
the beginning of the night

Hey my name is Rex. I have two best friends, one named Jane and the other is named Max. I've basically grown up with them since we were babies and this is a story about when we first became serial killers/monster slayers.*Jane is walking on the left side of Rex and the right side Max down the school hallway together as a group* hey Max what class do you have now?*I asked* I have math now. Oh cool what about you Jane. We have the same class dummy, it's chemistry.*she remarked in a joking manner*Oh well I forgot sorry.*i said in a apologetic manner with my head down* it's okay silly*the bell rings*welp school starting see ya Jane see ya Rex gotta head to class*max ran to class as fast as he said that* I have something to ask you after school is that okay?*Jane released those words as if she was worried* can't you ask now?*I said with a clueless look on my face* no I can't it has to be after school.*she had a little anger in her voice but it was more worrisome*. Okay finding whatever now let's go in  the class it's about time to start.Ok*Jane and Rex goes in the classroom and take their seat while Rex is sitting next to the window and the back of the classroom Jane is sitting in the seat next to him on the right to him seconds later a dark blue fog covers the whole school* hey ladies and gentlemen little boys and little girls we're going to play a little game with every person in the school. The last team standing will win  the game  the losing team could either survive or be killed by the other teams  if I allow it but for now I wont the name of the game is scavenger hunt but with a twist. I will give all teams tablets where there are items and tasks that need to be done. At points I will give instructions that will help you survive and when i say survive i mean to avoid certain traps. I've already made teams of 3 that 100 teams based on your bond with people*spoken by the disabody anonymous voice*.