
Chapter 1 Gods will

lawan (lahlawan) is the son of a priestess of a long forgotten tribe named liway (liwayway)

he was born without a father but Raised as a prince by his king and treated as a son

liway does not have the right to be wedded to any man and must dedicate her life in service with the teibe in exchange of a pleasure of living as one of the most respected elders of the tribe

she refuse to believe in love or companionship of men and the pleasure behind it and would not want to have a successor until....

time has come to step down and retire her will as the high priestess to the tribe and pass it on to a successor

the tribe chief call unto her and commanded her to pass on her will to a rightfull successor thoe she hasn't found a sighn from the God's

one day Liway took her self to the silence of the Forest and pray with all her heart

and an strange voice came to he and say

Liwayway I will grant you a successor worthy to your place I will grant you my champion My son, he and only he may keep you to his heart and hear you in times of needs and he will live through time and witness history before it happens

you will concieve him and give his first breath

and Liway woke up but could not move her body, as if something is binding her. little by little she tries to move he eyes open but still she cant even breathing is hard for her that time, when she managed to gather some air she pull it together ang tried to shout

and finally a man an elder helped her and unbind her head from wrappings of clothes- linens for their sacred wake and he exclaimed


she answered

Why were I this way was I dead

you were for three days we mourn you.

Liway was confused and was afraid that time. questions running around her head

asking. why would she be dead, how could she be alive then, is she really alive now.

then she remembered the voice on her dreams she began to question her gift as a priestess what if she does concieve a child what name will she call him or is it her.

time passes bye and the whole tribe began to notice her belly growing bigger but ignores it for she may no longer be pregnant, at her old age it is imposible for her to bear a child and give birth

but the symptoms are clear she crave for strange food, tastes, and she shows mood swings and is always getting drouzy or having a morning sickness vomiting or feeling sick from time to time

and untill time pass as her belly grew bigger Lawan started kicking and shows life.

and so as the tribe notices the tribe chief then decided to give her apprentices to be at her service and help her

the Chief believed her and had faith in her for she is a virgin. and the impossible happened for the Chief knows her all her life and he believes that Liway's innocence was never corrupted.

yhe sixth month had passed and Liway's belly grew bigger, and looked like as if she swolowed a water melon in her stomach. her apprentices kept watch over her and gave her a helping hand in all that she needed. and one of them had questioned her.

your Highness please give us the will to ask, when will we be ready in having to replace you, so that you may rest and Retire. she asked

Liway answers

my Will shall be passed on as my life would end. God shall give you all the wisdom you need for my successor and ye" shall provide all that he needs.

one of you shall have a motherly figure to him and make him understand why he carry his Great name.

I will leave him to you for the his first breath shall be my last

the Ladies (apprentices) where startled as they hear Liway's words its as if she was about to die soon but they completely ignored the thought for in their faith she will teach them the ways of being a priestess.

untill the 9th month has begun, Liway's belly is so enormous it looks like it would explode. and so heavy that Liway couldn't get up as quick as she could before.

then the village healer came in and said that it is time for Liway to take a walk so that her son may be born.

Liway stood slowly as she catches her breath her knees hurt so much that she could not bear.

"be strong Liway."-- the healer said

and with all her strength Liway stood and started walking.

and called on to her Aids. (apprentices)

next chapter completed

most of the stories heard or read immediately start with the main character

this time I will start with his Mother and how Lawan was conceived and How She gave birth to him

Ferdinand_Doctorcreators' thoughts