
The True Nayagan(Hero)

BLKanishk · Realistic
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2 Chs

The Survival

How astan survive the cruel world.

Astan reached Delhi on the early morning. He was very drowzy because he spent all night crying for his parents. He got out of the train with a unique feeling. He neither know anyone in Delhi nor came to Delhi before in his life this is the first time. Astan was roaming everywhere in Delhi for food but nonone shows mercy on him. He got a twenty rupees from a thin looking gentle man for carrying his bag to the nearest river. He was admiring at the twenty rupees because he thought getting twenty rupees is so easy when he was with his parents. Four boys came near to him in a sudden they fetched the money from his hand and ran away. Astan followed them by saying them to stop in Tamil(language used at Tamilnadu). A boy working in a shop, seems same age of Astan called Astan and asked him are you from TamilNadu. Astan said yes. The strange boy introduced that he was also from TamilNadu, named Indra who was lost at Delhi by his parents when they came for a tour. He was a baby when he got lost, so he can't return to his house. After sunset Indra brought Astan to a small hut where live. There is another person who seems to be about 50 years old. His name is Nagesh, he only took care of Indra and he was a poor fisherman. Astan stayed that night with them.