

STORY-LINE SYNOPSIS (WAR Paranormal Urban Fiction and Paranormal Day) PART- I An evil “King Kong Raj” who rules in a Planet called “King Kong Raj Planet”. He troubles and tortures all the people in his Planet and robs all their gold, jewelry and diamonds. People of that Planet fed-up with his rule. This evil King has his own army who frequently robs and tortures people to gain an upper hand for this evil King. This evil King had some super-natural powers and also maya, mantra, tantra by virtue of his staunch Prayers to Sun God. He even creates a big evil appearing thing, called “BING THING”, which cannot be killed or destroyed by anybody until the evil King Kong Raj gets killed. Maharshis and Rushis of this Planet also were tortured with cruelty. This Kings hefty soldiers and army rapes women, enjoys, robs and even destroys their properties. The battle is through Sword Fights, Dagger Fights, Arrow Fights and Fights with Maya (Illusion) and with the BING THING too. An opponent group leader “The True Hero”, by name Vishal always tries to defend people and fights against this evil King Kong Raj many times, but in vain. The Hero has the full support of the Maharshis and Rushis in this Planet and also Queen’s Angels Angels of the nearby Planet called “Queens Planet”, and the Sun God also support “The True Hero Vishal”, who is a staunch supporter of the Sun God and Maharshis and Rushis. Vishal gets the blessings of all the people of the planet, Maharshis, Rushis, Queen’s Angels and the Sun God. In the long “save our souls” battle at the evil King’s Planet, the evil King Kong Raj ultimately gets defeated and dies. The True Hero Vishal also gets severely injured and dies. Vishal takes rebirth at the Earth as per the blessings of all the Maharshis, Rushis, Queen’s Angels and the Sun God. The True Hero Vishal becomes a Doctor. PART II Vishals takes birth again on Earth. The story of Vishal starts from his childhood and he becomes Physician and a Doctor in a family.

Mantri Marku · War
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Chapter 28, AGHORA RISHI

Chapter 28


In Shree Rudham from Yajurvedam, you shall come across "Aghora Rishi" could be another name of Lord Shiva Aghori or Aghora are people whose principles derived from Advaita of Sanathana Dharma performs spiritual practices to get salvation.

The Aghori (Sanskrit aghora) are ascetic Shaiva sadhus. The Aghori are known to engage in post-mortem rituals. Aghora may refer to The Hindu God Bhairava, a form of Shiva. Aghoris feel that the sadhana in cremation ground removes fear.

To get rid of sexual desires, Aghoris, sometimes, does sexual practice on the dead bodies.

To avoid shame, Aghoris, all the time stay naked