
The Tycoon and the Throne

Maxwell Sterling, a billionaire tycoon, finds himself tangled in a web of his own making when he impregnates Isadora Aurelia, a hotel attendant. Desperate to keep his mistake hidden from his family and society, he proposed an unconventional arrangement, he offered Isadora a job as a maid in his home, with the guise of observing her progress, yet secretly keeping an eye on her. Disowned by her family and with nowhere to turn, Isadora agrees to Maxwell's terms. But life within the Sterling Mansion is far from easy. With Maxwell's inner tumoil simmering beneath the surface and her ex-boyfriend's sudden appearance, cast a shadow of fear over Isadora's new life. When Maxwell's wife discovers the truth, the delicate balance of power within the mansion is shattered. Driven by jealousy and a desperate need to maintain control, Maxwell's wife sets out to destroy Isadora and reclaim her family's legacy. When Isadora's heart could no longer bear the weight of her suffering, she escaped into the unknown, seeking solace from the shadows that haunted her. But fate had other plans, leading her straight into the path of Prince Orion, a man whose piercing gaze and commanding presence would become her darkest dread – a stormy night to her already troubled skies

obiparadise_purity · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Little Miss Know It All

Isadora curled up in the frigid corner, her body numb from the cold. She had lost track of time, but estimated it to be around an hour or slightly less. The room was an icy prison, its glacial walls adorned with frosty cracks, making her wonder if she was trapped in some sort of medieval dungeon.

The air was biting, and she could see her breath as she exhaled. The space was cramped, barely large enough for two people, and she didn't know which route was used to get her in there, thanks to the blindfold that had been wrapped around her eyes before she was dragged in.

The cold seeped into her bones, making her shiver uncontrollably. She had no idea how she had ended up here or how to escape, leaving her with only one haunting thought: what was the purpose of this frozen cell?

Isadora suspected that this icy cell was reserved for those who had fallen out of favor with Mrs. Adriana, a category she unfortunately fit into. As she glanced down at her hands, she saw that they were slowly succumbing to the cold, her fingers numb and stiff.

The most agonizing part was the injustice of it all - she had been falsely accused and locked away without a chance to defend herself. Mrs. Adriana's hatred had led her to give out this cruel punishment, leaving Isadora to wonder if she would ever escape or if her fate was to perish in this frozen tomb. The thought sent a chill down her spine, and she wondered if anyone would ever come to her rescue or if she was truly alone.

As the chill deepened, Isadora's breathing grew labored, and she felt her vitality ebbing away. Her thoughts turned to the innocent life within her, and she fervently hoped that her unborn child would be spared from the cruel fate that seemed to be unfolding.

Just as her eyelids were about to succumb to the exhaustion, she summoned every last ounce of strength to keep them open. And then, like a beacon of hope, she heard the creak of the door, a sound that sent her heart racing with anticipation. Was it a rescuer, come to free her from this icy prison? She held her breath, her eyes fixed on the door, as she waited for the answer.

Her eyelids, weighed down by exhaustion and cold, refused to cooperate, but she felt the sudden movement as a stranger scooped her up from the frozen floor with a sense of urgency. The person cradled her in their arms, dashing out of the room with a speed that left her disoriented.

Everything around her became a blur as she struggled to keep her eyes open, but the effort proved futile. She couldn't recognize her surroundings - the rooms, the corridors, or the face of her rescuer. All she could do was cling to the warmth of their body as they repeatedly whispered reassurances in her ear, "You'll be okay, you'll be okay." Finally, her eyelids surrendered, and she let go, surrendering to the darkness.

When she finally regained consciousness, Isadora found herself in a blurred world, surrounded by the muffled sounds of car horns and the gentle hum of a vehicle's engine. She was aware of being in a car, but her vision was hazy, and she couldn't make out any distinct features.

However, she felt the warmth of someone's hand wrapped around hers, a comforting presence that brought her peace. With a tremendous effort, she whispered, "Piper... is that you?" but her eyelids drooped again, shutting out the world as she succumbed to exhaustion.

As her eyelids fluttered open once more, Isadora found herself ensconced in a warm and cozy bed, surrounded by a hazy array of figures clad in white coats, their faces indistinct and their voices a gentle murmur.

Her mind struggled to comprehend her surroundings, and she wondered, "Where am I?" but the thought was short-lived, as her heavy eyelids drooped once again, shrouding her world in darkness.

As Isadora's eyes finally fluttered open, she was greeted by the warm smile of Piper, who enveloped her in a tight hug. "Aunty, you're finally awake!" Piper exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. Isadora's mind was foggy, and she felt like she had been asleep for an eternity.

"Piper, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice weak but curious.

"I've been by your side for days, Aunty. You've been sleeping for four days, and I was getting worried sick," Piper replied, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Who brought me to this place?" Isadora asked, her memories hazy.

"Hillard, my dad's butler, he's the one who rescued you and brought you here. He's been bringing me here for the past few days, driving us to school and back, since Uncle Marcus and my dad are still away. I was so scared, Aunty, but I'm so glad you're back," Piper said, her tears flowing freely now.

"Piper, don't cry, I'm awake now," Isadora answered, feeling sorry for Piper.

"Aunty, please don't worry about me, I'm just so relieved you're awake," Piper said, her tears subsiding as Isadora stroked her hair. Isadora's gaze wandered to the drip attached to her hand, a gentle reminder of her ordeal.

Just then, the doctor and Hillard entered the room, their faces etched with concern, which soon turned to relief.

"She's awake!" the doctor exclaimed, a hint of a smile on his face. Hillard's eyes mirrored the doctor's expression, his shoulders relaxing in visible relief.

The doctor proceeded to examine Isadora, his hands moving with a reassuring gentleness. "You're going to be okay, but we'll need to keep you here for a few more days to ensure a full recovery," he said, addressing Hillard.

As the doctor departed, Hillard drew closer, his eyes filled with warmth. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice soft.

"I'm feeling good, thanks," Isadora replied, her voice still weak but grateful.

"You gave us quite a scare, Piper wouldn't stop crying, but I'm just glad you're okay," Hillard said, his expression sincere.

"Thanks for rescuing me, Hillard. I owe you one. How did you even know I was there?" Isadora asked, her curiosity aroused.

"Piper told me everything. She's the real hero here. If it wasn't for her, who knows what might have happened? I'm just glad I was able to get to you in time," Hillard said, his voice filled with admiration for Piper. "I'll go get you something to eat," he added, and with a gentle smile, he left the room.

"Piper, sweetie, how did you figure out where I was?" Isadora asked, her eyes filled with gratitude.

Piper's face lit up with a determined look. "I was there the whole time, Aunty, watching and waiting. No one noticed me, but I saw everything. I knew Hillard was the only one I could trust, so I told him what Mum said about the cold room. He believed me and told me to wait in the car. Then, I saw him carry you out and bring you to the car, and that's how we ended up here," Piper explained, her voice filled with a sense of pride and relief.

"Piper, you're incredibly brave," Isadora said, her voice filled with admiration.

Piper's eyes flashed with determination. "Aunty, I discovered the truth - my sister fabricated the whole story against you. The bruises, the marks - all makeup. When I stood up to her, she slapped me, but I'm not backing down. I'll make sure Dad knows the truth when he returns," Piper declared, her voice firm.

Isadora's mind raced, wondering what she had done to deserve such cruelty from Sophia. "Oh, Piper, I'm so sorry she hurt you," Isadora said, her heart heavy with regret.

Piper's expression turned resolute. "I'm okay now, but I won't let her get away with this," Piper said, her voice filled with a little anger.

"I know what she did was bad, but I think you should forgive her," Isadora said calmly, looking at Piper.

"She doesn't deserve forgiveness, not after what she did to you. What if you hadn't survived?" Piper asked, her voice laced with vexation. "I know the Bible teaches us to forgive, but this time, I can't just let it go," Piper added, her eyes sparkling with a fierce light.

"Piper, despite everything, Sophia is still your sister," Isadora said, her voice gentle.

Piper's expression turned adamant. "Don't try to justify her actions, Aunty. What she did was cruel and unforgivable. She's not my sister, she's a stranger who happens to share my blood. She's wicked and deserves to be held accountable," Piper declared, her voice steady and strong.

Isadora's eyes welled up with tears as she pleaded, "Piper, I know you're hurt, but can't you find it in your heart to forgive her?"

Piper's response was resolute. "Aunty, stop excusing people's bad behavior. What Sophia did to you was wrong, and she needs to face the consequences. You deserve so much better than to be treated like this. You need to stand up for yourself and show others that their actions have repercussions. I won't change my mind about this, Aunty. It's time someone stood up to Sophia and showed her that her actions have consequences."

As Piper finished speaking, a single tear rolled down Isadora's cheek, a testament to the pain and wisdom in Piper's words. Despite her young age, Piper had a keen understanding of right and wrong, shaped by her family's influence.

"Piper, I understand. From now on, I'll stand up for myself and make sure others know their actions are unacceptable," Isadora said, her voice filled with determination.

Piper's face lit up with approval. "That's the spirit, Aunty! Remember, you're a queen and deserve to be treated as such. Never let anyone diminish your worth or lay a hand on you again," Piper declared, her words infused with a fierce protectiveness and Isadora found it hard to comprehend what she meant by 'lay a hand on her again, it seemed she knew a lot.

Isadora's hand instinctively went to her stomach, cradling her unborn child.

"Don't worry, Aunty, the baby is safe," Piper said, her voice filled with a knowing that left Isadora speechless.

"How did you...? How did you know I was pregnant?" Isadora stammered, her eyes wide with wonder.

Piper's response left her utterly astonished. "I know many things, Aunty, and I also know that the baby's father is my dad." Isadora's eyes nearly popped out of her head, her shock and surprise so intense it was almost visible.

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