded, his single word - "Speak" - piercing the silence.

With no time for preamble, Isadora blurted out her revelation: "I'm pregnant with your child." The line went silent, before Maxwell curtly provided an address, instructing her to meet him that night. With no other options, Isadora felt compelled to agree, her fate now tied to this uncertain encounter.

On getting there, as she approached Maxwell, her luggage in hand, Isadora's misery was obvious. She sat down opposite him, her eyes locked on his.

"Are you aware of the gravity of your claim?" Maxwell asked, his tone icy.

"I wouldn't have reached out if it wasn't a matter of life and death," Isadora replied, her voice trembling. "Why come to me now, after two months?" Maxwell pressed.

"I had no other choice," she admitted.

"And why should I believe you?" he skeptically asked.

"You remember me, don't you? The hotel receptionist you took advantage of that night? You took my virginity, you were my first," she reminded him, her words laced with pain.

"Prove it," Maxwell challenged.

Isadora pulled out the evidence she had gathered - the black card from his purse, the photo, and the pictures she had taken of him that night. "I felt violated and miserable, but I kept these as proof, for moments like this."

Maxwell posed a logical question: "How can you be certain the child is mine?"

Isadora's response was straightforward: "You're the only man I've been with, and you know it."

Though his doubts lingered, Maxwell reluctantly accepted responsibility for the child's well-being until its birth.

He arranged for her accommodation at a hotel that night, promising to explore a solution together. Subsequent meetings ensued as they sought a way forward.

Eventually, Maxwell offered her a position as a maid in his household, citing his desire to avoid scandal and keep a close eye on her. After much deliberation and knowing Maxwell was not a man to mess with, Isadora accepted the offer, and thus she had found herself at the point where she is right now.

Isadora regretted involving Maxwell in her predicament, realizing too late that she had acted out of desperation. At the time, she felt trapped with no other options. She would have preferred to vanish without a trace, leaving Maxwell none the wiser about the pregnancy.

Her thoughts turned to Antonio, wondering if things would have unfolded differently had she reached out to him when she first discovered she was pregnant with Maxwell's child.  Instead, she had ignored his calls, and now her life was a tangled mess, with both men playing a role in her drama.

The sudden, jarring knock on the door, yanked Isadora back to reality, her thoughts of the past instantly replaced by a sense of dread. Her heart skipped a beat as she wondered who could be on the other side, her mind racing with the possibility that Maxwell had uncovered her secret about Antonio. Fear paralyzed her, leaving her uncertain and hesitant to open the door, unsure of what lay in store for her.

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