

Twenty-three years ago, on January 1, 2000, an earthquake struck the world. Record-breaking tremors, colossal material damage and an unprecedented shock; scientists had to add a new magnitude on the Richter scale to be able to characterize it. The reason behind all these evils lay in the collision of our planet with another completely unknown. This collision led to a merger of these two lands now inseparable. Soon after, increasingly fanciful phenomena began to occur; portals appeared around the world, freeing monsters straight out of fiction to invade our land. At the same time, people with superhuman skills appeared in all four corners of the world to prevent these monsters from putting our land to fire and blood; these people later called themselves Hunters. As a result of these events, the passage to the second millennium bears the name of "the era of the two worlds".

On July 17, 2005, one of the most important discoveries for humanity took place. A portal of enormous size appeared in Paris, under the Eiffel Tower. This portal was different from the usual portals, it did not inhabit any monster, but served as a crossing point between our world and the unknown world. Soon after, crossing points appeared in all the capitals of the world.

Later, scientists discovered what distinguishes a hunter from a normal person; a hunter has a pocket, more or less large, attached to his heart. This pocket contains what everyone now calls magic. This magic allows all kinds of things like strengthening your body, projecting it in some form, channeling it so that you can summon animals… Absolutely anything and everything. The level of a hunter is determined by the size of his pocket, so the objective of a hunter is to make it grow, by training and repeated combat, in order to become stronger. Only there is a small handful of hunters with a natural talent, known as genius, who from birth have a pocket of magic larger than normal.

23 years after the first portal seen, the appearance of portal has become a common phenomenon and more and more people become hunters, this number is estimated at nearly 1 in 20 people. Institutes for hunters have been set up all over the world to prepare the youngest to become experienced hunters.

October 09, 2023, it was back to school in the high school for fleur-de-lys hunters.