
The true dragon lord( House of dragon)

Klevis_Beqiri_7519 · TV
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Chapter 4

With the passing of time Esos began changing, his military had established peace and prosperity all over the continent and they never stopped training honing their skills and becoming stronger their equipments were always at top shape and stronger than anyone elses their speed and battle powers were phenomenal and he only needed 500 soldiers to keep the peace in each city and even then it was too much because their presence alone strikes fear in the criminals of Esos who have gone completely extinct because of the patrols and their disappearance without a trace, the soldiers who were in charge of protecting the cities managed to clean them of the criminal factor within a week and Arthur was part of it as well some of the criminals were executed in front of the city and some of them were erased by Arthur himself using word soul magic to not leave any traces he would simply say destroy and they would disappear.

Now that the criminal factor was gone Arthur managed to create an invisible barrier around each of the cities for protection and nourishment because the barriers had the ability to use the magic in the air to keep the population healthy and strong along with making the land fertile for farming and because of this the money in each of the cities increased because they produced everything themselves and they only sold products to those who were sending requests such as the seven kingdoms, he mostly sold their stuff to the north and he didn't charge them at all because he knew they needed help to prosper and become powerful, so he sent a raven to Lord Stark telling him that he didn't need any payments from the north he simply wishes to help them however he can.

After lord stark read the raven he sent a request to Arthur requesting a meeting which Arthur agreed to and so Arthur ordered one of his ships which helped transporting the products and what they wanted to sell from the north to Esos and from Esos to the north free of charge, as lord Starks was coming to Avalon he decided to meet him by himself without any guards and as Stark arrived he was escorted to the mansion of Arthur and he had to say Esos was completely different from when he visited the last time as were the people they were truly happy with their lives.

After Rickon Stark was escorted to the mansion he was escorted to an open room which had a small table with six chairs each chair representing a symbol sword,fist,spear,Bow,hammer and last was the chair at the head of the table which had the symbol of a hand holding a sword and he knew the person who was behind the chair standing up with his hand on the sword and the long coat along with the mesh armour which he could see since the coat was opened ,he wore black combat pants who were made of leather along with a belt which had the head of a lion designed on it he had grey arm guards with dark stripes at the corners of them he stood easily at six foot five with a lean built but he gave of an aura of an unmoved mountain which could not be trifled with, but the most intriguing and shocking thing was his hair and face the hair was crystal white silver and it was lose over his shoulders along with a pure silver ring on his head which had writing in it and his face was that of a god his eyebrows were sharp his eyes were of a violet colour and fiece and he had a beard that was trimmed nicely ( picture the beard of mihawk but silver instead of black) completing the look entirely, Rickon knew then and there that this man was a true ruler who cared about his people and who wouldn't hesitate to put down anyone who threatened their safety.

After seeing Rickon stark, Arthur could tell that he had the blood of the old kings of winter running through his veins even though he was old with grey hair and beard he was still built like a tank he stood at the same level as Arthur with a bigger build and his looks we're almost exactly like Jon snow except for being taller older and not a whimp like he was, his attire was on the other hand like Eddart stark along with the coat over his shoulders and the blade ice at his hip.

After observing each other Arthur sat down at the head of the table and he mentioned for Rickon to sit in the right chair close to him, after they were both sat down then they began their discussions; " Welcome Lord Stark I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time I wanted to see firsthand what makes house stark worthy of carrying the blood of the old kings of winter. "Said Arthur.

"Greetings Lord Arthur I've been looking forward to meeting you as well not just because I want to see what kind of person you were but, I knew that you were the best chance for the north and for my people I knew since the first time that you sold merchandise to the north and you didn't ask for any compensation or any gold or anything that you might or might not need. "Said Rickon Stark

"Well like I told you in the letter Lord star I am a man of the people I don't care about any wealth or any personal items to make myself look above the others the only thing that I care about is having enough wealth and enough food take care of my people I also look towards keeping my people safe which is why my armada and my ships are so many in number and you can also see that my ships are not only just for looks they're the strongest force in the seas at the moment." said Arthur.

"I was aware of that Lord Arthur the first moment that I stepped foot in a Esos I saw firsthand how well your people are treated since you've conquered Esos and your brought it under your banner, I can without a doubt that you are great leader and I can see from your living conditions that you don't put your needs above the people, you only have a masion two story high and your furniture and designs are no different from any of the other houses that the people have" said Rickon.

"Well as I said before Lord Stark I'm not much for buying jewellery or expensive stuff that I don't even need ,the only thing that I need are the necessary things for my house such as food,a place to sleep and also the cooking tools that I need to make my meals, you can see that I don't have anyone who makes the meals for me ,everything that I do when I take care of myself or even when I'm out I do it by myself I don't care about having bodyguards or having someone to pour me a drink water or to keep going after me asking me what I need my lord or anything else "said Arthur

"I treat my people well because I see them as human beings not as something that are disposable and expandable I train my warriors every day I gave the best equipment and armour that exist and in turn all I ask of them is to follow my lead and my ideals and they do it not because they have to but because they share the same vision as me which is a better world for all of our people, you can go to any place in Esos after my conquest and you can see that the people are happy because they are free they can feed their families and they know nothing will happen to them because my warriors make sure of that Lord Stark and that's what I want for the north as well I want you to have enough resources to provide for your people and to keep them safe which is why when you go back I will give ten thousand of my warriors along with enough resources for 2 years so you won't have to worry about the people of the north I will also will give you one of my personal guards his name is Draharis and he is my sworn brother and shield now he will be your sworn shield and advisor, What do you say lord stark do you agree to my proposal" said Arthur after he finished speaking.

Rickon thought for a moment about the offer that Arthur made and he agreed with him because he saw the type of person that Arthur was and he knew that Arthur didn't have any motives to use him or the north the only thing that he wanted was for his people to prosper and he wanted to make sure that the north got the same opportunity, also he was happy with the force that Arthur decided to give him because with ten thousand elite warriors and 50 war ships the north would be safe and secure for a long time and as they finished their agreement they shook hands and Arthur escorted him to the port where everything was ready along with fifty ships and stone masons and builders he also sent with them enough resources to build a new base in the north and to make sure that the north experienced the same change that Esos did and in order to do that he sent Gaharis with him to make sure that the resources are used properly and with caution.

After Lord Stark left he told his right hand man that he would be gone for two days and to make sure that everything would be good during his absence after getting a nod from him he went to his mansion took his eggs and went into the chamber to hatch them and train them and so he disappeared for 2days/years.

(Time skip 2days/years)

After Arthur went into the chamber he drew a ritual circle to hatch the dragons and in the circle there were three circles surrounding a bigger one connected with runic arrays and as he finished he moved to the middle of the circle and put the eggs down after that he got out of the circle and placed the heart of an elder dragon, the eternal flame and also the scales of the oldest dragon king on this world which he was 10000 years old and he bought each item from the shop along with the book about old rituals to hatch the dragons properly and after everything was ready he started chanting (By the power of my blood and the blood of the oldest line of dragon lords I hereby sacrifice these three embodiments of dragons to bring to life the first three dragons of my bloodline since the old days now be born from these eggs may the heart of the eldest dragon give you life may the eternal flame strengthen you and your fire so that you will grow and become stronger with each passing moment and finally may the scales of your ancestors give you invulnerability so nothing may harm you and with the three sacrifices I bring you to this world now come forth my children) as he finished chanting the vortex of magic finally came down and he saw his dragons which were bigger than normal hatchlings which was expected considering the sacrifices, they had absorbed the eternal flame and everything else in the ritual and you could tell by their looks that they will bring honor and pride back to dragon kind once they grew up.

As the new hatchlings came to their senses they looked at him and their connection was formed and his gift kicked in as he spoke to them in dragon tongue to explain to them that everything was okay and he soon got a response from them calling him father and a smile came to his face as he went and scratched them making them roll over showing their bellies with their tongues out, he chuckled at them and he decided to spend a year teaching them everything they need to know and with th eternal flame and the elder dragon heart their growth was ten times faster than a normal hatchlings and so they grew up faster and smarter than any dragon

So one year passed and he tought them how to communicate breath fire and the right and wrongs that they needed to follow, it didn't take long for them to learn everything a dragon needed to know and their height increased day by day within two months they were the same height as drogon at the end of game of thrones and their fire was intensely hot enough to burn metal to the ground courtesy of the eternal flame which kept making them stronger be it their flames scales or body strength they all were enhanced to the limits and they kept growing in height as well as strength and speed, after he finished teaching them what they need to know and how to act he began teaching them about combat and the only way was for them to fight which they did every day and each day they grew smarter and stronger during combat he soon found out that the eternal flame was a blessing to the creatures of fire and his dragons could share their blessings with other dragons by bathing them in their flame time passed again and soon a year had gone by now they had grown so big and strong that it wasn't even funny they were bigger than both vhagar and cannibal and they were much more powerful and versed in combat than them, he was proud of them and he saw that one they finished growing the eternal flame began strengthening their scales and fire making them even more powerful than they were already their colours were dark red, black and deep violet colour the red and black one were boys while the violet coloured one was a girl and so he decided to name them now that they could understand him and their mentality was at their peak level so he named the dark red one Balerion, the dark colour one he named Acnologon and finally the last but not least he named her Serenity which suited her character since she was the most level headed of them all, after he finished naming them they all roared as one shaking the chamber after they finished he told them that he would teach them how to control their strength and hone their combat abilities, so another year passed.

During this year Balerion, Acnalogon and Serenity become more experienced fighting each other and since they couldn't hurt one another they found as hard as they could using every part of their body as a weapon and now they were ready to become the rulers of the sky and so with that he congratulated them and he saw the mountain of bones left behind from them because before coming in the chamber and hatching them he had stoked enough meat to feed Esos for five years and because of him they ate and grew stronger than anyone could have imagined and they truly brought justice to their namesake their colour and scales had gotten so strong that even he with his magic couldn't harm them and he Dam proud of them now he left the chamber first and after going out he teleported to a dragon fort that he had created for them and in was massive it was a wide open area stretching for miles and a marble floor together with a mer mer roof and place fit for the rulers of the sky he brought them out and he showed them their place and they were happy with it he told them they were free to do whatever they want just not to cause any problems which got a low grumble from Balerion stating that they won't cause trouble but Serenity turned to him and said"Balerion you are literally the most troublemaker among us so you making a promise not to cause any trouble is like me saying that I'm not gonna be there to stop you if you make any problems for dad. "Said serenity

Balerion turned to her and said whatever in a grumpy voice which made them chuckle at his expense after he left them to their senses he went back to the mansion and he called a meeting with his seraphs telling them that he wanted to increase the number of ships and trade across the sea with the seven kingdoms and the seraphs agreed with him they had everything that they needed and they had the resources to help more people now that his land Esos had stabilised after a year and a half, also it didn't just stabilise it became a completely different community everyone was happy he had dealt with any problems across his lands and they were at peace but not everything was going well he heard of the rebellion in Westeros and he decided to intervene he first decided to deal with the iron islands and then Dorne.

Thank you for reading

Next chapter; Crushing the rebellion and making an impression.