
The Two Stars

When two girls Alina and Amaris meet in the world of Cotannia (Co-Tan-Nia) they never expected to be the only hope for the world. Now the two girls have to find some way to save Cotannia from the darkness before everything disappears, and with a little help from the five races; the elves, the fairies, the dwarfs, the dragons, and the humans maybe they can.

StarfireJones19 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Whole Once Again

Amaris and Alina looked behind them to see the elder slowly making her way to them, she was staggering forward as fast as she could with her cane towards the two girls. Alina tried to pull on Amaris's arm to get them to fun, but Amaris wouldn't move, "Its no good, as soon as she saw us run, she will cast a spell to make us stop." Alina remembered yester day when the elder stopped Amaris from leaving, "Then what could they do?" The girls stuck, they couldn't run, and they couldn't do anything to stop the elder.

"Teletransportation behind me," from in the cave, came a voice, it was rough and deep. The girls tried to look into the cave, but it was to dark, "Hurry!" Amaris pointed her figure into the cave, "Into the cave," and with a quick zap the girls where in the cave. "You. Can't. Get. Away. From. Me!" The elder had to stop in between each word for a breath as she ran toward the girls. "Stay right where you are. She won't dare come into my cave," the voice talked to them once more.

The elder came closer and closer, she stopped at the front of the cave, "Give me the girls." The voice replied to the elder, "For what purpose do you want these girls? Do you wish to put their halves in that orb again?" The elder looked to her feet, where the orb shattered, "How can I it is broken, But I do wish to have the halves of them removed."

The cave started to feel hot to the girls, almost as if summer was starting all over again. Then the cave started to light up in front of them was some sort of large creature, "A dragon," Amaris whispered beside Alina. That it a dragon, and before they knew it the ground in front of the elder was a flame. The flames ended as soon as they started and sitting in front of the elder was a restored orb.

The girls looked in shock, was he going to give the girls to the elder, but he just saved them. The dragon put a hand on the orb, "The orb chose to give these girls their full power. This orb was created by the queen to help one understand one's powers. The orb shatters every time it gives back power it has taken, but only a dragon can fix it, and only a dragon can decide to give it back." The dragon grabs the orb, "I gave you this orb because you thought it could help the two stars, and it has done its job, it has helped the two stars. "The two stars still need my help. They may understand their power, but they don't know how to control it," the elder pleaded with the dragon. "You have taught them all you can, they will now have to travel to the other races, and learn from them," on the wall was a torch that the dragon lit, "They will take their first lesson from me."

The dragon was red in color and had scales that covered his whole body, "You, white girl, your turn to teletransportation. Transport both of you to in front of me." Alina copied what Amaris did, she pointed a finger to the outside of the cave and said, "Front of cave," then with a quick zap the two girls where in front of the cave. "Good, you will learn to fly next." The dragon looked at the elder, "It seems, they don't need you. It seems, they can manage just fine on their own." The elder walked away, and the girls looked to the dragon, "Don't thank me yet, your lessons have only begun."