
The Truth of heroes?

A world where heroes are not as they are painted, a group of young people will rise up to fight the corruption of their world

DaoistEtCeHp · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Goku had never felt so much fatigue in his muscles, his face showed the suffering of following the rhythm of that training, his face was full of veins that throbbed from the brutal effort of lifting a cart in each arm, it sounded extreme, but he knew it was necessary if he wanted to defeat the "heroes" and the "villains" but especially the top heroes, the strength of those heroes was far superior to that of a common hero or villain found in the streets.

-"Come on Goku, only 10 to go" -said Goku with a tired smile -"You can do it, you can do it, don't give up! -He motivated himself to finish the hellish training he was doing.

The place where Goku trained was an old warehouse that was located next to the abandoned train tracks. Goku discovered that place on one of his walks around New York, at the moment he found it, he decided that it would be the ideal place to train, since it was away from the main avenues of the city and would be difficult to find for both ordinary people and heroes, so no one would interrupt him in his training and the warehouse had all kinds of objects, including old cars that could be used for training and being near the abandoned train tracks he had space to practice handling his powers.

-"I did it"-said Goku with a tired tone, but at the same time happy to have finished his physical training.

Goku carefully placed the wagons he was carrying, on the ground, he didn't want any of them to fall on him.

-"I only have half an hour left to train my powers" -said Goku with a wild smile, it was time to see how much he had improved.

Without wasting time, he headed to a clear area to avoid any inconvenience, he didn't want to accidentally destroy any train or car because he didn't want to draw the attention of the authorities.

-The time has come! -Goku spoke with a smile to close his eyes and begin to expel his aura.

The black aura that at first was barely visible began to turn into purple flames, these flames became more and more violent, giving at the end intense and untamable flames.

Suddenly, Goku opened his eyes seeing his beautiful crimson orbs change to a dark violet.

-"This is unbelievable!" -Goku spoke in amazement as he felt his power overflowing.

The flames began to spread all over the place causing the ground to turn to ashes and the jet's clothes began to disintegrate leaving him practically in his underwear.

-"I think I overdid it" -said Goku as he laughed when he saw that he was practically naked, "Concentrate Goku, just spread the flames on his arms" -he thought serenely.

The flames began to disappear to appear on his arms in the form of purple flames.

His dark violet orbs observed the result to then mold the flame and turn it into a kind of sphere that gave off a surprising heat, this surprised Goku who only gave a wild smile, his eyes focused on a somewhat worn wagon without thinking twice threw the sphere generating a medium explosion, so that the fire began to spread everywhere.

-"My powers have increased a lot" -said Goku with a proud smile -"But what kind of powers do I have?" -He wondered, his powers had gone from being just a black aura that transmitted some heat and enhanced his abilities, to an aura, but in the form of purple flames, which gave off abysmal heat.

Goku continued to wander in his thoughts for a few seconds until a specific memory came to mind, it was, when his father activated his power that were a kind of golden flames and told him his last words which were "Whatever happens you have to survive".

Goku felt a sense of helplessness at the memory of that moment, but in an instant it vanished as he remembered that he would take revenge on those scum.

-"So, my powers are similar to my father's?" -questioned Goku as he remembered this fragment of his past.

A smell of ash began to reach Goku's nose, as he felt it he quickly looked to where the smell was coming from, which happened to be coming from the wagon that had thrown the sphere, only the fire was everywhere.

-"If this keeps up, the authorities and the heroes will come" -Goku spoke with some concern, not because he was afraid of the heroes or the idiots of the authorities, he just didn't want to draw so much attention to himself for now.

Several solutions came to the red-haired man's mind, one of them was to get off the tracks, but he would lose the place where he trained, another idea was to put out the fire with water, but there was nothing nearby and the last one was to use his powers, yes it sounded strange, but there was a possibility that besides creating purple flames he could control or manage the fire at will.

-"I lose nothing by trying" -said Goku with determination.

Goku closed his eyes, stretched out his arm and tried to put out the fire, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't, it was as if something was preventing him.

-"Nothing... Nothing..... Nothing ..... Nothing..... Nothing.... -said Goku in frustration at not being able to put it out.

The anger and frustration of not being able to get it made the flames that were scattered all over the place become more unstable and problematic.

Goku was not aware of this, he was only guided by his negative emotions, until he reached a point where the place started to become an inferno.

Negative emotions just came to his mind multiple times.

... "Pain."

... "Hate."

... "Anguish"

... "Anxiety."

All seemed lost but the flames gradually died down. Goku's face of pure hatred changed to a more relaxed one to the point of a smile, but this smile was real, a genuine one, the fire had been completely extinguished, there was no trace of the flames, only the ashes of some objects, had been left as a witness of that inferno.

-"I managed to extinguish the flames"-said Goku tiredly.

Goku saw the place, realizing that most of the things were in ashes, he just sighed and sat down on the ground.

Tears showed in his orbs that had turned from stunning dark violet to crimson.

-"(Just thinking about you ....... makes me cry)" -thought Goku with a grimace of sadness, remembering those three people who were special, those people who were with him in his darkest stage, in the stage when nothing mattered to him, in the time when he was considered a monster.

-"I miss them" -were the last words he uttered.

Goku changed his clothes, grabbed his bike and left the warehouse to head to the university, which was only 15 minutes away from the start of classes.