
Chapter 5 the other Village

and as she looked at him, he felt his heartbeat faster and time goes slow as she drew closer to Lawan

meanwhile, the princess took Lawan to her village and head straight to their healer, she was shocked as their healer tell her his words.

princess why have you bought a healthy man into my home what does he need,

she then told him about his injury and how she found Lawan in the Forrest. and he searches Lawans body for his injury but could not found any.

the princess exclaimed, HE BROKE HIS LEG, HELP HIM, she yelled.

But he doesn't need any help. he replied, and as she looked at lawans supposedly broken Leg she could not believe her eyes, to see Lawan has no mark of any injury nor a mark or a scar except his blood is all over Lawans trousers.


she searched again only to find that Lawan is fine and just passed out and asleep

she then told her aid to prepare a tent to where to keep Lawan and prepare him something to feast whenever he woke up.

later at night lawan woke up and heard strange drumrolls a piece of music as the villagers celebrate their victory in conquering a neighboring village. and winning the land overnight. and their chief spoke in their midst.

today we have conquered a village so savage they were unable to defend themselves against what has come to them. those this is a feast for our victory I want you all to shed a solemn wake for the loss of their lives, and pray for their souls to peacefully pass the land of the living and go forth the heavens, to their ancients and rest to the everlasting peace with the Almighty,

and the villagers vowed their head and gave their final respect to the deceased enemies.

as Lawans watches over them he drew tears for their respect and thankfully sleep in silence

in the morning Lawan snuck out of the tent to avoid the guards notice him leave but there was none and he notices something different,

everyone is normally doing their chores, kids running around and playing swordsman, warriors training with real swords archers training well with the haystack, and their chief standing bye and keeping watch,

Lawan was so amazed he stood in silence, and the chief called unto him and ask, what is your name, Son,

He could not answer that time, he fears that if he does they may discover that he is from the Tribe that was defeated in the War so He paused and think of a new name, but that time tears shed out through Lawans eyes and shown his guilt, and the Chief Responded to his Sorrow.

What is wrong child The chief asked, is so hard to tell us your name? he added

the chief knew it but was sad to say what he discovered so he kept lawans secret in his silence and given him a name to call him

very well I decided to call you... Sedih a Name for a sad man, Lawan then kept his silence and kneel his right knee for respect, ( a symbolic gesture of respect by the warriors ) that time the chief tell Lawan a story about the tribe, the story was passed on through ages and generations of their Family about the origins of their tribe wherein Lawan had discovered that his tribe was a part of theirs long ago.

and so the time had passed and a new day came, Lawan accepted his name as given by the tribe chief. in respect, Lawan came to the chief's tent and he bows down to him.

your highness may I please ask a day or two, to explore the tribe in my free will, and learn the ways of the tribe, The Chief then Granted his wish but in the exemption that he will be escorted and be introduced to the people of the tribe bye a warrior.

the next day so did Lawan started to wonder of his Tent Liwanag the princes escorted him through the tribe insyead of a warior to tour him throughout the village and made a promise to keep his secret as they talk their way, and Lawan is so happy to find her beside him, and could not keep his smile to himself

instead of wondering around and asking questions Lawan is distracted and could not stop staring at her the whole day, and so she asked.

Sedih why are you smiling, I cant help but notice"

forgive me my Princess, its so hard to not to, i cant help but look at you, your beuty inspires me.

and she smiles back, as she did something happened to Lawan that time.

his heart again pumps fast he's cheek turned blush and

in this chapter

Lawan was so sad to be casted out from his tribe by their defeat

but luckily he managed to hide in the shadows of his death and discovered the origin of his tribe and become a part of it

Ferdinand_Doctorcreators' thoughts