
The Twilight of Humanity

Lyn was perhaps unlucky, or maybe they were lucky that they were one of the first as it gave them a head start?

First_Fallen · Fantasy
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5 Chs

C.1 : Sickness

Lyn hunched over and let out a low groan, wanting nothing more in that moment than for the pain that plagued them to go away. They couldn't recall what they had eaten that would warrant such a bodily reaction and it left them a bit helpless.

Using a hand to support themselves, they leaned against the counter and half staggered to the bathroom, feeling as if they were wearing weights that almost totally impeded movement. When they got to the mirror, they saw their face and frowned in worry.

Normally even if they were sick or down with something, their face wouldn't be this sickly and pale. Lyn's lips were a lighter shade of purple that they hadn't seen before and their eyes were bloodshot in the whites and their brown irises were a vaguely lighter color.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Lyn's voice was hoarse and raspy, something they particularly disliked as even though they were born male, they preferred to identify with neither, just preferring females more since they found them more attractive.

Turning on the sink, Lyn washed their face but before they could dry themselves off, a lance of pain caused all the muscles in their body to lock up as their body grew hotter gradually. Lyn stiffly dragged their body to the kitchen, an effort worth praise as the heat grew unbearable everywhere.

Even in Lyn's head, their brain was boiling as it someone had dumped it straight into hot water on a stove. Just reaching for their phone with stiff arms didn't work out because the heat in their brain flared up and Lyn fell to the ground, twitching subtly with their eyes rolled backwards into their head.

In this state where Lyn was neither conscious or unconscious, they could feel the heat seeping into their body and when it faded away, all that was left was a bone chilling coldness in it's place.

As the heat vanished, Lyn could feel the coldness taking root much like the heat did, but it didn't fade away like the heat did, instead it immediately started to wrack their body with pain, as if someone were piercing icy needles into every cell in their body.

Stuck in a state of wanting to cry out but being unable to, Lyn could only endure as the pain of every tiny piece of their body washed over them endlessly like a sea with no end. That wasn't all, Lyn could feel a deep ache in their being, as if they hadn't eaten anything in years.

Unsure of how long they spent in agony, Lyn felt their senses slowly returning to them, first was smell, followed by sound. After a while, they became aware that they were laying on the floor, but they couldn't really think of that right away because the hunger within was too much to withstand.

In a smooth motion, one that was far removed from the stiff movements earlier, Lyn got to their feet and rushed to the door. They could hear a lot, the air being displaced by their movement as well as the shuffling of feet outside, and without knowing why, they instinctively moved to the sound.

Before the door was opened, they could smell the scent of something familiar, but they had no wish to stand in thought, because the door was already flung open and Lyn charged into the hall, eyes locking on to the nearest moving thing.

What Lyn saw confused them, and then shock wrapped itself around them because what was standing there wasn't a normal person! This person was wearing clothes drenched in blood and their eyes were milky white, with a nasty wound on their face deep enough to see bone.

The figure moved in their direction, perhaps drawn by the noise in a shambling trot that even someone without training could flee from. But they didn't move, not because of fear but because they felt that this thing would not hurt it.

Lyn frowned and looked at the zombie for better lack of the word and inspected it, and it wasn't the only one in the hall. Just from what Lyn could see there were at least seven in the hallway and he could hear more nearby.

Just as the zombie broke passed the three foot mark, a low yet dangerous growl left Lyn's mouth and before they could restrain themself, their hand whipped through the air, digging into the zombie's throat as if it were paper, and then they pulled while letting out a menacing roar that echoed through the halls, and the zombies which had been on their way before hesitated and then shambled away quietly as the zombie Lyn attacked staggered, and with a surge of fury, Lyn slashed the head and was horrified to see their fingers sink into the zombie's temple, making it slump to the floor twitching minutely.

Lyn saw the blood on their hand and quietly closed the door to their apartment, the smell of blood and flesh tickling their nose and rousing their insatiable appetite. Using the bathroom's mirror, Lyn had no doubt they were different because when they saw their reflection, they stared.

Staring back was a gender neutral pale face with bright greenish purple irises. Their lips were purplish and dark, and their teeth seemed normal, but Lyn could see how sharp they were as they somehow knew they could easily bite through materials easily.

Looking at their hands, their nails were pointed slightly and probably as sharp as their teeth. Weirdly enough, the blood covering their hands didn't disgust them much, and the idea of eating actually made itself known to Lyn who was busy looking at themself.

"I'm a zombie." Just by how they reacted earlier, Lyn knew they had changed, and seeing this was basically proof. If someone were to look at them, they'd undoubtedly wonder if Lyn were alive because their face had no visible blood vessels nor was their eyes normal.

"But I can still think... And those don't seem able to." Lyn left the bathroom and headed to the window, and opening the curtain, they saw a street filled with empty cars and bodies with several different states of injuries staggering around.

"Oh, it seems the world is ending then." Lyn placed a hand on the glass but didn't account for their nails as the glass now had three new shallow furrows in it, but Lyn didn't mind that and kept observing the outside world quietly.