
The Twins of Lyrona

Daoist645041 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


It was a bright moonlight night. The kind of night I enjoyed dancing in the most. it helped me forget all of my worries, like water sliding down my shoulders and to a place far away. I hear the snap of a twig, it's no animal definitely human. Tensing I wait for the person to come out of the shadows and into the moonlight where I can see them. "Hello," I call out tentatively, "is anyone there?"

"Sorry," came the reply from the shadows, "I didn't think anyone would be out this late at night." it was distinctly male with a gravely tone. "Could you - I mean would you come out of the shadows?" I asked. I held my breath and tensed up even more if that was possible, waiting for him to reply. after a short pase where the only sounds were that of the night, he chuckled. Stepping into the moonlight he said, "I promise I won't hurt you."

"How -" I started to squeak out before fear closed my throat. Swallowing I tried again, "How do I know your telling me the truth?"

"You don't," he replied smiling charmingly, "you just have to trust me." He thrust his hand forward in greeting, "My name is Desmond. What's yours?" I shrank back from his outstretched hand, looking between that and his smiling face trying to determine weather I should shake it or not. Timidly I decided to take his hand. I reached out and took his hand lightly with my own, it dwarfed in comparison. With my hand in his he gave it a firm shake and I could feel how calloused his hands were. I could feel a strength in him but also a gentleness in holding it back. Taking back my hand the instant he let go I replied, "My name is Andria." He smiled even wider as he said my name, "Andria," he repeated testing out my name, "what a beautiful name." For some reason my name on his tounge sent a shiver down my spine. Picking up on my discomfort, he clasps his hands together and brings them to his chest, pointing at me with his hands still clasped. "Well it was nice to meet you, but I should be heading back before they notice I'm gone." suddenly the thought of not seeing him filled me with a dread I couldn't name. Without thinking I reached for him crying out, "Wait!" I felt my hand grasp a fabric but only barely comprehend it, "don't go just yet." his piercing gaze searched my face, going from there to my hand clutching his sleeve. Seeing this I drew my hand back as if I was playing with fire. "O my goodness! I'm so sorry." I exclaimed bringing my hands to cover my face in embarrassment, shocked at my own boldness. "I - I don't," I started to stammer out, "I don't know what came over me! forgive me for being so forward." I finally dare to look at him, and I see that he's smiling. "It's alright. I had assumed you were frightened of me, so I thought it best to leave and give you some space. Apparently I was wrong." he finished chuckling. "O no, I'm not! well I was at first." I rushed to say, correcting myself. "But I just-. Well I wanted to-." I started and stopped sighing, "Nevermind, it's nothing."

"Really?" he asked teasingly, "Because it didn't look that way to me." he crossed his arms over his broad chest, leaning slightly in my direction quirking one of his eyebrows at me. It was then that I noticed how handsome he was. without the fear or embarrassment to distract me, I realized that he was breathtakingly handsome. With his dark wavy hair framing his sharp face,and piercing bright blue eyes filled with mischief. he had a sturdy frame not to bulky but not so skinny that you would miss how fit he is. Flustered I backed away, "I was just wondering if I could see you again." I said quickly hoping to hide the blush that had crept up my face. He looked shocked, and straightened. fearing I had something to forward again I rushed to save myself from more embarrassedment, "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to! It was a stupid request really. just forget it. I'm sor-"

"No!" he said quickly cutting me off, "No, I do want to see you again as well. I was just shocked that you wished to see me again." looking to the ground to hide my face in my hair as I answer him,"I don't have many friends. At least not many that aren't forest animals, and there not very good conversationalists." I looked up at him and smiled shyly. "So will I see you again tomorrow night?"

"Yes, definitely!" he said smiling enthusiastically, "I'm new here so I could do with a friend or two." smiling a full smile for the first time since I met him, "thank you, and goodnight!" He smiled, "Goodnight." then he turned and melted back into the shadows as if he was never there in the first place. After he completed disappeared I smiled to myself, I can't wait to see him again tomorrow. That is if I can escape from the palace again. O well I will worry about that when the time comes.

This is my first ever time doing this hope you enjoy.

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