206 Worth of her love

Remo POV ~

The darkness of the night draped around Remo like a heavy cloak as he lay in bed, his mind swirling with fragmented memories and unresolved emotions. As sleep enveloped him, the tendrils of the past clawed their way into his subconscious, dragging him into a realm where time held no sway and the echoes of love reverberated endlessly.

In the depths of his slumber, Remo found himself standing in a familiar place – a sunlit meadow where he had once walked hand in hand with his first love, Izabella. The air was thick with the scent of wildflowers, and the distant hum of bees seemed to serenade their laughter.

But as Remo reached out to touch the memory, it shattered like fragile glass, leaving behind a hollow ache in his chest. For he knew that Bella was gone, her laughter silenced forever by the cruel hand of fate.

A sudden chill gripped him as the meadow faded away, replaced by a haunting darkness that seemed to stretch into eternity.


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