
The two troublesome friends

Yibbq'yth and Sogko are two friends who suffer bullying and are isolated from the rest of their classmates, one day Sogko has an idea to carry out a massacre at the school together with Yibbq'yth

Daoistmz5Xzu · Horror
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9 Chs


the cops took Wyatt Otalgia in for questioning, Wyatt Otalgia confessed to everything he did in the massacre including the murder of the kids, including the murder of teachers and students, he told the policemen all the details in detail, his hands and eyes were covered with cuffs, his voice had an annoying accent and he talked loudly. They gave him some water which allowed him to breathe and asked him to answer some questions, he answered everything truthfully. After the interrogations were completed everyone left the interrogation room.

Officer: "Well Mr. Otalgia, you are now considered a wanted criminal, you know that if the police finds your name and picture on the internet it won't just result in your arrest but it also means you will get a jail sentence or even prison term, and if this happens there isn't much you can do but you can always talk to us, okay."

5 days later Wyatt Otalgia was brought to trial and Wyatt Otalgia confessed that he killed the children and students and teachers at the school.

He received a 30 years in jail sentence, he was sentenced to serve 40 years, his first sentence was life plus 20 years in prison, his second sentence was 20 years in the state of Colorado in Arizona, his final sentence was 50 years in prison plus 5 years in the state of Texas.

this case of the massacre became known as the massacre of Wyatt Otalgia, people from the past were shocked by this event but there wasn't much they could do, they couldn't do anything against Wyatt Otalgia they were too weak to fight him, but they were angry and frustrated that no one else was able to save the victims, this anger was reflected in their behavior in society.

Chapter 3

(20 years later) Orion Nolan is a strange boy who has no real family to call his own dele, he was sent to live with his uncle when he was younger, but he never liked living with his uncle because of how strict he was with the rules in the house; Orion hated having someone control his every move, although he did not like being controlled by anyone he liked being told what to do and making sure he did what he was told he was bored out of his mind most of the time. Orion was smart enough to make his own choices, he knew exactly what he wanted and was determined to have it, although he didn't like to admit it at the beginning he did enjoy being in high schools, it wasn't that he liked being in classes, it wasn't that he enjoyed studying but at least he could read books without thinking about the teacher. Orion loved playing football and was good at basketball and soccer and sometimes he even liked to join other sports such as archery or wrestling, Orion also enjoyed singing along to the radio show in his spare time.

Orion Nolan but his favorite pastime was to see world-known cases like the Sogko massacre case, it's also the Wyatt Otalgia massacre case, Orion was fascinated by the murders, he loved the idea of ​​the person who committed these crimes, he believed the murderers had something to hide and so did he; this intrigued him greatly so many times that he tried to look into the case but there was nothing to be found, this frustrated him more than anything, he wanted to help the innocent and capture the murderer but no one trusted him and so he stayed silent . When Orion was 9 he had gone out one day during the summer when everyone was resting in his family cottage. At night he sneaked inside the village and sat watching the people slept.

When Orion Nolan was 15 he was fascinated by the Wyatt Otalgia Massacre case he was always researching about it, he was obsessed with the mystery, he couldn't understand why this happened, everyone else thought it was a terrible crime that shouldn't have happened but Orion believed the killings were staged and that the killer had an agenda.

Orion Nolan was even more fascinated by the Sogko massacre case, he wanted to figure out what the murderer wanted, he wanted to solve it, and so he kept reading, he read every article and book related to the case until finally he realized he was missing something important. Orion read every single thing relating to the death of the teacher, and that was when he realized he was missing a vital clue about the case.

Orion Nolan was very intelligent, he was extremely intelligent, he was the smartest student in his grade, he was also the best athlete in his grade, he was also the only one who could beat his classmates in a game of chess, he was also the only one who could play the piano, the violin or any other instrument perfectly, he was even talented in painting and sculpting, but what made his talent so perfect was that he could make any subject look beautiful or realistic.

His skills were highly advanced but his mind of him had trouble focusing because of this problem, his ability to focus was the reason why he failed all the tests that his teachers had put in front of him, he constantly got distracted by thoughts or things happening around him.

As a student in middle school he was often bullied, he always wore hoodies with a large hoodie printed on them, these hooded hoodies were often ripped or covered in paint stains he always wore jeans and sneakers to school and whenever he played football he wore shorts . Sometimes Orion had fun dressing up in different outfits he would play dress up with his friends in the park and when he saw himself in the mirror he looked ridiculous he hated wearing anything besides his hoody and jeans.

Orion Nolan grew up being bullied by people who he felt were above him, the bullies would always mock and ridicule him, they used to hurt him physically in the form of physical violence but then Orion noticed how much weaker and less intimidating he appeared compared to the bullies, he started believing that these bullying kids were right; he must have had something wrong with him because he was a weak loser that nobody cared about.