

???'s POV

"But I don't want to bully you!" The ash blond toddler cried to his dark green haired best friend, tears were flowing down both boy's faces as he spoke.

"You have too! If you don't I won't be able to be a hero with you!" The greenette responded, his face a mess as they cried together.

The boys were just told by a 'fortune teller' that they had to grow up hating each other in order to make their dreams of being heros real. "It's okay Kacchan, this way you can still remember and when we grow up you can make me remember too."

"But Deku, I love you. You are my best friend!" Kacchan answered hiccuping as his tears streamed down his face.

Deku gave the blond boy a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I know and you're mine too!" The green headed boy gave the blond a sweet innocent smile before walking to the lady who gave them their fortunes.

She had watched the little scene and her heart broke a little as she did. It was plain as day what these two meant to each other but she had seen a future without the green headed boy as a hero in it and it was bleak. These boys HAD to do this because if they didn't the world was likely to end as they know it.

The two boys finally parted and the one that the blond called Deku walked to her, ready. The blond finally stood next to him ready as well. She then placed her thumb firmly first to Deku's and then Kacchan's foreheads, sealing off the needed memories and half of Kacchan's quirk as well as all of Deku's. The two boys stood numbly as she hid herself away and waited for the two to come too.

"Stop following me you quirkless nobody!" The blond screamed shoving the other boy down. The woman felt her heart break even further; she could only hope that what she did was actually for the best. She had left a simple trigger in the blond so that when it was time he could unlock both their quirks and their true memories when it was time.

"Good luck my heros," she whispered before disappearing into the crowds of the town.

~Present Time~

Bakugo's POV

Urg what is wrong with me? My head keeps spinning and I feel like I'm about to hurl.

"Hey Bakubro are you feeling alright?" Kirishima asked me. Not that I would ever admit it but the red head was my best friend and sometimes it was unsettling how well he could read me.

"Tch," I responded not wanting to deal with it. We were walking back to our dorms and had just gotten to the common room. I turned towards the elevators and headed for my room, not worrying about Kirishima. 'What is wrong with me?' I can't help thinking before shaking my head and pushing the button from my floor.

I walked into my room comforted by the soft pale colors of the room. My room was normal; that was the best way to describe it. The only distinct thing about my room is that it had what looked like a regular bookshelf in the room but it opened up into a secret room that had all of my very nerdy and personal things in it. But I'm not going there, not today anyway.

I just plopped down on my bed and taking a shaking breath finally felt myself relax. Something about today seemed... Wrong. It all started with Deku just walking into the classroom just like any other day but something was different... What was it?

Then my eyes snapped open; Deku didn't come to class with four eyes or round face today. In fact he stayed by himself all day. I sat straight up 'But why does that bother me?' I can't help groaning knowing what I had to do before standing up again. I walked out of the room and walked back to the common room where I saw Deku, he was just sitting on a couch seemingly occupied on his phone but I know better. Deku was barely even glancing at his phone; he was just ignoring everyone instead. 'What is going on? This isn't normal.'

Deku's POV

'Oh my All Might! What is the matter with me?' I can't help thinking to myself as I sit on the couch scrolling through my phone. I haven't been feeling like myself all day. I even forgot to wait for Uraraka and Iida this morning and just went to school without them. Of course I apologized for it saying I wasn't really feeling well and they smiled knowing that I wouldn't be rude like that on purpose. It didn't stop there though.

During breaks I just scrolled through my phone and my friends just let me knowing I wasn't feeling like myself. Even during lunch they talked to each other but didn't push me into joining. I did see their worried looks but I just couldn't bring myself to join in, I just couldn't bring myself to care. After school we walked into the common room of our dorm.

We plopped on the couches to watch the news like everyday but I just can't focus. I hold back a groan, 'I wonder what Kacchan is doing?' My head snapped up at the thought, confused. Why did I think of that?

There was a loud crash outside and everyone jumped up and ran outside to see what it was. Thankfully it was just an old tree but just as I'm letting out a sigh of relief I feel like something was stabbed through my chest.

I looked down to see nothing at all but I am still grabbing at my heart trying to free myself but there was nothing for me to grab. I drop to my knees and the next thing I know everything is black.

Third Person POV

Suddenly both Midoriya and Bakugo were clutching at their chest and dropping to the ground but everyone noticed, those two had been in the front of the group, ready to fight whatever was outside. Class A surrounded the two boys who seemed to be in pain, several were at the ready in case it was an attack. Someone shouted for Iida to run to get help and he ran as fast as his engines would let him but the two boys on the ground wouldn't have known.

Both Midoriya and Bakugo were turned over so they were facing the sky above, their eyes were closed but just as Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa) arrived with Midnight there was still no further disturbances. The teachers took both boys to Recovery Girl but she couldn't find anything wrong with them.

"I don't understand there is nothing wrong with them at all. All of their vitals are good, they are not sick but they are still both covered in sweat like they have a fever," she spoke as she continued to check them. Even her quirk couldn't find anything wrong with them.

"We need to notify their parents and transport them to a hospital right away!" All Might (Toshinori Yagi) said taking out his cell phone and he was already dialing while following as Aizawa picked up Katsuki Bakugo and Midnight picked up Izuku Midoriya something happened to these two boys and it is a little more than disconcerting to all the teachers that they couldn't figure out what it was.

Bakugo's POV

"Urg, my head!" I groaned, lifting a hand to try and soothe my head. I tried to remember what happened but nothing seemed to come to mind. When I looked around I saw another bed with a mop of green curly hair, Deku.

"DEKU! What the hell did you do this time?" I shouted, well I started out shouting my head spinning had me talking at normal volume right after his name though.

"Katsaki!" My mom comes running crying.

"What happened this time?" I groaned expecting to hear how Deku made us the target of some kind of villain attack or how I was kidnapped, again. After a moment of only silence I looked up at her, she was just crying.

"Mom?" I asked, starting to get scared. "What happened?" My mom doesn't just cry; she yells and hits whatever is in her way but she doesn't cry.

She just cried and tried wiping her tears away to talk but she would just break down and cry again instead.

"Huh? What's going on?" Deku yawned sitting up and stretching.

"Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo we have some questions for you now that you are awake again." All Might said walking in. "I'm so glad to see you both awake." I heard him almost crying making me angry again.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED ALREADY?!?" I screamed not only was I pissed I am starting to freak out.

"Damn brat, don't talk to All Might like that!" My mom finally yelled but she was smiling, well at least she's back to normal.

"Umm All Might, what exactly happened?" Deku asked seemingly just as confused as I was. But then his mom came in crying and sobbing even more than my mom did, but that is pretty normal actually.

"Urg," I groaned, plopping back into my bed. "I hate hospitals."

"Well you two spend more than enough time in them, considering how much you both complain about it," Eraserhead came in glaring at us.

"Can someone just please tell us what happened already? The last thing I remember is a tree crashed down outside and then..." I stopped as my eyes widened. Pain, I quickly looked down at my body and other than an IV I looked fine. I started pulling at my shirt trying to see under the hospital gown thing I was in but there was nothing. Smooth skin was all that was there and I looked up to see everyone staring at Deku and I, I looked over and he had been doing the same thing I was.

"Then what?" Our mothers demanded no longer crying but glaring at us like we did something wrong.

"Pain, I thought I got shot or something." Deku responded as I felt my own blood leave my face. I know I had to be as pale as a ghost.

"It was like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and tried to just slam it back in..." I whispered in horror. A shiver ran through my veins as ice seemed to pump through me.

"It was like dying," Deku and I said together. Normally I would have cursed at him or something but I couldn't help this feeling that I was forgetting something more important than life itself. I just laid down quietly, unable to think about anything else. I just wanted to go to sleep but something tells me that wasn't going to happen. It didn't stop me from curling up under the blankets to try though. I was vaguely aware of Deku doing something similar but I just couldn't bring myself to yell at him.

The nurses and doctors came in and after checking on us one more time removed the IV's from our arms but insisted that we stay the night and we would be discharged in the morning. That didn't really matter though it was only a couple hours away.

Deku's POV

I laid down in my own bed not really seeing or hearing anything. Both of our mom's left and I didn't even notice All Might sitting in between us trying to get us to talk more. I just couldn't. The pain was too much. I could still feel it now, I kept clutching at my chest, no longer even aware Kacchan was in the room anymore. I could only think about the pain and feel like I KNOW without a doubt something was taken from me, I just didn't know what.

The hours seemed to fly by when suddenly it was time to leave. It felt like I was on autopilot or something I got dressed and just went wherever I was pushed? No they weren't mean about it more like extra careful so I wouldn't run into someone. I did however notice that Kacchan was being treated the same. I could also see the fear in his eyes, the fear that the pain would come back and the memory alone was painful enough, and to make it worse it wouldn't go away.

We were in principle Nezu's office with him and a few teachers that were still trying to get answers out of us but what they were saying didn't really seem to make any sense. I just couldn't make out their words. Tears started prickling at my eyes before I started bawling.

"Kacchan?" I asked my voice horse from my sobs and finally, finally I could understand.

"Deku?" He responded I could hear him. Even with everyone else in the room talking I just couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

"Can you hear them?" I asked him more than relieved that I could hear him if nobody else.

"No, just you shitty nerd." He sighed, not groaned or yelled or screamed, he just sighed like he just didn't know what to do anymore.

"Do you remember when we were kids, what we would do when one of us was upset?" I asked slightly nervous.


"Can we? Just once?" I wanted to beg him only just now realizing that I was silently sobbing.

I heard him sigh again before, "Yeah. Just once though." I looked over at him and saw that he was crying just as much. Not exactly ignoring our teachers considering we couldn't really understand them anyway, I crawled into his lap and snuggled into his neck while I sobbed one hand in his soft, fluffy hair and feeling him do the same while running his fingers through my hair.

I have no idea how long we stayed like that but someone seemed to try and separate us, only for us to cling to each other more. I could feel Kacchan's arms as he prevented anyone from prying us apart. I have no idea what's going on but I won't let go.

Bakugo's POV

After a little while I looked up and the room was empty. "Fucking bastards!" I practically spit making Deku jump.

"Kacchan?" His voice was small and almost childlike.

"They left us," I growl and he looks up and then looks around his eyes big and confused.

"Why would they leave without telling us?" He whispered, it was almost like I could hear his heart breaking. If he only knew how much that hurt me.

"The fuck if I know," I growl pissed. "One day I'll be a better hero than all of them combined, just watch. I mean I understand why they would leave me. But you, you're their golden boy." I could feel myself shaking in anger that they could just abandon him. HIM! But Deku curled up and cried into my chest even harder than before and I couldn't help myself from joining him.

Deku's POV

"Kacchan?" I asked my voice was gruff and honestly it felt a bit like I had eaten gravel.

"Deku?" His voice sounded just as bad as mine.

"Why does it hurt so much? I feel like... I don't even know." I tell him in a hushed voice afraid that it will only make it worse somehow.

"I don't know," He answered in the same hushed tone. His arms tightened around me protectively. "I really don't, it's like I forgot something. Something so important that I would rather have died than forget but I don't know what."

I nodded at his words somehow understanding exactly what he meant because I was feeling it too. "Just a little longer?" Somehow I wasn't at all afraid of asking if anything I was finally starting to relax.

"Shut up and go to sleep fucking nerd," as harsh as his words were his voice was relaxed, almost soothing.

"Goodnight Kacchan," I whispered, finally relaxing, my tears having run dry as I tried to snuggle closer to him.

"Night Deku," was the last thing I heard before sleep finally claimed me.

Third Person POV

"What the hell just happened?" No one seemed to know who had spoken but everyone couldn't help agreeing. Are these really the two boys that are always fighting and causing no end of trouble not only for themselves but their teachers and classmates as well? These two boys, one of which was constantly harassing the other, actually crying in each other's arms?

Even Aizawa, their homeroom teacher, had learned that Bakugo had bullied Midoriya to the point of nearly being a crime in middle school, although he had not shared that fact otherwise he would have been expelled already. Choosing to let him prove himself as better considering how Midoriya seemed to have long since forgiven him.

"What happened to you two?" He couldn't help asking out loud, no longer sure if he meant the night before or much further in their past. What could have driven these two so far apart that they seemed to only know fear and hate when just from what they learned from the few times they had talked throughout the day they must have once been great friends. Hell if not for their already young age Aizawa would have sworn they were lovers from the way they held onto each other.

And now they thought we had abandoned them. They couldn't hear or see us and it seemed to only be getting worse as time went on.

"All Might, I think you and I need to have a talk." Eraserhead pointed out more than slightly perturbed by the whole scene.

"Yes, I think we do." He answered his voice taking on a tone of regret. What did he know?

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