
My husband

As Abby and Remo made their way through the room, the tension seemed to crackle in the air, a palpable energy that sent shivers down Abby's spine. But she refused to let the discomfort faze her, her steps purposeful and determined as they approached her uncle.

Her uncle's dark look did not waver as they drew near, his eyes cold and calculating as they bore into Abby's. But she held her ground, refusing to back down in the face of his hostility.

"Uncle," Abby greeted him coolly, her voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within her.

Her uncle's lips twisted into a sneer, his disdain evident in every line of his face. "Abigail," he replied curtly, his tone dripping with venom.

Abby felt a surge of anger bubbling up inside her at the dismissive tone in her uncle's voice, but she swallowed it back, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing her lose her composure.

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