
19 years earlier...

"You know damn well modern royal families are meant to be hidden. We aren't the fucking royal family of Britain!"

Christopher's hair had fallen from the gel hold, and the gold locks now hung over his sweaty forehead. He tried wiping it away but it just fell back over the pale patch of skin. Everyone in the room went silent.

"I am having a child and I refuse to let her get hurt!"

He slammed his fist down onto the long table in front of him, making everyone flinch away from him. He truly thought hiding the little girl would be best. He really only wanted her to be safe, and keeping his family hidden from the public eye was the best way.

"But if you just make the world known of your existence and not do anything, no one can hate you and your family."

"That's where you're wrong, there is always going to be someone who hates us for our money."

The social manger, Mark, shook his head at the king.

"There is going to be someone who hates you for everything! If we need to double your security, we will!"

Christopher glared at the half bald man sitting to his left a bit. He wanted to grab him by the neck and show him he was truly talking to, but that was frowned upon. But if this man pushed him any farther, he didn't know if he'd be able to stop himself.

"Christopher, this is a huge step I'm aware but I think it could help you a lot."

"How the hell is it going to help me?!"

Mark looked down, flinching from the tone of voice the king used. No one wanted to talk but they needed to, there was other choice. If they said nothing, the King they know and love would be too enraged to control himself. So a small boy who sat in the corner stood up and bowed his head to the King, making him aware of his respect for the man.

"Your Majesty, may I speak?"

The King waved his hand for the small boy to go on.

"First off, my name is Alexander, my father worked for you until his recent death."

"Ah, you're Lamar's son. Sorry for your loss"

Alexander took another step forward.

"Thank you sir. You are having a girl, and you ant her to be protected at all cost, which is a completely normal thing for you to think. I do think becoming more public could help get reaction for you and your family, and people could see how much you all truly do care about the world and your people. In order to protect her, have you ever thought to have a personal body guard for her. Someone who would watch her door as she slept, took her out places, or even escorted her as a date to gala's."

The king finally look at the boy, truly seeing his body shape and facial expression. The boy have muscles but still needed to grow a few years. Which would be fine, the king wasn't too worried about his little girl until she became older. Alexander felt exposed by the King's glare. He felt as if the King could see through him. His black hair swooped down over his forehead, his pale complexion looked pasty, and his eyes shined a dark brown like coffee.

"I suppose I never thought of that. Are you suggesting you are to take the role."

"That is not what I was proposing, but i could if that's what you would like."

The King scoffed. He had always been a snarky man, but kept calm most of the time.

"Well, since it's your idea, you should do so. Don't you think?"

The consul nodded their heads with what he was saying. They all agreed with the boy, knowing that he was right.

"If that's what you would like, your Majesty."

The King nodded and walked the short few it took to get to the boy. He slowly moved his hand to Alexander's shoulder. The small boy had to stop himself from moving away from the aggressive touch.

"Aren't you supposed to take over for your father?"

The boy shook his head.

"No, sir, that's my older brother."

The King nods.

"Then it's declared you will be her body guard when she needs one. We will get a room made for you near hers. Now come on, there's lots to do."

The king led him out of the room. At the age of fourteen, this boy had no idea what was in store for him. Nonetheless, he walked with his head held high and a shit ton of determination to become a stronger, more helpful man. Alexander had it drilled into his head he was going to protect this little girl even if it costed him his own damn life. This was definitely the most dumb, toxic, possessive, and manly thing he had ever thought. Even if he knew that he didn't care, he just wanted to make his small and private kingdom proud of him. And mostly his father proud. He was doing this for his dad. Maybe this would turn out well, or that's what he thought.