
Touch me

As Remo reclined on her lap, Abby felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Her heart raced with desire, her body tingling with anticipation, and her mind clouded with confusion.

The intimacy of the moment left her breathless, her thoughts spinning as she tried to make sense of the sudden shift in dynamics between them. Remo's playful gestures, his teasing words, and the lingering taste of ice cream on her lips sent her senses into overdrive.

Her fingers trembled with the remnants of his touch, her skin still tingling where his lips had grazed against hers. The warmth of his body against hers sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire deep within her core.

She watched as Remo, with deliberate intent, pulled up the hem of his shirt, revealing a hint of his toned stomach and the subtle curve of his hips. Despite her efforts to focus on the movie, Abby found her attention drawn to Remo's casual yet calculated movements.

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