

STORY-LINE SYNOPSIS (WAR Paranormal Urban Fiction and Paranormal Day) PART- I An evil “King Kong Raj” who rules in a Planet called “King Kong Raj Planet”. He troubles and tortures all the people in his Planet and robs all their gold, jewelry and diamonds. People of that Planet fed-up with his rule. This evil King has his own army who frequently robs and tortures people to gain an upper hand for this evil King. This evil King had some super-natural powers and also maya, mantra, tantra by virtue of his staunch Prayers to Sun God. He even creates a big evil appearing thing, called “BING THING”, which cannot be killed or destroyed by anybody until the evil King Kong Raj gets killed. Maharshis and Rushis of this Planet also were tortured with cruelty. This Kings hefty soldiers and army rapes women, enjoys, robs and even destroys their properties. The battle is through Sword Fights, Dagger Fights, Arrow Fights and Fights with Maya (Illusion) and with the BING THING too. An opponent group leader “The True Hero”, by name Vishal always tries to defend people and fights against this evil King Kong Raj many times, but in vain. The Hero has the full support of the Maharshis and Rushis in this Planet and also Queen’s Angels Angels of the nearby Planet called “Queens Planet”, and the Sun God also support “The True Hero Vishal”, who is a staunch supporter of the Sun God and Maharshis and Rushis. Vishal gets the blessings of all the people of the planet, Maharshis, Rushis, Queen’s Angels and the Sun God. In the long “save our souls” battle at the evil King’s Planet, the evil King Kong Raj ultimately gets defeated and dies. The True Hero Vishal also gets severely injured and dies. Vishal takes rebirth at the Earth as per the blessings of all the Maharshis, Rushis, Queen’s Angels and the Sun God. The True Hero Vishal becomes a Doctor. PART II Vishals takes birth again on Earth. The story of Vishal starts from his childhood and he becomes Physician and a Doctor in a family.

Mantri Marku · War
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76 Chs


Chapter 6


The Heavens Chariot leaves from the Visual place (KING KONG RAJ Planet). Visual and his accredited members are in this Heavens Chariot. Visual and his team members were invited to Heavens Planet by the Heavens Queen. The speciality of this Chariot was that up to 100 metres circumference nobody could reach this Chariot not anybody damage could be made from hateful elements of from enemies. This Chariot has all the facilities to enjoy seeing the Stars, Moon, Earth and other small Planets. This is the Chariot used in the Heavens Planet by the Queen of Heavens.

The evil King, KING KONG RAJ has sent his fictitious 'Kay's army/soldiers to damage this Chariot. But by the Time the evil elements and evil Kong's soldiers reached this Chariot, the Chariot already left Vishal's place to Queen of Heaven. These evil and maya soldiers followed the Chariot in the Sky to damage the Chariot, but all efforts to damage the Chariot went in vain. Even the bad elements which followed this Chariot were mercilessly killed by the Chariot's power. All the KING KONG RAJ'S bad element soldiers were killed and thrown out from the Sky.

Vishal was observing all these scenes. Even Visual and his team members were ready to face and attack all the bad elements which came his way. The fighting scenes in the Sky.we're white dangerous and never before scene. But however, Visual and his team members were fighting with all the trouble making bad elements and bad and cruel birds. The power of this Chariot was so good that none could reach near to this Chariot, as this special Chariot was gifted to the Queen of Heavens because the SUN God. In the same way, while returning back to KING KONG RAJ PLANET from the Queens Planet to drop Visual at his place, there were more unforeseen incidents happened. But, Visual courageously over came all those bad element attacks. The special Sword gifted to Visual but the Queen of Heaven was so powerful that no enemy of any bad element cannot come near to Visual, as long as Visual losses this special powered Sword gifted b the Queen of Heaven.



Due to Planet's biological change of conditions, more of Rocks from the Hill areas started falling in broken pieces. Some big Rocks got burst. Reasons for these incidents looks to be common. This type of damage of property and life's occur sometimes.

At this time, Vishal's followers started rescuing people whoever got effected. Medicinal treatments as per Planet's working and environmental systems, were provided to the injured persons. Social services also were extended to help and support all the effected people. All the services rendered by Vishal's men were quite good and liked by all the people. This became the plus point to Vishal and his wing/group. All the people liked Vishal's ruling system in the area of Vishal's rule.

Though, King Kong Raj was aware of these Vishal's services, support and help, this evil King was always trying to disrupt the service activities of Vishal's group.

King Kong Raj was always robbing people, making chaos, creating anarchy, looting, rampage, raping, burgling in his opponents areas, including in the areas of Vishal's wing. Nobody dared enough to attack King Kong Raj's hefty soldiers who were equipped dangerous swords and weapons. All the people were loving and confronting many impediments and were accustomed to live in troubled areas. There was no other go nor people were were able to attack the evil King's soldiers. Days were rolling like this.


All the people turned to Vishal's side. Slowly people decided to learn fighting systems and procedures. Many people joined Vishal's wing and learnt sword fights, arrows fighting with sharp edged weapons etc. Even people were willing to sacrifice their life's to get rid of King Kong Raj evil elements. More people joined Vishal's group. People received good Training. Fully fit for confronting any battle field attack eventuality. Vishal, Lieutenant Robert's, and other close associates took lot of pains to train more people to face in war field fighting system. Vishal and wing waiting for an opportunity to attack King Kong Raj soldiers. Vishal gets a thoughtful Poetic line Lyrics as follows:
