
The Tutorial is Too Hard for Douluo Dalu

Lin Feng found himself in the Douluo Dalu world with a decent talent at best and a spear in hand. This all changes the moment the tutorial decided to make itself known. The worst mistake that Lin Feng ever done was to accept the tutorial.

IHaveNthToDo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Obtaining a Prize

A/N: Last chapter, my updates to the chapter didn't update before I posted it for some reason. Lin Feng's stats are actually a lot higher.

When Lin Feng finally made it past the segment filled with poisoned arrows, he already didn't know how many hundreds of tries he had taken.

Despite having grinded his [Pain Resistance] and his [Poison Resistance] for quite a lot, Lin Feng still required an exorbitant amount of time to get past it since all the arrows were randomised there.

However, that brought a variety of benefits to Lin Feng as well. His stats improved like crazy in all aspects, most noticeably, his agility. Lin Feng had noticed that his strength was beginning to eclipse his other stats, so he made more of an effort to dodge arrows or to redirect them through agile reflections instead.

His endurance had increased quite a bit as well with him constantly pushing himself to the limit. This was complemented along with the increase in his [Will] and [Concentration] as they levelled up just as much.

[Danger Sensing] was a skill that had proven incredible effectiveness to Lin Feng. He didn't know how many times that he had saved himself by the skin of his teeth through the constant warnings of that skill. In a sense(no pun intended), it seemed rather similar to Haki from One Piece that Lin Feng almost got vague premonitions of danger.

Unfortunately, it was nowhere near the level of Haki yet, but with time, it definitely could reach the same level as Haki, or perhaps even greater.

Now the thing that Lin Feng was most proud of for grinding was his skills in the spear. Through his continuously skilled use of the spear to deflect many arrows, his [Spearmanship] had increased up to level 10!

Unfortunately, the moment it reached level 10, the percentage stopped going up for some reason. Lin Feng didn't know why, but he guessed that it was probably because he needed real combat experience to further improve himself.

As of this moment, Lin Feng stood in front of a massive door. On it, there was a large holographic message that stated, [Boss Room].

Looking at it, Lin Feng was slightly apprehensive. Was the [Boss Room] going to be him fighting some sort of enemy? Or would it just be more traps for him to overcome?

Questions, questions.

However, Lin Feng knew that there was no point in pondering too much about it. There was no way of knowing unless he just went in.

Now one would think that Lin Feng should grind some more before he went for the [Boss Room]. However, the problem with that was that progress was really going too slow now!

All the segments prior to this room could be completed with incredible ease even if Lin Feng just blitzed through it now. With a combination of his agility, spearmanship skills, and danger sense, Lin Feng wasn't pressured by the arrows at all anymore.

To be honest, the current Lin Feng was incomparable to the Lin Feng of before the Tutorial. With him as he was now, he may be able to fight Yan evenly.

Lin Feng didn't delude himself that he was stronger than Yan yet at the moment. Yan's stats were most likely still higher than his, and Yan had the advantage of not only higher cultivation, but also a spirit ring!

The reason Lin Feng could stand a good chance was due to abilities and the sheer instincts he had obtained from this Tutorial.

The increase in Lin Feng's battle prowess was incomparable to the gains in just his stats.

Pushing open the door, a horrifying wave heat bombarded Lin Feng's face as he hurriedly put his hands up to block it.

After a few moments of getting used to the heat wave, Lin Feng opened his eyes to see several platforms. However, there was a twist there.

Underneath the platforms, there was a pool of lava.

Seeing this, a wry expression appeared on Lin Feng's face. It was very obvious what he was about to face.

At this moment, a blue hologram popped up once more.

[Complete the Boss Room within one minute]


Lin Feng paused for half a second before his brain shifted into hyperdrive. He burst from his spot at speeds most Spirit Masters wouldn't be able to catch as he jumped on the platform.

Instantly, his [Danger Sensing] skill screamed a warning at him as he felt the platform give out beneath him.

Not to be daunted, jumped off that platform as he continuously dashed from one platform to another.

[Forty-five seconds remaining]

Receiving this alert, Lin Feng gritted his teeth. A quarter of his time had been used up yet he hadn't even made it a quarter of the way there!

He had to speed up!

Accelerating, Lin Feng began feeling the drain on his stamina as he summoned his spear and used it as a javelin to propel himself forward.

Lin Feng tried his best to regulate his breathing, however, with the heat and the fact that he was pushing himself to his very limits of speed, he was quickly getting tired!

[Thirty seconds remaining]

Jumping up, Lin Feng landed lightly on a more unstable platform as he gauged his distance from the end.

'All right, I'm more than half-way there now!' Lin Feng comforted himself.

Flip, jump, dash. Those were the movements Lin Feng made use of the most despite the quickly draining stamina.

He didn't have a choice in it! He had to keep up his speed!

Rings of notifications rang within Lin Feng's head. However, he didn't put any of them in his eyes as he continued with maximum concentration.

[Fifteen seconds remaining]

Hearing this, Lin Feng was ecstatic. The reason for this was because he was actually on the last stretch already! Only a few more steps before he was at the finish line.

It was at this moment that a spoilsport chose to intervene. The lava underneath the platforms bubbled violently as lava suddenly splashed upwards.

Lin Feng's [Danger Sensing] skill informed him of this, and he made the necessary sidestep to avoid this splash of lava. Unfortunately, a few drops of lava landed on his legs as pain ran up his spine.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Feng withstood the pain. The [Pain Resistance] skill did its work as Lin Feng worked past the pain and continued his way to the finish line.

[Ten seconds—

[Boss Room has been completed]

As Lin Feng's left foot made contact with the floor at the end, a powerful and dense life energy rushed into his body as all his injuries disappeared.

Lin Feng let out a deep breath as all his fatigue faded away before a sense of accomplishment filled his heart.

Unable to contain his excitement, Lin Feng threw his hands into the air as he shouted, "Zero deaths!!!"

The fact that he didn't get a chance to grind for [Fire Resistance] didn't even occur to him at this moment.

It was also then that another blue holographic message made itself known.

[Congratulations for completing stage 1/??? of the Tutorial.]

[Prizes will be distributed according to performance]

[You have obtained [God-Bestowed Spirit Ring]]

Before Lin Feng could react to this, a golden light shone upon his body as Lin Feng felt energy rushing into his meridians.

Finally realising what was going on, Lin Feng's eyes widened.

God-Bestowed Spirit Ring? Wasn't that something that could only be gotten for during a God Assessment?

Putting those thoughts aside for now, Lin Feng decided that he would first need to deal with the elephant in the room.

He dropped into a lotus position as he tried his best to assimilate the energy of the spirit ring.

As energy constantly rushed through his meridians, the age of the spirit ring rose as well.

100 years

200 years

300 years…

...700 years

At this point, Lin Feng felt his body reach its limit. Despite this, he chose not to cut off the connection here. Inside this [Healing Area], Lin Feng didn't need to worry about being killed unless it obliterated him instantly so he could brute force a higher age for his spirit ring like this!

800 years

900 years…

1300 years

1400 years

Feeling himself about to spontaneously combust, Lin Feng instantly cut off the connection. As soon as he did so, he felt his cultivation skyrocketing as a result of the excess energy from the spirit ring!

His cultivation swiftly rose to Rank 14 before it stopped. Letting out a deep breath, appreciation appeared in Lin Feng's eyes.

'Hehe, through the use of this room, I've managed to go far beyond the limit of what a normal Spirit Scholar should get as their first spirit ring. Lucky me…'

Lin Feng was suddenly brought out of his thoughts as a notification popped up in front of him. Looking at it, he noticed that the stat points sections that had been at zero had increased.

[Stat Points + 47]

Seeing the increase in his stat points, Lin Feng hypothesised that the rank he broke through to would be the amount of stat points he would get per rank up.

He wouldn't spend it just yet. It was better for him to personally grind for stats now that it was still easy and save those stat points up for when getting stats up got hard.

Lin Feng got up slowly, gradually familiarising himself with his new power. As he did so however, the world around him began to fade away as Lin Feng suddenly found himself back inside his original room.

He wasn't particularly surprised by this. In fact, he was actually expecting this to happen.

Stretching his limbs, Lin Feng checked out his first spirit ring ability.

[Martial Spirit: God Killing Spear (Sealed)]

[Cultivation: Rank 14 Spirit Master]

[Stat Points: 47]

[Strength : Rank 16 Spirit Master (4/15)

Agility : Rank 18 Spirit Master (8/15)

Endurance: Rank 16 Spirit Master (8/15)

Intelligence: Rank 12 Spirit Master (4/15)

Luck: 6]

[Skills: Concentration Lv. 9 (54%)

Will Lv. 7 (39%)

Observe Lv. 6 (32%)

Pain Resistance Lv. 9 (49%)

Spearmanship Lv. 10 (45%)

Danger Sensing Lv. 8 51%)

Poison Resistance Lv. 6 (15%)]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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