
The True Inheritor of Hashirama's Legacy

It was said that Hashirama's legacy was the Will of Fire passed on to the Konoha Shinobi. However, what if this was not the only thing that was passed on? What if not just his ideals, but his legendary Bloodline was also passed along? It was nearly the end of the Second Shinobi War. At this time, a young boy, with Dark Black Hair and Emerald Green Eyes arrived in Konoha. Follow his story as he grows up to be the strongest man in the world. Someone who shall become the 'True' God of Shinobi! This is his story! The story of Senju Araki! Discord: https://discord.gg/qySx8Jp Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 [Check out my original novel (Rising Warriors) on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089KRRZS5]

Evil_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs


Both gauged each other for a few seconds.

Araki stepped forward in front of Kushina, he asked Orochimaru with an emotionless voice, "I have always been curious to know why the Snake Sannin would sell the pathway to Uzushio to the Three Great Villages. So, why did you do it?"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed a little upon hearing this question from Araki. He let out a laugh before answering, "I am a Shinobi. Obeying the order of my superior is natural."

"If it was Jiraiya who said that, I might have believed him. But since it's you, I am sure you have your own reasons. You wouldn't obey an order which wouldn't be beneficial for you. So, why did you obey this order from the Hokage or from Danzo?" Araki asked with a sharp tone.

"I had no reason to deny his order. It wasn't related to me. I want to become Hokage to realise my ambition, so I need to make sure that sensei continues to favour me over anyone else. Besides, it was a good opportunity to gather Uzumaki Cells and conduct tests on them." As Orochimaru said this, Araki couldn't help but clench his fists.

He understood now… Orochimaru also wanted to know the secrets in Uzumaki Clan's blood. He was experimenting on Uncle Hishin, his own teacher Uzumaki Takuya, and other Uzumaki's cells.

"Well, I can't hide my disappointment since the number of bodies was far lower than what I expected. There should be more according to my calculations, and I started to wonder where they were. And then, in a matter of few months, Senju Clan received 200 or so members. A clan named Samazaki also appeared in the Land of Waves. Although there were only 100 people when they initially arrived, I merely thought of them as refugees from Kiri. But just after one year, the Samazaki Clan has nearly 1800 or so members. Isn't it a little suspicious?" Orochimaru continued to speak to Araki with a smile on his face.

Araki's eyes narrowed at that moment, he knew this snake has figured out the truth. Now… The question remained. Why did this snake not mention it to the Hokage or anyone else?

"Why have you kept it hidden till now?"

"Why do you think so? I am not like my sensei. My sensei is far too loyal to Konoha and overthinks about it that he doesn't care about consequences which would be harmful to himself. But I, I love my life. I know that making you an enemy was a massive mistake on my part. I shouldn't have become your enemy by selling the Uzushio's Pathway to Kumo. However, since I have already done that, I needed something to offset that. By keeping my mouth quiet, I have saved the lives of the Uzumaki Clan for such a long time. I am sure you won't forget this favour." Orochimaru had a smile on his face while staring at Araki.

In turn, Araki sharply responded, "You were the reason why Uzushio's destruction happened. You were the reason why 1000's of Uzumaki Clan Members died. You think you can just wash off your crimes by this? Don't kid yourself. You can hardly expect any mercy from me."

Orochimaru seemed to have thought about this point already, "I already know that. But, even if it wasn't me who sold that information, sensei or Danzo could have sent someone else. Why shouldn't I take advantage of the situation when it's favourable to me?"

"Orochimaru, do you think of me as a fool? You think understanding your situation will let me forgive you? In fact, I want to kill you even more now. I agree that if it wasn't you, the Third Hokage or Danzo could have sent someone else, but do not forget that you received favour because of these actions. Since you have received the favour, you will naturally need to bear the consequences of those actions as well." Araki said with a straightforward tone.

Kushina was getting ready to attack Orochimaru. From Araki's words, she felt that they would soon fight the Snake Sannin. However, Araki's hold over her hand tightened as if telling her now was not the time.

"Your age is quite deceptive. Even though you are just a brat, you do not have the naiveness of one." Orochimaru couldn't help but compliment Araki at this point.

Araki shrugged off his praise. Being praised by a snake didn't excite him. He said, "The most I will give you are 6 years. Make sure to do all you can in these 6 years. Whether it's building a powerful force, a village, or just hide. Once these 6 years are over, I will start my search for you. And when I do find you, pray to whatever you believe in that you receive a quick death." Araki said with an impassive voice.

Orochimaru had a bitter smile on his face, "You really don't plan on letting me off, right? These 6 years, you want to increase your strength even more just so that you are strong enough to completely suppress me because you aren't confident in taking me on at this moment."

Araki though shook his head negatively. This wasn't the reason why he was letting Orochimaru live for these 6 years.

"Very well, I do accept this proposal." Orochimaru had little choice but to agree to this.

He then said, "There is something I have to tell you, though. I am sure you would find the information quite interesting."

Araki raised his eyebrow as he wondered just what this snake was up to now.

"It's related to Zetsu. I wonder if you know anything about it." Orochimaru said this as a test. He was gauging Araki's reaction with complete concentration, and he wasn't disappointed when Araki showed a startled look.

This kid was aware of quite a lot of secrets.

"Come closer if you want to hear this information."

Araki thought for some moments before nodding. He whispered in Kushina's ear and told her to remain on the stand by.

After Araki was in a particular range, Orochimaru widely smiled before speaking, "Living Corpse Reanimation Jutsu!"

Araki was surprised when Orochimaru attacked so suddenly and couldn't even put up a defence.

Soon enough, he found himself in an unfamiliar location.

There, he saw a massive White Snake in this unfamiliar location.

"Welcome to this mindscape, Senju Araki. Your body is now mine!" After saying that, Orochimaru launched his body at Senju Araki.

"You gauged my power according to what I revealed during the tournaments against the Uchiha. Looks like that idea worked out as well. And…you even think you are invincible in your own mindscape? How arrogant!" Araki opened his mouth and said with a neutral voice.

Orochimaru was somewhat puzzled when he said that.

"Do you know, I can even suppress Kushina and Kyuubi's chakra inside Kushina's mindscape. You think your chakra is stronger than theirs? Let me show you the difference between us… Orochimaru!" An explosive amount of chakra was released from Araki's body.

His vast amount of chakra flooded Orochimaru's entire mindscape.

It was so great that just from the release of his chakra, Orochimaru felt his mindscape tremble. This… This wasn't in his plans.

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