
Awakening to a New Destiny

Elysar Valthoren awoke with a heavy gasp, his heart pounding as though it were trying to escape his chest. It felt as though he had been trapped in a never-ending whirlwind of confusion and torment, a purgatorial state that had dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Every muscle in his body ached, and his mind was a muddled mess, as if he were trying to remember a thousand different lives all at once. But one thing was clear: Elysar Valthoren was no longer the man he used to be.

For seemingly weeks, he had been caught in a bizarre fusion process, his consciousness from Earth slowly merging with the weakened soul, or better said what was left of the soul, of the original Elysar Valthoren, a young heir from a world, or even dimension, entirely foreign to him. The sensation had been unsettling and disorienting, as memories and emotions from two vastly different lives melded together, leaving him with the overwhelming sensation that he was losing his grasp on reality.

As the final remnants of his slumber dissipated, Elysar opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room, the opulence of his surroundings a stark contrast to the simple life he had known on Earth. The high, vaulted ceilings, adorned with intricate carvings, and the luxurious furnishings made it clear that he was now part of a world far removed from the one he had left behind. He was currently located inside his personal manor located somewhere inside the Valthoren noble estate judging by the memories he inherited.

'Well, this entire ordeal... I believe it was worth it! With this identity, I feel as if I could truly ascend to the top as the strongest being and conquer this world!', Elysar slowly clenched his fists in anticipation as he began to regain his composure. His face flashed with an unmistakable expression of greed and ambition, revealing his newfound determination to seize control of his destiny and become a victor. In this world, it was indeed possible. In his past life, he had faced insurmountable obstacles and restrictions that prevented him from rising to the top, but here, those limitations no longer existed. This new realm offered him boundless opportunities to reach unparalleled heights of power and influence.

'My starting point in this world is far from unfortunate; in fact, it's nearly the best possible scenario. According to the memories I've inherited, I've transmigrated into the most powerful noble family in this world...', The new Elysar mused, a hint of excitement creeping into his thoughts. After all, who wouldn't feel a thrill at the prospect of gaining more power and influence over others? At least that was his perspective. Especially since he inherited a bunch of memories of this world. It was heavily skewed in favor of nobles having countless advantages over commoners. And now, he found himself as the strongest among those very nobles.

'The only disadvantage, however, is that my personal reputation is near rock bottom within my family and in noble circles in general, all due to the unfortunate and perpetually unlucky state of the original owner...', Elysar acknowledged, realizing that he would have to work diligently to overcome the negative perceptions attached to his new identity in the future. The whole reason he transmigrated here in the first place was due to the original owner's efforts to change his original unfortunate fate by performing some kind of eerie and dangerous ritual.

In this world, where everything was determined by one's power level and the might of their fist, it was even more crucial for someone born into nobility to possess extraordinary abilities. The original Elysar, for instance, was certain that he would be passed over for the position of the next patriarch in favor of one of his two older and far more talented brothers. Many noble families weighed the talents, power, scheming abilities, and influence of various clan heirs to determine the most suitable successor, and the Valthoren family was as such.

As for the original Elysar, not only did he lack personal fighting prowess, but his misfortune extended to his scheming abilities as well. His plans never succeeded, and nobody was willing to join his faction. It was as if a dark cloud of bad luck followed him everywhere, rendering his efforts fruitless and leaving him perpetually overshadowed by his more successful siblings.

Throughout his life, the original owner experienced frequent accidents, such as falling off his horse, tripping on uneven ground, or being struck by a loose roof tile. These accidents often resulted in injuries that would take a long time to heal and left him physically weakened.

The original owner also often found himself missing out on important opportunities due to unfortunate circumstances. He would arrive late to important events, miss crucial information, or be overlooked for promotions or advantageous alliances.

'It is no wonder he chose to trust that stranger and perform such an unproven and scary ritual. But even if didn't succeed for him, it left me with a potential pathway to be the one who change our fate instead in the near future...', However, Elysar put those thoughts down and continued to observe his newfound surrounding. Just the bed he had awoken in was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and luxury, reflecting the prestigious status of the Valthoren family. The imposing four-poster structure, made from a rare and sturdy enchanted wood, was adorned with intricate carvings of celestial bodies and swirling patterns, reminiscent of the spatial motifs that defined the family's heraldry.

Elysar thought with interest all of a sudden for some reason, 'At least the previous owner was never belittled or taunted, being the son of the most powerful noble family and the only son of the wealthiest business owner in the world. His mother doted on him while his father mostly ignored him. His older brothers, too, paid little attention to him as they battled each other for succession and didn't consider him a threat. They even tried to win him over to their side because of his mother's influence. They're significantly older than the original owner, even decades older. By the standards of my previous world, they would be considered 'grandpas.' They wouldn't bother with petty trash-talking like those characters in the novels I read in my past life...', He continued observing the fascinating environment around.

Resting atop the sturdy frame was an opulent mattress, filled with the softest down feathers and infused with a subtle, soothing enchantment to ensure a restful and rejuvenating sleep. A thick, plush velvet canopy hung gracefully from the bedposts, cascading downwards to envelop the sleeping area in a cocoon of privacy and comfort.

He then slowly took a moment to survey the luxurious room he had awoken in. The high, vaulted ceiling was adorned with intricate gold leaf patterns, while the walls were decorated with exquisite Baroque-style frescoes depicting scenes of celestial bodies and swirling rifts, reflecting the power and prestige of the Valthoren family. Soft, warm sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a golden glow on the plush velvet drapes and ornate furnishings.

The room was filled with shelves upon shelves of leather-bound books, many of which were dedicated to the art of mana manipulation, as well as an array of puzzles, riddles, and mental games that mages used to hone their spiritual energy. Among these items were various glass jars containing high-grade potions, herbs, and crystallized mana, all meticulously organized and labeled.

On one of the walls, a magical calendar displayed the year 5015, with a few months having passed since his birthday. The room hinted at the approach of spring, with fresh flowers placed in opulent vases and the scent of blooming trees drifting through the slightly ajar window.

Among the lavish decorations, Elysar spotted various magical artifacts and technological marvels, seamlessly integrated into the Baroque aesthetic. Enchanted mirrors and floating orbs provided soft, ambient lighting, while a magical communication device, disguised as an ornate, golden bird perched atop a pedestal, allowed for instant messaging with the rest of the Valthoren estate.

In the room, Elysar also discovered a hidden compartment filled with an array of healing medicines and potions. It seemed the previous Elysar had been prepared for any eventuality, ensuring he had access to the means to recover from the countless mishaps and accidents that plagued his life.

As Elysar glanced around, he noticed several high-grade mana protection armors meticulously arranged on decorative stands. The previous owner's paranoia was evident in the absence of sharp objects and the soft, rounded edges of every piece of furniture. This was a room designed to provide a sense of security, reflecting the fears and anxieties of its original inhabitant.

Elysar's gaze lingered longer on the various precautionary measures scattered throughout the room, each a testament to the original owner's paranoia. Soft, padded floor mats were placed strategically around the room to prevent slipping. A crystal barrier, barely visible to the naked eye, encased the room's perimeter, further emphasizing the lengths the previous Elysar had gone to ensure his safety.

At this time he also became increasingly aware of the magical surveillance technology that the original owner had put in place. Strategically positioned in each corner of the room were tiny, enchanted crystals. These surveillance crystals were virtually undetectable, yet provided the original Elysar with a constant stream of information about the activities outside his sanctuary.

Additionally, a series of magical arrays were embedded in the room's structure, serving as both detection and defense mechanisms. They were attuned to sense any unauthorized intrusion, activating an alarm system and deploying a variety of countermeasures. Some of these countermeasures included mana suppression fields, designed to neutralize hostile magical forces, as well as conjured elemental barriers to deter physical attackers.

Among the room's many artifacts, Elysar also discovered a hidden compartment that contained an array of mana concentration weapons. These weapons, designed for self-defense, were able to harness the ambient mana within the environment, amplifying and focusing it into powerful bursts of energy. The weapons were cleverly disguised as mundane objects – a pen that could unleash a torrent of flames, and a bracelet that could emit a pulse of electricity – ensuring they could be wielded discreetly and with ease.

It was clear that the original Elysar had been meticulous in his efforts to protect himself from any potential threats. He had surrounded himself with layers of security, ensuring that he was always prepared to face any danger that might befall him. This combination of magical surveillance, defensive arrays, and mana concentration weapons had turned his sanctuary into an impregnable fortress.

'Well... Now that I see everything with my own eyes, it truly confirms the memories I've inherited. But honestly, who wouldn't be paranoid? Being born into the strongest, most powerful family, only to be seemingly cursed with a string of unfortunate accidents from the moment of birth, possessing a poor talent for magic despite having such a strong bloodline, and facing constant setbacks in every attempt to improve one's situation...', Elysar mused as he surveyed the room, grasping the reasoning behind the previous owner's mindset.

Many additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon, in addition to high-quality illustrations of some important hot female characters, and everything else gradually, as the story progresses. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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