

The Twins' Pet (Warning mature content 21+) G: Fantasy Dark Romance. ( Werewolves X Human) Story about fated love, strong bond, sweet love, noble sacrifice. SYNOPSIS: ========== Vol 1. Crescent Moon When love and lust twist together in perfect harmony, the power arise, fill the souls, filling every vein with a burst of adrenaline. "My soul will rise in your embrace," said Sadewa, looking at Liffi's iris with passion. "Sadewa," Liffi whispered. "For I'm yours, and you're mine !!" whispered Nakula passionately, his breath feeling warm against Liffi's earlobes. "Nakula," Liffi sighed. Black or White. Freesia or Hibiscus Musk or Vanilla Fresh or Sweet "Which one do you choose, Liffi?" The strong love bonds between her two mates make Liffi reluctant to choose one of the twin. So who will Liffi choose? The fierce, wild, and powerful Nakula? Or ... Sadewa, who is smart, calm, and authoritative? Wolves really do mate for life. Start reading, taste their sweetness, feel their bonds and be the part of their stories. Rest assured this ordinary love story can make you feel extraordinary. — BELLEAME. Mature content-explicit written, harsh words, and violence which may not be suitable for some readers. Please be wise in reading this work, reader's discretion needed. This novel cover is mine. Copying and pasting of this article is prohibited in any form!!! I will process the plagiarism legally. Thanks a lot. Happy reading, Belleame.

BELLEAME · Fantasy
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27 Chs

It Was Too Dangerous

Liffi laid down on the bed with huff, she turned her body side to side, from right to left, but still could not close her eyes. Liffi sighed and was pensive alone in her room, Sadewa's lobe statement made her dazed. Liffi still felt it wasn't real. How could a perfect man like Sadewa love her?

Liffi was annoyed, she kicked the blanket and got up. Sitting in her study chair, looking out of the window. The moon was crescent shaped, and looked very beautiful. Liffi formed a small square with her index finger and thumb, aiming at the moon.

"Ah, beautiful, if it's full moon, it will definitely more beautiful." Liffi aimed her finger at the image of the moon.

Liffi climbed onto the table and opened her bedroom window, trying to breathe the cool night air.


"Black?" Liffi shrieked in disbelief when she saw Black's figure from her window on the 3rd floor.

Whereas Liffi just wanted to get some fresh air, but instead saw Black below. It amazed her why Black was there at this hour, its already 2 am, late night.

"Eehhmm ... what are you doing here, Black?" Liffi asked curiously.

"I want to see you!" shouted Black.

"No kidding, Black." Liffi's face flushed.

"I'm not kidding," Black replied.

"How do you know I live here?"

"Can you come down? It's uncomfortable talking like this." Black put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Oh okay." Liffi picked up her scarf and went downstairs.

"Hello, Girl." Black smiled when Liffi came. Seeing this girl's face glow with joy made him happy. Was this how love feels like? Black liked the feeling that arose in his heart right now.

"How do you know I live here, Black?" Liffi repeated the same question.

"A few days ago I was walking home and saw you enter this apartment." Black lied. From the start he had always stalked Liffi whenever he had the chance.

"Ow, do you live nearby?"

"Yes." Black lied again, his home was far in the northern district.

"Do you want to come in, Black? I'll make tea for you. It's cold outside." Liffi offered Black a cup of tea.

Black looked doubtful, the narrow room makes Liffi's scent smell even more. What if Black couldn't help it? What if Black attacked Liffi? Or even change?

"Are you sure, Liffi? You don't regret inviting me?"

"Why be sorry? It's just a cup of tea." Liffi smiled, her face was very cute. Black thought Jane was beautiful, but when he saw Liffi, although not as beautiful as Jane, Liffi's face never looked dull in his eyes.

"Come in, Black!" Liffi immediately went to the pantry to brew some tea.

Black observed Liffi's room. He saw how narrow the room was, the same size as the bathroom in his penthouse. Black confused where to sit, no sofa. Only a single bed and a chair in front of the desk.

"Sorry, narrow, huh?" Liffi returned with two cups of hot tea.

"Thank you." Black received the tea from Liffi's hand and drank it.

"Just a second." Liffi took out a small table under the bed and a floor pillow. Black smiled at Liffi, then went to help her.

"We sit on the floor, Black. South culture." Liffi sat down, Black followed and crossed his leg in front of her.

"Yeah, I miss South,"

"When did the last time you return to the South, Black?" Liffi asked curiously.

"Five years ago, during a BLINK tour around the world." Black took another sip of hot tea

"Why did BLINK disband?"

"We have our own egos." Black couldn't admit that all of his friends were stubborn werewolves. They always fought and fought, both during and before training. The manager was frustrated and finally they chose to break up.

[Why is Black's face so similar to Mr. Sadewa's?] Liffi studied every inch of Black's face when he talk. Liffi was curious but didn't dare to ask.

"Why look at me like that?" Black touched Liffi's forehead with his forefinger.

"A ... are you hungry, Black? I had instant noodles." Liffi made excuses because she was embarrassed to be caught comparing the handsome faces of Black and Sadewa.

"Really? Oh, I missed the taste." Black replied with a smile, his neat teeth with long canines making him look very handsome, sweet, and a little wild at the same time.

"Wait a minute." Liffi went and cooked the instant noodles.





a few moment letter ...

"Full." Liffi looked satisfied after eating a bowl of fried noodles.

"This is indeed the best," said Black, while laughing lightly.

"Yeah, no one rejects instant noodles, hahaha." Liffi laughed.

"Right, it tastes really good. Hahaha ...." Black laughed too.

"Hihihi ... I never thought I could eat noodles with an artist." Liffi giggled, showing off her neat rows of teeth.

"Yeah, I don't expect to meet you either, Liffi." Black looked at Liffi's pretty face with sparkling eyes. His eyes looked so eager for Liffi.

"Eee ... hahaha ...." Liffi was a little awkward to see Black's gaze on her.

Black crawled closer to Liffi, Liffi immediately blushed when he saw Black's handsome face in front of her and continued to approach.

"W — what's wrong, Black?" Liffi now felt very awkward.

"There's dirt in your hair." Black picked up the dirt in Liffi's hair.

Their gazes met, Liffi held her breath in tension. Black again smelled the sweet fragrance of freesia. He really desired Liffi, Black wanted to kiss those sweet lips and make love with its owner. Black's face went closer, he was about to kiss Liffi. Liffi closed her eyes and stood up.

"Ah, I have to use the restroom." Liffi got up and went into the bathroom.

Black was in silent, his heart was still beating fast. It felt so strange. Adrenaline, which was triggered by pheromones, prevented his heart from slowing down. His strength increased, sharp nails started popping out of his fingers.

For a moment Black felt that his heart really hurt. Was this how it feels to be rejected?

Black lowered his head irritatedly, it seemed he was acting too fast. But it couldn't be helped, his instincts couldn't lie.

"I almost transform myself, I have to get out of here." Black got up and left Liffi's apartment.

"Black ??" Black had disappeared when Liffi slowly came out of the bathroom.

[Is he home yet? That one earlier was so dangerous, his handsome face almost flirt me.] Liffi thought and covered her red face with her palms.

What happened to Liffi today was surprising, it seemed like the Goddess of Fortuna was accompanying Liffi. There were even two extraordinary men who came to her today. And their faces looked almost the same.

***** THE TWINS' PET *****