
The Twin Devils

Uvular · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3. The Making of the Demon

"Your sister?!" David exclaimed, Tyson sat forward and even Stevros stopped drinking to listen. Wulf sighed and Felix nodded "Yes our sister. Isabella Diablo." he looked at his brother. Wulf continued, "She, is one of the strongest people on this known world. She is fueled by an insatiable thirst for violence, death and blood. She was locked up on a prison in the middle of nowhere. She was never meant to escape. Now that she has, it will only be a matter of time before she shows herself. she is a show-woman at heart, she loves making a spectacle of her acts." he thought back to when she had been caught....

It had been a dark, wet and windy day. Innocent people were going about there business in the main square of the city. Unbeknownst to them several figures, clad in black were atop the roofs. Their leader wore a cloak, and silver hood. She pulled it back, a mad glint in her eye. "The show begins" *she sent one hand to the right and a third of her followers broke off to the right, she then motioned to the left and another third broke off left. She waited for them to be in position before summoning a massive ball of fire. Once it had built up power she threw it and it blasted into the center. People flee the streets only to be blocked by her disciples. She then jumps from the roof, then proceeds to burn every civilian within a 2 mile radius. Fire surrounded her, along with corpses of many people, men, women and children. Suddenly thunder sounds and Wulf and Felix arrive, with Michael and another man. They looked around at the corpses then Wulf and Felix turned to her with a look that couldn't be determined. They spoke loudly, as one. "Isabella Diablo; Sister. By order of the Council. We are here to arrest you, for charges of Treason, Genocide, attempted Genocide, first degree murder and other crimes. You have three options. Come quietly, get arrested forcefully, or be killed" In response she sent a ball of fire at them. "Screw you and the council" she yelled, her disciples closed in on them. Michael summoned spirits which attacked the closest to him, the other man changed into a bear and fought another three. Felix blasted more with wind and Wulf fries them with lightning. Once her forces are wiped out she attacks them. Wulf and Felix take her head on and a large explosion appears. The smoke clears and the three are covered in cuts and bleeding. Then she falls down, unconscious. Felix joins her and Wulf catches him. The man who changed into the bear, who's name was Bryan, grabbed some chains and bound her. He hauled her away and nodded goodbye to them. Michael stayed behind and spoke with Wulf and the now conscious Felix. "This is one big mess. We need to make sure she never escapes." They nodded and Wulf spoke, "Nobody must know of her existence." Michael nodded, "I agree. I'll lock her somewhere nobody should find her. Take care you two. I'll swing by for drinks at some point" he waved before leaving. They both sighed and then hobbled him, letting the authorizes and medics deal with the casualties.

Wulf sat back and sighed "well now you know about her history" he looked around. Nobody spoke but they looked a wide range of emotions. David spoke first "Wow boss. I didn't realize" he said. "Well nobody did David. We covered it up" David nodded, and after a few more moments of small conversation they started filing out until only Wulf and Felix remained. Wulf looked at him "well brother. what do we do now?"