
Awekening in stone

Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter - A rocky situation

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over the city, I trudged my way home after another mundane day at the office. James Mormont, a 30-year-old officer clerk with no family to call his own, living in the quiet recesses of anonymity. My parents had succumbed to the relentless grip of cancer, leaving me to navigate the labyrinth of life alone.

Tonight was no different. The streets were quiet, and my footsteps echoed against the silent buildings. My thoughts, however, were far from the monotony of my routine. You see, tucked away behind the façade of a seemingly ordinary man, there existed a passionate soul fueled by an unexpected source – Naruto. The ninja world crafted by Masashi Kishimoto had become my sanctuary, an escape from the mundanity of reality.

Little did I know that this ordinary evening would unfold into a chapter of my life that not even the most elaborate plot twists in my favorite anime could prepare me for.

Approaching a dimly lit crosswalk, my attention was drawn to a scene that sent a shiver down my spine – a little girl, oblivious to the imminent danger, stood frozen in the path of an oncoming truck. Instinct and adrenaline surged through me, compelling me to act.

Without hesitation, I lunged forward, pulling the child to safety just as the truck roared past. The air crackled with the scent of burning rubber, and in that moment, I felt a jolt, a force that threw me into the unknown. As if struck by the hand of fate itself, I found myself at the crossroads between life and something inexplicable.

Truck-kun, a mythical entity from the isekai tales I so fervently consumed, had become the harbinger of my transformation. The impact was surreal, a sensation that transcended physical pain and delved into the realms of the ethereal.

As my consciousness wavered between worlds, the threads of my existence rewove themselves into a tapestry unfamiliar yet strangely reminiscent. Darkness swallowed me whole, and in that void, I met the being known as ROB( random omnipotent being).

I don't remember too much about the process, maybe ROB made it that way, but I remember having a list of abilities that would help me in the new world.

I don't remember it really, but I know I have the abilities of the second tsuchikage Mu which are the dust release and the ability to hide the presence. I also have a logia body that is a passive ability but takes away some form of energy.

My final ability was haki, for some reason, I knew it wouldn't be as strong as the one's in one piece and I would never be able to improve it except the conquerors haki, I was still grateful for this ability.


I don't know how long has passed but I glimpsed at a distant memory.

Awakening to a reality both foreign and strangely nostalgic, I found myself in the *hidden* village of Iwagakure, surrounded by towering cliffs and mountains and the echoes of shinobi life.

Confusion gripped me, but a new identity took root within my being – Takeshi, the youngest son of the Third Tsuchikage.

Few months later….

I'm not sure how long has passed, I have no sense of time nor direction, not that I could move anyway.

This really sucked, I have read many fanfics and I don't understand how these reincarnatirs are fine with laying still for such a long time.

It's very boring and the most I can do is just sleep and drink some milk from my caretaker.

In this rebirth, my mother's death lingered as a melancholic melody, a dirge that whispered tales of sacrifice and a bond severed before its inception.

Five years later.....

It's been a five years since I have been reborn into this world.

My chakra path opened up when I was three, I am not sure if my abilities have awakens but so far it doesn't seem so.

As Takeshi of hidden rock , I have come to terms about the fact that I was reborn.

The village that once seemed alien to me, began to weave its way into my heart and a sense of familiarity arose from within.

The embrace of stone walls replaced the cold anonymity of city buildings. I struggled to adapt to the rigors of ninja life, the teachings of shinobi, and the responsibility that came with being the tsuchikage's son.

I have spent my time training myself to prepare for the academy, if possible I may get an early graduation as I don't want to stay in a place with a lot of kids.

I may stay and make friends and connections, though it would eventually happens as the tsuchikage's son, it is important to make real friendships and not just acquaintances with no familiarity to my fellow villagers.