
The twist of fate

From working in a hotel to working in the entertainment industry, Phoebe moved up little by little but falling in love again was not in her list but life has other plans for her.

katiedee · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2- Moving Out

Phoebe was angry especially because she had told Henry about her family and also because she had told him about her family issues.

Looking at the two of them made her feel disgusted, turning around she left the bar, walking down the road, she was heartbroken, the only person she trusted and loved had betrayed her, she felt like she had a problem, she had given her heart to him and she had given up her dreams to be an actress just because he said he didn't want her to be one.

She walked down the street feeling sad when someone came from behind, covering her nose with a hanky doused in chloroform, the last thing she saw was the guy that give her the huge tip.

Alex felt bored of staying at the hotel, so he took his car keys and left after telling his assistant he was going for a spin.

While driving , he spotted the beautiful lady that served him in the hotel and saw that some guys were trailing behind her. Parking his car nearby, he got down and ran towards her direction, he didn't understand why because he hardly butts into others businesses but he just couldn't swallow the thought of her being hurt.

He quickly ran to where she was and fought the guys that wanted to take her. He trained in martial arts and that was why he was confident in going out.

Picking her up in princess style, he took her to the back of the seat and drove off to the hospital after calling his assistant to "take care" of the thugs he beat up.

City B hospital

In the morning

Waking up, her eyes were met with the white ceiling, she then remembered what had happened before passing out, thinking about her cheating boyfriend, her eyes turned teary again.looking around, she couldn't find anyone and finally looked around the room she was in

She tried sitting up when the door opened and her eyes met with Alex's own, "were you the one that brought me to the hospital" she asked

"Mmm" he answered while slightly nodding his head.

"Thank you for your help"

Alex sat down on the chair near the bed without replying and the room became silent, finally remembering the money she kept in the house, she was anxious to go back home. "can i be discharged yet?"

He looked at her and called the doctor, asking him to do a full check up again, when the doctor said she could be discharged. Alex stood up, looking at her, he said."I'll drop you home"

Thinking about it, she didn't have money to take a cab so she nodded and followed him, When they were in the car the atmosphere was so quiet that she felt uncomfortable so she decided to break the silence.

"Thank you for yesterday by the way"she said

"Mmm" she guessed he was not the type to talk much so she talking till they got to the front of her house.

"Thanks again, i owe you one"

Getting down, she turned and entered the house, she turned the bed around and took the tip she kept in her hiding spot and also the money she was saving to buy a birthday gift for Henry, packed her load and left the house.

Looking at her cracked phone, she called her best friend Melody and told her she was coming to stay at her place.

Melody and Phoebe had been friends from high school, when she was bullied by her step sister and her gang, Melody was the only one that helped her, she was the only one that stayed with her when no one wanted to stay with her, taking a cab, she left.