

What would you do if you knew your fate? Will you accept it or try your best to move in the opposite direction? How would you react when there are new struggles now and then! Will you get fed up or acknowledge each obstacle with a smiling face? Arjun is in his twenties, leading a happy life in every way possible! His girlfriend, Priya, is yet another charm to his perfect life. However, the prophecy foretold led to chaos in their lives! Will they be able to cope up with the problems? Or the emergence of his ex-love, Meghali, complicate matters further!

Akash_kalita · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Old Love

As usual, I was in my cabin browsing through the files. There had been multiple rows of files stuffed up owing to my medical leave. If doing a file on the same day was tough, doing them after a break was too hectic! My hand was better now, but there were still some bruises left from the event. As soon as my 14 days leave was over, I was summoned by Boss to resume my work.

"Come in", I responded to the knock at the door.

With her face covered by the end of her red saree, a girl, resembling a newly wedded bride, entered. She had Mehendi on her hands up to the elbow mark, and the bangles were sparkling by the reflected light. She was wearing a strong perfume which my guess would be of lavender origin! The only feature not matching that of a bride was her pair of high heels, and though I couldn't make out her face, I was sure that she was staring at me.

"Now, who's this bride?" I asked as she came towards me.

She removed her veil, "This bride wants to marry you, Arjun".

"Meghali?" I was shocked, "this is no time for a joke!"

"I am serious; please believe me."

"Don't start irritating me again."

There was an awkward silence for a few moments before she began, "I want to tell you something important."

"Say it," I gave her my annoyed look, "stop creating a hype in everything!"

"It's personal", she seemed a bit reluctant.

I pressed the bell on my table, and the guard came inside.

"Don't let anyone in for some time," I ordered him.

"Ok, sir", he left the room.

"Have a seat", I asked her.

She sat down and started observing the room from one end to the other.

"Now tell me, Megha," I inquired, "what's bothering you?"

"I love you, Arjun."

"Stop that nonsense," I was untouched, "tell me if there is something essential."

"Please believe me, please," she folded hands, with tears in her eyes.

I so hate this strategy of girls! They are really expert in convincing people and getting their task done. And when the girl is someone you had feelings for once, you can't help but agree with her!

"So tell me," I paused to find the right words, "why do you love me now?"

"I love you because..." she stopped as I stood up.

"Because I have riches now, and you want a rich guy- same old Megha. Am I right?" I was filled with disgust!

She was silent.

"Megha," I started swirling the fidget spinner to keep my calm, "you didn't understand my love when I needed it most. You didn't stand by my side when I yearned for you, cried for you and now..."

She started sobbing, "That was my greatest mistake."

"And so you'll have to regret it," I didn't hesitate to be frank.

She came near me and held my hands, "Please don't leave me alone, Arjun, please. Just say once that you still love me."

"No, I don't", I replied boldly and shook off her hands from mine.

"I'm a poor boy. You're the daughter of a rich dad, and hence I stand no chance of deserving you. Am I correct?"

"Don't hurt me, Arjun", she pleaded.

"Hurt?? It doesn't suit you saying that. Just REMEMBER how many times you've hurt me in school and college."

"I never meant to hurt you Arjun," she took my hand into hers once more.

"Stop flattering," I took out my hand hastily.

"I can never forget those words which you told me that day:

'Look yourself, Arjun, you're from a small family, and I'm the daughter of a millionaire. How can you even think that I'll choose you? Apne Aukad mein raha karo'

And so did I! I stayed in my LIMITS."

"Arjun, I'll do anything you want, to come back in your life."

"I want nothing but your good riddance." I stared right through her eyes to make her realise how sure I was of my words!

She took advantage of having me well within reach and sprang her lips over mine. She started kissing me, but I didn't kiss her back and tried to push her away, which I failed! Suddenly to my great shock, Priya entered the cabin. I tried to move aside even though Meghali was holding me tight by the shirt. I was at a loss what to do.

"THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T WANT ANYONE TO ENTER", Priya was furious with rage.

Meghali was startled and moved aside, making way for Priya to come towards me and land her slaps. Slap! Slap! She deposited 2 tight slaps on my cheeks and kept on pushing me till I hit against the wall.

"MORON!" she deposited another two slaps on my cheeks, "You didn't tell me before that you love another girl."

"I don't love her."

"So your ghost was kissing her then?"

"I didn't. She kissed me."

"And you were enjoying, right?"

"No, no", I was blubbering, "I didn't mean that."

"I'm sorry to disturb you. Continue your kiss." She slammed the door.


"Will you have me back?"



"Leave now, or else I'm calling security."


"Security" I pressed the bell.

"Ok, ok. I'm leaving now. In case you make up your mind later to accept me, come visit me at room number 6, first floor, K.B. Villa, Mirza," saying this, she went away.

I hurriedly took my coat and went out of the cabin.

"Why did you let Priya enter?" I was annoyed with the security boy, "though I clearly mentioned you not to let anyone enter for a while!"

He was silent! Removing eye contact, he started staring at the floor.

"COME ON, speak up now. I need an answer. Don't make me angry again."

"I'm sorry, Sir", he finally managed to say, "I tried to resist Madam, but she peeped into your cabin through the window. Giving me an angry look, she rushed inside. I don't know what happened inside, but later I saw her running towards the parking lot with tears on her eyes."

"Oh, I got your point. Thanks for the information, and sorry for yelling at you. I was in a bad mood."

He smiled, "It's ok, Sir."

"I'll come soon," I told him.

I went to the parking lot and got in my car. I was about to start the engine when I saw a girl lying on the floor. I got off and went towards the girl to check on her. To my utter surprise, it was none other than Priya. I felt for her pulse and was relieved that it was beating normal.

"Priya, Priya," I shook her, "What's wrong with you?"

"I want to die. Let the cars run over me."

"No, I won't. I'll never let you die."

"What happened to that girl?"

"She was my friend, but now I despise her."

"Oh really!" she gave me a doubtful look, "You were kissing her, and I have seen with my own eyes."

"No, I wasn't. And even if I were, will that mean I love her!?"

"Yes, definitely yes, you..." she wanted to say something.

"Then let me kiss you too" I kissed her passionately. She didn't try to avoid it. I hugged her, and she let go of her body.

After a while, she asked me, "Who was that girl, by the way?"

"Who? Meghali?"

"Is that her name? The girl whom you were kissing"

"Yes. And for the umpteenth time, let me tell you that I was not kissing her. She was kissing me."

"But who is she?"

"Vain daughter of a rich dad."

"You loved her?"

"Yes, I did. She was my first love. I loved her from class 10 till we broke up. Yes, we had been couples, but not anymore."

Priya started sobbing, "I thought I was the only girl you ever had your eyes on".

"Just listen to my full story," I said as I wiped off her tears, "Actually, we were never meant for each other. I admired things of beauty while she ran after money. We were in the same school. Our paths separated even though we both pursued science in college life- I studied in a local college. At the same time, she moved to Mumbai with her family as her dad got transferred. That was also fine for a while as we stayed in touch every day. But gradually, phone calls started reducing, replies stopped coming, and it didn't take me long to realise that something was not right. I still remember the day when we broke up officially:

It was the 3rd of July. She updated her Facebook profile: 'In a relationship with Prince Choudhury'. My heart leapt out of the thoracic cavity, and my whole body was trembling under some unseen load of weight. I somehow managed to keep the mobile from falling off my shaking hands. It felt as if lightning had struck me. All my anger was thrust onto the phone as I smashed it against the wall, and it shattered into pieces. 'How can she change so easily?' I muttered to myself. I wanted to cry but couldn't. I felt like killing myself for trusting her so much but didn't. So I dialled up her number from my mom's phone. She didn't pick it up. I redialled but still got no answer to the call. I logged in to F.B. and checked Prince's profile, and my guess was 100% correct. He was rich- more than 50 times our family's worth. I knew that Meghali loved riches but never thought she would go up to such an extent. I started checking every detail of Prince, including his posts and pictures. As I was about to scroll down further, mom's phone rang. It was Meghali.

"Hello Arjun, you called me?" she began. I was surprised how she was acting normal even after doing such a thing to me.

"Umm... Yes, I did."

"I'm so sorry, yaar. I was in the washroom."

"Oh, it's ok."

"Anyways, why did you call me? Any reason?"

"DO I NEED REASONS NOW to talk with you!"

"Probably not."

"Then why?"

"Just asking."

"You've changed a lot Megha."

"How can you say so?" she was puzzled.

"Your F.B. status tells it all."

"Oh, You saw it!"

"You tried to hide it, right?"

She was silent.

"SPEAK UP, MEGHA," I shouted over the speaker.

"Arjun, listen. We loved each other at some point in time, but that relationship doesn't exist anymore now. You can't spare me your time, I can't spare you mine, then what's the worth in being in that relation? Moreover, he's rich and spends a splendid amount on me every time we meet."

"You know very well that I can't afford riches and luxuries right now. But I'll surely do so after getting my job."

"Oh, come on, Arjun! I can't wait that long. I will become an old lady by the time you settle down. I'm happy that we were couples, but that relationship doesn't exist anymore. It can't; it's finished."

"And what about all the promises and love that we made together?"

"Try to forget them all, as soon as possible."

"Are you serious? Three years of being together, and you mean to say that it was nothing! And that it's over now!"

"Umm, absolutely. That's very much I can say about the issue."

I started crying.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. You get sentimental so easily. Come on, Arjun, be strong. You'll find a girl better than me. Don't worry. And please..." I disconnected the call before she could speak further. She rang up again, but I was determined not to pick it up. I then moved her number to Blacklist.

I opened my F.B. once again and uploaded a post tagging her:

Because, memories can be painful!

Little by little, we grew it,

one small step after the other;

Didn't care if they were right or wrong

as we used to take them along!

Looking back, I see no wrong,

nor the slightest repentance;

only the grief of not knowing

the reason you doomed me for!

Alone I kept wandering

on the roads forbidden,

carrying along a heart

shattered in deep agony!

Even the melody of Harp

failed to smooth me up,

as it seeks for none

but one and only voice!

Promises kept unfulfilled:

I did the half I assured,

only to realise, the latter half

was nowhere to be found!

I wasn't any streetside Romeo

to have your name imprinted;

Did you never see

the only name, my eyes could tell !?

I know you're gone, away

from my vision and reach,

but Love, my dear,

has no boundaries that it fears!

To my post, she commented- "I'm sorry, Arjun, but I had to move on. I am sorry, please forgive me if you can".

And that's how it ended up."

Priya was in deep thought when I ended my narration of the story. I had goosebumps by the time I finished, and the day of her betrayal started haunting me. Pictures of myself crying, yelling, shouting flashed up in my mind over and over again. She finally asked, "Is she still with Prince?"

"No, she broke up with him long ago, after he lost all of his property in gambling and drinking."

"What a girl!" she sighed.

"Just like you" I pulled her cheeks. She blushed.

"I'm not like her. If I were her then..." she paused

"Then what?"

"Then I would have killed you to get all your money."

"What?" I was perplexed.

"I'm kidding", she laughed.

"I know right," I laughed too.

Later that day, I went to pay Meghali a visit. Yes, you read that correctly; I went to meet my ex-girlfriend. I pressed the doorbell. She opened the door and was happy to see me there. She looked beautiful in her nightgown, and her dress brought back memories of those good times we spent together.

"I knew you would come." she hugged me tightly. I embraced back.

She welcomed me into her apartment and closed the door behind me, and locked it up.

"Coffee or tea?" she asked me as I sat down on the sofa.

"Tea will be better."

"Ok. Green or black?"


"The strong black tea with ginger and black pepper accompanied by an aroma of elaichi (cardamom), right?"

"I can't believe that you still remember."

"I remember every bit of us, Arjun." saying this, she went into her kitchen.

As I was tired, I laid down on her bed. It smelt of her- she still used the same perfume she used when we were a couple. Her room was elegant and tidy, unlike my room which anyone would find ugly to enter. Everything was in its proper place. In contrast to that, my room had nothing in its correct position except the doors and windows. The clock with a pendulum swinging to and fro hung above the door, while the portraits and landscapes filled up the walls nicely. The purple curtains were correctly folded. The almirah on the right had books lined in all the compartments, ranging from journals to novels to autobiographies. On top of it were her trophies and medals that she earned over these years. Just beside the bed was her study table lined up with books and copies on either side, along with a portrait of her family in the corner. The clock started to ring as it struck 7 o'clock.

She came back with tea. She had also brought with her some pooris along with chicken curry.

"How did you know that I would come? Are you some mind seeker or what!?" I asked her as she motioned me to the tea table.

"I know you, Arjun. I can sense your feelings even if you're with me or someone else," she laid down the tray on the table.

"Her name is Priya."

"Whatever, I don't care who she is! You still feel for me, don't you?"

"No, I don't."

"Then why did you come here?"

"I don't know. I just came to see you, nothing else." I shrugged.

"Why? Tell me, what do I lack?" she looked into my eyes.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I think you know that better."

"Stop it, Megha!" I turned away.

"Ok fine," she said in a low tone, "But I am the same person whom you loved and couldn't spare a moment without. Tell me?"

"Umm.." I was determined not to be lured again, "I don't love you, Megha."

"Don't lie," she came near and sat on my lap, "I know that you still miss me."

"It's all over Megha. Now, what do you want?" I moved her aside and stood up.

"I want you."

"Because I've riches now, isn't it?"

"I want only you," she began to play my hair with her fingers. I jerked back, making sure I was in no way physically connected to her.

"IT'S ONLY FOR SAYING," I shouted.

"Don't shout, Arjun, please have the food. We can talk afterwards."

"I don't need your food." I stood up to leave.

"Please don't spoil the food," she begged, "I spent the whole evening preparing for you. Just have the food even if you don't desire to talk. Take it as if I'm still your friend."

I felt sorry for her. I know the pain when someone cooks eagerly for a person, and then the latter ignores the food. Once Sheena told me, 'You know, bro, I really hate this kind of people. How much I've struggled to give the cookies their proper shape and taste, and these nonsense creatures didn't even touch them. They just ate Rosogolla, Bhujjia and declared that they are done. What the hell is this! If they don't like homemade items, they should mention that beforehand! Why do they need to unnecessarily waste my time and labour.' She got outraged but looked cute with her red cheeks.

'But sis, you never told me that you had made any cookies!' I looked puzzled.

'That was because I had to save them for guests. I know that your tummy has unlimited capacity,' she laughed.

'Why did you become like mom?' it was now my turn to be angry, 'But one thing di- you look pretty when you get angry.'

'Oh really!' she tried to hit me, but I flee away, taking a handful of cookies.

And from that day onwards, I learned to appreciate food, even if it was not good to taste, for the labour and enthusiasm of the person behind the food.

"I'm sorry" I sat down again and started eating. It was delicious, and I started licking my fingers loaded with gravy.

"Want more?" she asked when she saw me.

"Well, yes." I wanted to tell her that this food reminded me of those good olden days with her but I controlled myself from doing something for which I might regret later.

She got up from her seat, went to the kitchen and came back with more pooris. I could see her moist eyes as she was serving.

"You're crying, Megha?"

"No, I'm not." she went straight to the next room. But I knew that she was crying. As I was hungry, I thought to finish the food first and console her later. So mean of me, right? Well, I know that! When I was done with the food, I got up, washed my hands and then headed to the room where she went crying.

"Don't act like a small child, ok? What are you crying for?"

"For you", she started sobbing.

'Don't start that again. You always win by this emotional drama as I can't tolerate your tears. Please don't cry. Tears don't look good on your lovely face' I almost spoke that line but changed it to "Come on, stop that!" and handed her a tissue from the table.

She grabbed me, not letting me move. "I'm sorry, Arjun. Please forgive me."

"I'm sorry, but I can't. It's all over now"

"I said na I'm sorry. Won't you give me a second chance?" she bent down on her knees and pleaded.

"What are you doing?" I pulled her up.

"Please, Arjun"

"I can't, Megha. I am with another girl now."

She was silent.

"I'm sorry, but Priya is many a time better than you."

"Arjun, you don't know her," she tried to pursue me, "She is a Devil in Angel's face."

"Not a word more," I pointed my index finger at her, "I'm leaving now. Thanks for the wonderful food. If you need any help just ask me. But don't beg for love."

"You'll regret one day, Arjun- like I do now."

"That day won't come even if the Sun starts rising from the west or people start travelling at speeds faster than light."

"Please don't go, Arjun."

"I have to" I raced past her and came out of her room in no time.

What a day it was! A day full of twists and turns. I was totally confused about what to do next- choose Priya or Meghali, or leave them both. My head started spinning as I thought about the matter again and again. After thinking for about an hour and a half, I came to a conclusion. I decided to forget my past and accept the present- that is, to be with Priya. But I was still not 100% sure about my decision. The last option left for me was to consult Sheena, my elder sister, and the better and responsible of the two siblings.