
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · TV
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9 Chs

money ideas

Raymont age 10

As I study the books of kings and my kingdoms ive found how the Targeryans were overthrown after their dragons died they had no army to call upon without marriages or old loyalties that change at the smalles insult real or imagined

So im going to create a army and the best start to that is the gold cloaks they are already armed and there are three thousand of them a very good starting number the only thing im hesitant of is getting money for the projects but i have some ideas the capital has half a million souls so labour will be easy the best place to start getting money is a loan of grandfather about fity thousont gold dragons will do for my plans

"Mandon!" i shout from the desk im sitting at i hear the rasp of a blade leaving its sheath as the door is thrown open my kingsguard shadow scaning the room for danger once hes sure there is no danger he turns to me and says "yes my prince?" he asks "i want a runner sent to collect my uncle Tyrion also i want the grand maester to come and collect a letter that i need deliverd and then i want you to come back here if all goes well then then we will be leaving to go to some locals in kingslanding" i finish saying and he nods ready to go but i stop him and said "my mother cant know" he once again nods but before he leaves he turns and bows and says "yes my prince"

As soon as he left i got to work on my letter i decide to keep it short and to the point "grandfather i need money for some projects to help my accension to the throne can you send me fifty thousand gold dragons i will play it back in due time after all a lannister always pays his debts from your grandson Raymont of house baratheon crown prince of the seven kingdoms"

by the time all that has been completed the grandmaester has arived i handed him the letter and told him to deliver it to my grandfather with as much haste as he can

a few minutes after he left i started thinking about how to train the watch if im given permision to be their commander the first thing would be to give the sheilds and maybe better armour their helmets are pretty lacking so armour upgrades and then also maybe give them a diffrent wepon instead of their spears i would give them poleaxes and i need to replace their commanders to people i can trust to not be too self servering a bribe here and there can be expected but not to the extent that they do now but i will do all this if i get to be in charge of them

after the door is knocked on i allow entrence to whoever is there and my uncle tyrion walks in i just point to the seat infront of me and i keep writing down my ideas that i wish to implement on his part he sits there and samples the wine left on my desk i dont realy drink still too young to do so in a casual manner but i keep a bottle or two for when someone visits me i found people feel alot more relaed if you offer then a drink i finaly finish writing and put it off to the side to dry and give tyrion my full attention

"I have a job for you if you do well then you may even get a small council postion when i become king" i say to him looking across the desk at him hands folded with my head resting on them

"Oh how generous of you dear nephew and what is this job that you have for me" he says with that unattracive smile already on his third galss of wine

"I want you do buy buissnesses in kingslanding and manage them for me if you do so you shall get a cut of the money and more infuence then you have now" i say to him not breaking eye contact i overheard some people saying that i have very intence eyes like a raging storm, i dont like using these tactics to get what i want but i need to use everything to my advantage and this is good practise to get what i want

"very well nephew and where is the money to see yor plans start?" Tyrion asked cocking an eyebrow and saying it in that tone that screams 'im smarter then you' i love my uncle but he can be insufrable sometimes

"I have sent a letter asking for a loan of grandfather but i wish to ask you what companies do you think would be good to buy they will be under your management not mine just think of it as paying taxes to me" i say sitting back and waiting for him to collect his thoughts

"I belive that smithys and brothels and some of the few farms that surround kingslanding smithys are always working and brothels are always avaidable to even the poor though the women are not the best looking and farms are the least taxing your making money from the ground and it means the food that supplys the city is in your hands" he says having put his feet up on my desk he made good cases for each and this is just the beggining so once we start making profit we can buy more land then what hes suggested currently

"very well once the money arives ill put you incharge of buying it for now i want you to go and survey the places you wish to buy and maybe check out a few places for the future" I say noding to him he takes this as his que to leave but not before he finishes his wine

'Tyrion likes to think himself smart but realy he wants one thing and that makes him easy to order and manipulate i just show him the same love i show the rest of the family and he listens to me it also helps hes making money and may get a council position in the future but now is the time to talk to father this late in the day he should be in the yard'

i leave the room and mandon falls into step with me and we head to the training yard

(alright thats this chapter finished i aint feeling great so this was short but i promised thursday there would be one)