
The two bears

Rivalry between the black bears and the white bear.As a black bear Selena fell in love with the white bear who is the prince The enemity between the two communities forbidden them to love each other . Selena kills king Darius for Hope to ascend the throne but Hope killed Selena after the coronation and at that same time Ruth Valerio was killed by a group of black bears In the spirit world Ruth and Selena needs to complete a challenge to takeover oñe body that is Ruth's. Will Ruth take her body back or will Selena takeover Ruth's body to avenge her death or is there something else install for her This is a story about (Love,Hatred, Lust Revenge Reincarnations and betrayal)all in the Two Bears

Benedicta_Bandoh · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 (his anger 2)

                          Selena's Pov 

I waited for my mother for many hours that l almost fell asleep , but l heard a knock on the door  l went and opened it and it was my mother .A frowned settled on my face,because she was not in a good condition, her eyes were red like she been crying for hours she was miserable, l pulled her inside and asked her what the matter was "Selena am ok am fine but dear let's leave from here "she stated in a scared tune.whiles walking towards my bedroom and she started packing up my things 

"But mom why"l asked

"Dear o have seen the anger of the prince before he is ruthless, he will go to any extent to achieve what he wants dear"she yelled the words out, and started crying.Selena please listen to me and lets leave.

"Ok mom"l said.

And suddenly there was a knock at the door but when I was on my way to the door my mother stopped me and she said

"Dear it's him, l knew it don't open the door.     But the door was being banged continuesly and my mom looked into my eyes.

"Shift , now and lets go.

                       Samiel's pov 

After l left Martha in the forest l was so pissed off, that stupid girl hurt my pride l have to do something about it because I know they will try to run away so I went to their house to take her with Jordan and some 20 soldiers, so after we reached there the house Jordan knocked on the door but there were no response he did it again and no response again so l told him to break the door he did it and I rushed in but no one was there but their own window was open l rush towards in there to see them in their werebear form running

"Nooooooooo Jordan here they are" l screamed signal our soldiers now and lets follow them.

"Ok my prince"Jordan said.

And he went and signalled our soldiers to chase them in the forest.Me and Jordan shifted and jump off the window and we   head towards the direction they went, and we went after them. 

It wasn't easy but am not giving up because I love her , yes l accept that l love her 

She has to be mine, so l kept running and running

        Narrator's Pov 

The chase was a very hot one but the prey was determined to get away from the predator, but samiel's aim was to get Selena by hook or crook for some time they kept chasing them until they get hold of them

"Oh my, my Martha l thought you knew am not that patience type so don't test me"Samiel said in a calmed tune.

"What will you do to us huh, will you kill us like you mercilessly killed Linda and her family". Martha screamed out.

Yes Martha!!!!!! . She was being stubborn and tough l need to get rid of her"he said it with a gritted teeth.

"Why did you killed them, you are a monster your atrocities will come to  light one day.Martha said it with an angry tune.

"And l will see to it that , that day Will never come "he said with a smirk on his face Martha Dizon don't worry because l always do a clean job, no evidence no traces."bring them along with us .

Samiel took Selena in a bridal style because she was unconscious because she was knocked out by Samiel when there were captured before he had the conversation with Martha.

So they reached the palace and The two women we kept in different dungeons.