
Chapter 9: Tradgey, Rivers, Love, & Quest

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: Just a heads up this chapter has a very disturbing scene in it. But I got the time line moving a bit and there are a few polls littered about so keep an eye out :). Also lemon parts will now be separated into .5 of that chapters like chapter 9.5 or 15.5 something like that.


Then the whole door began to change to a pristine white granite door as everyone stared amazed. With a soft click the door opened revealing a white screen that nobody could see through. Slowly the creatures turned to the hunt and motioned for everyone to go in. Phoebe just gritted her teeth for a moment, her theory was only about 70% sure but it was all they had at the moment.

"Everyone in! This creature is our friend! All of the injured go first and then everyone else!" Phoebe yelled as they all stood still in slight shock.

"Hurry up! You wanna be a monster snack!?" She said as she picked up Zoë and Tracy and then dragged them into the white screen and as the hunters began to move. In under 3 minutes every hunter injured and healthy went through the portal with bags of supplies and anything they thought they might need. Once the last one entered the creature took one last look around.

The monsters finally decided to approach again but the forest fire already surrounded the area setting the hills ablaze. Although its stare was blank you could sense its aura was filled with sadness. With one last look it then turned to the door and walked in and closed it behind him. Then the granite door turned back to the normal metal door as the monsters and the fire began to raise the camp to dust.



My consciousness returned to me like the rising tide, slowly but surely my mind was filled with thoughts and I regained control of my body. My eyelids were like stones on my face, but I managed to slowly open my eyes to reveal a navy blue ceiling with a spinning ceiling fan on it. Then I felt the softness of the bed around me and a soft scent of a pine breeze with a hint of earth. I recognized this scent… before I could look around my body was soon filled with aches and pains.

All I could do was grimace as I tried to move and my whole body tensed up and convulsed a little as I was forced to lay still on the bed. Then I felt something in my hand grip a little as I slowly turned my head to see an interesting sight that caused me to smile. By my side was Zoë asleep with her head resting on the bed and her hand held in mine. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy, she must have cried herself to sleep, I could only squeeze her hand a little.

"I'm sorry I worried you." I whispered with a small smile, but then she began to stir awake.

"You better be." She said in a sleepy voice as my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Zoë just slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes a little.

"You've been asleep for a week, I was about to punch you until you woke up." She said in a frustrated voice as she opened her brown eyes and looked down at me with slight anger. Then a smile spread on her face as tears began to leak out of her tired eyes, she looked exhausted, but I kept that to myself.

"Good thing I woke up then." I gave a soft chuckle as I slowly reached up and cupped her face wiping away her tears as she cupped my hand with her own and rested her head a little in my palm.

Though we had only revealed our feelings a short time ago, I felt like Zoë and I had been together far longer. Maybe it was our years knowing each other and being together but it all somehow seamlessly merged together. Although seeing her tear up made my heart ache a bit, remembering her face when the building collapsed. I mentally told myself to never let her cry like that again.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked as Zoë locked eyes with me and showed me a deep deep sadness, all I could do was frown a little.

"W-We lost 10 hunters total and many others have severe injuries. Thankfully they are showing signs of recovery, we brought a large amount of ambrosia with us and it is helping. Still…" She stopped and gave a small sigh, she then shook her head a little.

"Still what?"

"It can wait until you get some energy back in you, for now you need to eat something. I have only been able to feed you a tiny bit over the week." Zoë said, raising her head off my hand and reaching to her side revealing a bowl of porridge. Zoë didn't even pause as she helped me sit up against the headboard and set it on a tray in front of me.

"Do you need help?" She asked me finally as I shook my head and slowly reached forward and began eating as Zoë just watched. As I moved it did hurt but it wasn't debilitating to the point I couldn't eat, maybe after another few days in bed I should be able to move just fine.

"So…What was that form, Percy?" Zoë finally asked me as I gazed at her as our eyes met.

"That is a long story, well not a long one. I just found out about that form myself, but the history behind it is a lot more than you might think." I said as Zoë raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? I know just about everything there is to know about you." She said as I slowly shook my head as her eyes widened.

"You actually don't, I'm sorry I hid it from you but it is a secret that could bring this world to ruin if exposed. It has to do with my lineage. Everything else is true I swear, it's just that my lineage is quite special." I said as her face slowly fell as she grasped the seriousness of the situation.

"Aren't you just a son of Poseidon?"

"Yes I am but he is only my adoptive father, but to tell you more-."

"I swear on the styx." She said without hesitation with firm eyes as I was slightly shocked.

"Y-You…why?" I asked as she suddenly blushed a little and played with her fingers.

"I-I like you Percy… kinda a lot. Don't look at me like that! Look away! Anyways, if we are gonna be in a relationship I don't want any secrets between us! Even if you hid it from me before it shouldn't change who you are." She said, crossing her arms on her chest and turning her bright red cheeks away as I blushed a little as well.

'Aww she is adorable, I like her.' Mom said in my head as I inwardly blushed.

"Well this secret is more than just the styx. You will have to swear on my mothers name to make any oath effective." I said as she slowly nodded but then a look of confusion crossed her face as she turned to me.

"Wait… is Sally a hidden goddess?" She asked surprised as I couldn't help but laugh loudly at the thought, pain flared in my chest and my hand as Zoë pinched me with a frown on her blushing face.

"N-No she isn't. Sally just adopted me when I was a baby, but I am her son. Technically I have… 3 godly parents." I said as I raised my fingers as Zoë's eyes widened in shock, her face then turned to one of deep thought for a minute. After a bit she then looked up to me and stared into my eyes and then a kind smile and then nodded.

"I swear on your godly mothers name to not reveal anything about you." She said as the room rumbled a bit as the oath was recognized.

"My birth mother's name is Chaos…"



"That's basically my whole story." Percy said as Zoë sat there with an expressionless face as she slowly tapped her fingers against her arms. She had been like this for a bit as Percy grew a little worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked as Zoë blinked a bit and then seemed to come back from her daze.

"Y-Yeah I am, it's just a lot to take in. I mean… a lot. Who else knows about this?"

"Right now it would be Sally, Artemis, Hestia, Tracy, and now you."

When he finished Zoë nodded, still seemingly lost in thought. However both of them just kept quiet until Zoë finally decided to speak again.

"I knew you were special but this takes the cake, I'm dating the creator's son. Destiny is truly interesting." She said with a laugh as Percy just gave a slight chuckle but then Zoë reached forward and grabbed his hand and gave it a soft squeeze.

"Thank you for telling me, it means a lot to me. Just know I still feel the same about you, but it is gonna take a bit for it to sink in is all. I'm honestly freaking out on the inside and have hundreds of questions. Those can wait for a while longer, for now you… how did you survive that strike? That form you took, what was that?" She asked Percy with a worried face, honestly he didn't know much but the basics at the moment.

FLASHBACK: (After Percy got buried in the building)


"How much longer are you gonna just sit there?" A semi proud voice shook me awake as my eyes snapped open. Before me was a room with simple furniture scattered about. On one side it was completely black with white furniture while on the other, it was white with black furniture. I just sat in a simple gray chair that didn't seem to fit with the room at all.

I was wearing my previous attire but it was no longer as ragged and destroyed, I didn't even feel a single thing wrong with my body. I even patted my arms and face yet nothing felt like it was broken or in pain.

"You're not dead, if you were wondering. At least not yet." A voice filled with a tone that said that he was trying to hold back a joke. I turned and saw an interesting figure, his body was tall and lengthy. He would probably be 10 feet tall if he stood up properly. His limbs were disproportionate to his body, giving him a scary look, but his entire body seemed to be made of a singular black substance that distinguished no clothes or anything, just flat and kinda looking like a body. His face was covered by a mask though.

The mask had only two flat red eyes and one big red smile, like it was dancing on the very edge of madness itself. He didn't have a single weapon, only two large claws decorating his finger. He currently sat on the side with the black furniture, it was then that I noticed another figure on the other side of the room with the white furniture.

He wore shiny and regal looking silver and gold armor like that of a paladin. He stood about 8 feet tall but had an aura about him that said he was very knightly. His helmet was sleek and smooth but had a large red plum extending from the back and a large black cape decorating his back. He also had a tower shield with the very same design as mine, next to it lay a sword but I couldn't see what it looked like.

"Who are you two?" I asked as my muscles tensed, ready to flee in a moment. My eyes darted around but failed to find an exit.

"I am Alpharius, you can call me Alpha for short." Said the one in black.

"I am Barbatos, please use my full name." Said the knight as I nodded towards the two.

"So what will it be boy?" Asked Alpha as I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? What is happening?" I asked as he sighed as Barbatos spoke.

"You are going to die, boy. Unless we help you that is. We are technically your bodyguards assigned to you by your mother, Chaos. We were gifted to you years ago. You remember the 5th gift, right? On that Christmas? A mask that was completely smooth with no features, one side white and the other side black." He said as I suddenly remembered the gift, I had even tried it on but nothing special happened so I only used it rarely.

"I understand now at least a little, also I'm assuming it would only unseal itself when a time like this comes?" I asked as they both nodded.

"Yes and hopefully in the future once you have enough power we may join you by your side and not have to be chosen like this. Anyway, choose boy. Which of us will save you?" Said Alpha as I started to think, there had to be something more to this than just choosing one.

"What happens when I choose one of you? Will anything bad happen to me, or the people around me?" I asked as Barbatos spoke.

"You will gain our powers but only for a few minutes at most. Since you are so weak that is all you can do. Please note that I, Barbatos, am a righteous being that only serves to protect and not attack unless they attack me first. While Alpharius is a being who only serves to decimate the enemy in front of him. Neither of us will not hurt you or the loved ones around you, we have made an oath to Chaos in her name so it is of no issue." Barbatos said as I nodded, my choice already in mind.


"That's all I know, once I made the decision to change into Alpha I was back in my body in the rubble. Then the mask appeared from nowhere with the black side outwards and the transformation started. It hurt too, my once broken bones snapped back into place and my damaged organs that were damaged seemed to burn closed. Everything happened in a few seconds and then I fully transformed into Alpha."

"After we retreated here I don't have a single memory." Percy said as he felt Zoë squeeze his hand a bit as she gave him a worried look as he just smiled.

"I promise I'm fine! Fit as a fiddle!" He said flexing his arm only to wince in pain.

"You're an idiot. I am glad you're safe though. Also you are probably gonna have to explain all this to the hunters like you did to me. Of course swearing to Chaos and all that. Until then may I ask, where are we?" Zoë asked as Percy nodded and took out a key that was hanging around his chest. Seeing the key, Zoë recognized it as the one he had given to her earlier.

"This is the 6th and last gift from my family. This key leads to a separate dimension created by my mother and everyone else. It is probably the most important thing I own.. This place is two miles cubed in size, complete with a mansion and a training field for just about everything. The main feature is its time feature." He said as Zoë looked at it curiously.

"That's… incredible. Wait time feature?" Zoë asked surprised like she had heard wrong as Percy just chuckled at her reaction.

"Yeah, for every day outside 2 years pass in here. Why do you think I grew so fast? I spent time here, training and growing so that I could do more and more. My weird growth spurts my mom always lied to you guys about?" Percy said as Zoë looked stunned as she suddenly face palmed.

"It makes so much sense now, wait then Tracy's growth spurts!" Zoë said as Percy just nodded as Zoë leaned her head back on the chair and gave an exasperated sigh.

"This was its last use of the feature, once I turn go over the age of 18 it stops functioning. Apparently it's all the fates would allow Chronos to do." He said as Zoë just rubbed her temples. Her rollercoaster of emotions today was never ending it seemed.

"Wait, so how old are you?"

"Don't you know it's rude to ask someone their age?"

"Percy! I swear on Artemis I will-."

"Kidding kidding! I'm… almost 17 I think? Like 2 more months." Percy said as scratching his head as Zoë nodded as she put down her fist.

"Okay, that means you aren't part of any big prophecies that the gods know of. That's good at least." She said as Percy nodded even though he had no clue what she was talking about.

"Anyways just so you know we will be stuck here for the full 2 years." Percy said as Zoë froze and looked up at him.

"Artemis might be in danger though! Our prayers never reached her, something must be going on at Olympus.We can not wait that long!" She said as Percy nodded with a frown.

"I know but like I said, it will only be one day outside here. Once we get out of here we will find out what happened." He said as Zoë calmed down a bit and nodded.

"Until then we are stuck here. All we can do is heal up and train our assess off. Whatever is to come we need to be prepared." Zoë said with confidence as Percy smiled at her.

"So… where is Tracy? Is she with the other hunters?" Percy asked as Zoë froze a bit as Percy saw this and felt his gut drop a bit.

"I-Is Tracy okay?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"She is!" Zoë said quickly as relief washed over Percy as he let out a sigh and so did Zoë.

"This is what I needed to talk to you about, let me take you to her." Zoë said as Percy nodded.


*Knock Knock*

"Tracy… it's me and Percy, he just woke up and he wanted to see you." Zoë said as she stood with Percy by her side after helping him walk all the way here. Percy's face was slightly pale from the pain but he managed to walk down the corridor of rooms to one that had multiple music notes decorating the door. This was Tracy's room she used whenever she and Percy were here.

"..." No noise was heard in the room as the two stood silently for a minute as Zoë just glanced at Percy. Seeing as it was midday she should have been awake by now but since she woke up a few days ago Tracy had secluded herself to her room. The only thing anyone saw of her was empty food plates outside her door.

"Tracy, we're both coming in." Zoë said as she reached forward and found the door unlocked. Zoë frowned a little, normally the door was always locked by her. As she pushed open the door both Percy and Zoë's eyes went wide.

"TRACY!" Percy and Zoë screamed as Zoë shot forward like a bullet. Percy tried to run but his legs gave out under him and collapsed to the ground.

"Knife!" Zoë screamed as Percy's bracelet activated instantly as his Kopis came to life, on his knees he threw the weapon to Zoë, in an instant as she caught it and threw it upwards. The makeshift rope tied to the ceiling fan was cut loose instantly as Tracy fell to the ground.

"WE NEED HELP!" Percy screamed into the hallway as Zoë ran to Tracy's side untying the makeshift rope from her throat.

"CHECK HER PULSE!" Percy yelled as his body burned in pain as he crawled over to Zoë as she was already doing just that.

"Come on, come on, come on, Just give me something." Zoë whispered as panic filled her whole body and her heart raced. Nothing was felt as her face fell and she immediately started to do CPR on Tracy.

"What is ha-." The first to reach them was Phoebe as she stopped in the doorway as she saw Zoë giving chest compression to Tracy as Percy started to give the breaths to her.

"DEFIBRILLATOR! Check the medicine bay, there should be one on the wall!" Percy yelled as Phoebe seemed frozen as she took in the situation.

"PHOEBE!" Zoë yelled as the girl jolted awake and sprinted away pushing hunters out of the way as she did.

"Come on Tracy!" Percy said through tears as he gave her another breath, Zoë then continued to work. Her arms began to get sore as tears also ran down her face, both of them in perfect sync. Yet there was no return of a pulse, time passed slowly for them, each second like a millenia. Thankfully Phoebe busted through the wall of crying hunters with the defibrillator.

"HERE!" With quick practiced movements Zoë and Phoebe tore open Tracy's raggedy nightgown and applied the pads to her.

"Clear!" Zoë yelled as she pushed the button and Tracy's body lurched upwards and her whole body flexed.

"Come on sis." Percy said as he gave her another breath and they kept applying CPR. However time passed, the second shock… the fourth shock… the 8th shock… nothing.

"Waaaaa!" Zoë cried as she put her head on Tracy's stomach, as everyone did the same as they held their mouths to hide their cries. Percy just kneeled by her side looking at Tracy's silent face with tears running down his face. His hands making trembling fists as anger welled inside him.

"WHY!" Percy roared at Tracy as she remained unmoving. His fist slammed into her chest as Zoë slowly looked up at him. Her eyes were seas of sadness as she slowly reached over and held Percy's arm.

"Percy enough, she is…gone." She said as Percy looked at her with a face full of rage his fist clenched even tighter.

"NO!" Percy yelled as he raised his fists up again, throwing Zoë's hand off his and slammed them down on Tracy's chest again and again. He just continued as Zoë's tears grew stronger as Phoebe and her kneeled side by side watching the heart clenching scene.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT!?" Percy roared as his anger grew and grew with each time his fists slammed into her chest. Something in him threatening to break, his very humanity itself seeming to crumble under his rage.

"WHYYYY!" Percy roared as his eyes glowed a deep black and the whole room's electricity flickered and sparked. Everyones hair flung up into the air and their skin tingled, their eyes winded drastically as Percy's fist suddenly lit up with lightning as black as his eyes.

"BACK!" Zoë yelled instinctively as Percy slammed his balled up fist one last time into Tracy's chest. Instantly the defibrillator connected to her exploded in sparks. Black lightning arching in finger thick bolts between Percy and her. Tracy's form shuddered violently as Percy seemed completely unphased. The lightning though did not burn either of the two as it continued for about 30 seconds until it finally died down.

*Cough cough*

Finally a noise was heard as Tracy began to cough violently and move a little, each of her gasps was like a wave of relief washing over everyone. Each of Tracy's breaths for air caused everyone's face to light up. Zoë and Phoebe now had tears of joy running down their faces as Tracy slowly opened her eyes in confusion. However the first thing she saw was two eyes glowing like black holes that stared down at her in a hurricane of emotions.

"You absolute idiot! Are you fucking crazy! Did the time spent with the hunt, or even me and mom mean nothing to you! You didn't even say goodbye!" Percy screamed at her as he kneeled at her side and sobbed. The whole room full of emotions as Tracy laid there, breathing slowly as tears ran down her eyes as she also began to sob.

Her sobs were broken and cracked, nothing like Percy had ever heard before. Not questioning it for now he just leaned down and wrapped her up in a hug as Tracy did the same. The two siblings just cried in each other's arms for several minutes as Phoebe began to show people away. Until it was just Percy, Zoë, Tracy, and Phoebe.

"Why?" Percy asked Tracy as she sat on the side of the bed as Phoebe cleaned up the room and Zoë sat beside her and held one of her hands.

"..." Tracy didn't say anything as her eyes watered again as Percy looked at Zoë who seemed to know something,

"Percy… Tracy's vocal cords were crushed in the battle with the Minotaur. She can't… she can't talk or sing or do anything with her powers anymore. We tried ambrosia and other medicines as well as some magic but nothing worked." Zoë said as a bucket of cold water seemed to be thrown over Percy but he just gritted his teeth and looked at the 15 year old girl.

"And your decision was to kill yourself? Just cause you couldn't talk or sing anymore? With a simple note saying 'I'm sorry'?" Percy said through gritted teeth as Tracy began to cry once again as everyone had a sad face but they didn't stop Percy as he just glared at his sister.

"I'm not going to blame you or anything for that or even ask how you came to this decision but… Do you have no confidence in your older brother? I am the son of Chaos and adopted son of Order! My powers will one day be even stronger than that of the gods and even Olympians! I would have figured something out to heal you! Even if it means I have to turn up every rock on this planet!" Percy said as Tracy slowly turned to him as her lips quivered. Her blue eyes shook once they met his and she continued to cry and then reached for him.

The two hugged and began to cry as Zoë gave a soft smile, however the mood was ruined by a certain question that floated in the air.

"Y-Your the son of Chaos?" Phoebe asked with wide eyes as Percy just looked up at her with an awkward smile.

"And Order and Poseidon." A new voice joined them as everyone turned to see the new voice as Hestia herself stood in the doorway in a 20 year old form. Percy was beyond confused as Zoë saw this and gave a light chuckle.

"She snuck in with the hunters when we escaped. I forgot to mention it to you, she has been the one cooking for everyone." Zoë said as Percy just locked eyes with the Hearth goddess as her cinder like eyes glowed silently,

"Why didn't you help? You're an almighty goddess right? You could have helped us." Asked Percy in a strained tone as Hestia put on a sad face and sighed.

"This is gonna take a bit to explain. We should all sit down." She said as Percy stared angrily at the goddess as she pulled over a chair and sat down.

"Why didn't you help?" He asked again as Hestia looked up at him with a firm gaze and didn't back down one inch.

"Because Zeus is a tyrant, now shut up, sit down, and listen. Also Phoebe honey… we're gonna need you to swear an oath."

LINEBREAK: 1.5 years later (Percy is 17 ¾ years old)


Time passed quickly from the day we entered my personal dimension, which I still had not named. Zoë said I should call it the Nest but I don't know about that for sure. Regardless, after Tracy's incident she was more or less put under surveillance and constantly watched by at least one hunter at all times. Though she swore on Sally's name she would never do it again I didn't want to risk it.

Thus wherever she went for the next 6 months she always had someone accompanying her, to eat food, to the giant bath, to the bathroom. You name it, someone joined her. At some point, someone turned to Phoebe. I have no clue when or what happened but, the now 16 year old permanently 5 foot 6 tall daughter of Apollo had a 6 foot 2 bodyguard at all times. With both sides of her head shaved and her remaining hair slicked back she looked like a viking almost.

Regardless, the beauty and the beast were now never not seen together as they moved about the place. Tracy seemed mentally better as the days went on, she slowly smiled more and more and seemed slightly less gloomy. She had even taken up writing music and used Phoebe as her test subject. The promise between us for me to find the cure for her keeps both of us motivated to continue forwards with our best efforts. Thankfully Hestia said she had a perfect quest in mind for such a thing. She said she could not give it until we actually left this place.

Again as time passed, my once quiet home was now full of noise. The hunters never seemed to rest and actually living with them was a completely different thing than just living down the road and visiting every day. They were messy! So fucking messy! Dirty clothes, unwashed dishes, left out food, etc. You name it they did it, Zoë had some semblance of control over them. Forcing them to clean every weekend but still. As a boy raised by the goddess of cleanliness herself aka Sally, it was unbearable.

Hestia was also very helpful controlling the teenage girls and their antics, especially when it came to hygiene. The goddess shared the same values as me and forced separate bathing times for the main bath and all that. Even as far as washing clothes, Let's just say I was hit quite a few times after accidentally finding underwear or other sensitive items in my laundry basket. The noise was nice though, it reminded me of the hunt before everything… happened. We had actually held a funeral for all the hunters who passed even without the bodies. Hestia oversaw everything and also performed a ritual to help.

Zoë and my relationship had taken leaps and bounds in a good direction though! Zoë seemed to be fully comfortable around me after a full year, recently she had been the one to actually initiate any kissing or even making out. I was more than happy to comply with any of her wishes, but snuggling and just watching the stars in my little world's night sky was my favorite. Recently though our relationship had taken a more sensual turn as well. As it did Chaos dropped a truth bomb on both of us.

After Zoë's whole event with awakening her powers she never knew she had developed a tattoo of sorts. On her right outer thigh was a silver tiara over a crescent moon, this is where the truth bomb comes into play.


'Can you hear me Zoë?' Asked Chaos as Zoë blinked a little in surprise at hearing the calm and warm voice of my mom in her head for the first time.

"Y-Yes I can." Zoë with a small stutter as I smiled at her, in turn she just rolled her eyes and gave my hand a small hard squeeze.

'Excellent! So where to start… Eros you mind taking the reins?' Chaos asked as a sigh was heard.

'I mean I guess, gosh it's like giving kids sex ed class… Also make sure to wrap it before you slap it. Hehe *smack* Ouch! Why did you hit me Chaos?' Quickly a torrent of smacking was heard Zoë and I blushed a bit at his comment. Quickly his voice returned.

'Eh hem! Let's get serious, so Zoë, my precious soon to be sister in law. Your new tattoo isn't really… new per say. You were born with it, the tattoo however never materialized until you met Percy.' Eros said as me and her blinked a bit in confusion.

'Basically this whole thing revolves around Percy's destiny and yours per say. You see, Percy is the first demi-creator in existence. Not demi-primordial either, Chaos herself is not one of us. She stands above us. That's besides the point. The point is Percy has a destiny far greater than anything like ever. Your mark tattoo is a symbol of your connection with him and his destiny, but like… more in the love department. You get me?' Eros said as we both stayed silent for a bit until a blushing Zoë spoke.

"Y-You mean like s-soulmates?" She said with a blush as we exchanged glances, however a clapping was heard after she spoke.

'Exactly, you get it! This is where the fun of the rivers of power come into play. I won't get too deep into it since the rivers are mysterious even for us. Just think of it this way, the stronger you are and the stronger your destiny the stronger attachment you have to certain rivers. Pretty simple right? Here is where Percy comes into it though, since he is a demi-creator and has strong destiny his starting point on the river of love is, shall we say, stupid high up.'

'Because of this he has more or less several other soulmates out there as we speak, each decorated with a similar tattoo like yourself. The amount currently is unknown however.. but know the river of love never messes around when it deals with soulmates. It compares everything in your entire existence. Past, present, and future and then matches you with the person who would be perfect for you. Also please know that the river does not force anyone into anything, what you have developed is all up to you two.' Eros finished as Zoë just sat there for a minute as she kept my hand firmly in hers as a cold sweat ran down my back.

"So you're telling me Percy will have a preselected harem then?" She asked in a semi cold voice as she gave my hand a hard squeeze. Eros was gonna get my ass kicked, damn him!

'Well when you say it that way it just sounds like cheap love. You need to understand the love you feel now, with Percy, is the same as each woman will feel. If love blooms between them that is. Know that the river of love, though fair, is a tricky bastard. The feelings you share with Percy ain't just a one way street my girl. For someone like Percy's status, it prepared something special. Finding not just multiple one for one soulmate with one guy, but finding a group of soulmates for each other.' Eros said as me and Zoë seemed to freeze, somehow each of us was thinking of something similar.

'More than likely your thinking is correct, you won't just love Percy my dear lady. You will love each and every member of this harem fairly and semi-equally. They are your soulmates so it is almost impossible not to. Technically speaking if two other soulmates meet each other there is a good chance of them getting together before coming into your group. Your biases and all that still will exist so you may lean towards another person more than another but Percy's 'harem' will be a big interconnected spiderweb.' He finished as me and Zoë both dropped our heads, everything made so much more sense now.

""That explains my feelings towards Artemis."" Somehow both me and Zoë said the same thing at the same time as we both blushed down to our necks, apparently the goddess of the hunt was on both our minds.

'Awww you two are cute! Look at that! You even have a third lined up, Chaos your boy is a natural. *Thunk* Ouch! I get it, geez, so do you both understand now?'


"The relationship side yes I do, it is a lot to think about. That still doesn't explain the power I unlocked when the tattoo appeared." Zoë said, trying to cover up her embarrassment as I did the same.

"Oh yeah that part, so this one is a bit easier to explain. More or less because you are connected to Percy in such a significant way. Your tattoo more or less unlocked your genes to make you stronger. Can't have the demi-creator running around with a weak harem now can we? As more time passes you will understand so no worries, just keep a look out for those tattoos alright! Gotta catch-.' However the signal was cut quickly as me and Zoë stayed silent for a bit as we simply held hands.

'Sorry about that he has been dealt with, so I'm hoping that cleared some stuff up for you two.' Chaos said as we both nodded, we would probably need to talk more after this for sure.

"Hey mom, what about your soul mates?" I asked as Chaos gave a small sigh.

'The river of love is fickle and I was never actually assigned a soulmate. It doesn't matter to me, I have you Percy and that is all that matters.' She said with a smile, that I assumed it was a smile brighter than Apollos.

"That is sweet Miss C." Zoë said as Chaos chuckled a little.

'You can call me Chaos or even Mom if you want to honey. You're my soon to be daughter in law after all.' Chaos said as I felt my cheeks burn yet again, why did they love embarrassing me so much!

"Okay… mom." Zoë said with a shy smile though a blush as I felt my brain melt from the overload of embarrassment.

'I like you more every second, now keep me in touch with you two!' Chaos said as the communication was cut off leaving Zoë and me alone.

"So that was a lot, also if you are angry I totally understand." I said as Zoë just looked at me as her eyes stirred with emotions.

"So Artemis huh?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow as I blushed fiercely and rubbed my head a bit.

"W-Well she is just so beautiful and passionate about what she does." I said as Zoë just continued to stare but then nodded.

"What else?" She asked with a curious tone as I felt like I was digging my own grave as more cold sweat drenched my back. Seeing Zoë's face I figured I was gonna be hit anyway so I might as well tell the truth.

"I-I mean…her smile is just stunning. The way she laughs, her terrible jokes about hunting. Though I haven't really spent a lot of time with her, only several years, I know she cares deeply about you all and is not the whole man hating goddess she puts up as a front. Also I hate to admit it but her ditzy attitude she gets sometimes is adorable. I just wanna wrap her up in a hug, but doing so would earn me a punch to the face that would never heal." I admitted as Zoë suddenly began laughing as I didn't know what to do.

"Haha you're absolutely correct, she is absolutely stunningly beautiful and just as adorable. Like you just want to sit her in your lap and brush her hair. You haven't seen her in her teenage forms yet but I assure you she is very very pettable. Her commanding and adult form is just as amazing, it is actually kinda really hot." Zoë admitted with slightly blushed cheeks as my mind short circuited.

"W-Wait are you okay with… this?" I asked as Zoë seemed to think for a bit.

"I-I'm not sure at the moment, but what Eros talked about sounded pretty compelling. This whole soulmate group harem thing makes sense, my feelings for Artemis have always been there I admit. Until I met you I've been able to bury them in my subconscious, after I met you though they have surfaced and my feelings have grown." Zoë said as I slowly nodded, soulmate magic is more serious than I thought.

"If things do head in that direction…"

I suddenly felt her hand let go of mine and then two hands pushed me backwards. I was forced to lay on the ground as Zoë suddenly straddled my stomach as she looked down at me as I felt my heartbeat quicken. Both of us blushed hard as Zoë bit her lip a little as she just held my shoulders.

"I… I want to be one step ahead of the others." Zoë said as she leaned down and sealed my lips with hers.


E/N: Horny bastards - Dex (Sol)


With the knowledge bestowed on us by Eros and mom and the advancement in mine and Zoë's relationship to the next level, time continued to fly. My training was kicked up a notch by the primordials and even Hestia herself participated and sparred with me and Zoë. According to her Zeus' commandments after he delivered punishment to Artemis would not matter here. This place was isolated from his view and thus she could do as she pleased.

In regards to Zeus and after we heard what he did to Artemis,the hunt and I wanted his head on a platter. Hestia talked us down, if we tried we would all die, is what she said. His tyranny was truly ruthless, but I hate to admit what he did made sense. Enemies stirred under Olympus, gods, goddesses, and even immortal's alliances would waver. He needed to show them he was to not be questioned and only followed. A truly fantastic fear tactic, fit for a paranoid god such as himself.

One day… I would make him fall to his knees before me and regret everything he has ever done.


"You two just gonna keep standing there or attack me?" Hestia asked as she stood in her 22 year old form. Her face hidden behind a metal helmet revealing only her eyes of flames, her body also covered in classic metal greek armor complete with shin guards. Her well toned thighs having belts criss crossing upwards to under the leather skirt… focus Percy. Currently in her hand was not a sword but a large fire poker that was white hot on the tip. She even had a round shield on one arm with a symbol of a hearth on it.

"Ladies first." I said from behind my mask, the very one that housed Alpha and Barbatos. Currently I had the white side outwards, which had transformed the mask into the very same sleek silver helmet that Barbatos wore but without the plum on it. Even my hoodie had gained the ability to transform as it took the shape of skin tight greek armor that looked like muscles.

"Really?" Asked Zoë who was also decked out in greek armor like Hestia but silver, in her hands were two very long knives that had the design of wolves on them. A magical weapon that I had managed to forge in the past year… What? I knew things! My training wasn't always weapons and powers you know. My mom knew a lot about forging and taught me a lot, you can say I had a knack for… creating things.

"I was trying to be nice… fine *sigh*" I said as I rushed towards Hestia with my Kopis in hand. Black lightning jumping along the blade as my newest attack type power did its job. The lightning was simply called the Chaos lightning and was much stronger than simple lightning. Thalia would be so jealous if she found out.

Hestia just narrowed her eyes and met my strike as my weapon was blown back by her immense strength. Black sparks flew everywhere but the goddess didn't seem the least bit phased by the electricity on my weapon. I was only pushed back a little from her strike but continued my onslaught.

The hearth goddess blocked each of my strikes and soon the number of blocked strikes rose into the dozens as sparks continued to fill the air and lightning danced wildly on both our weapons now. I inwardly frowned, this hearth goddess was also so resilient in battle and good with a weapon it made one feel tiny in front of her.

Dodging another of my strikes I decided to attack out with a shield bash, since I had managed to get somewhat inside her guard it was an opportune time. My attack was useless as an armored knee shot up and striked the very edge of my shield throwing my arm upwards and my whole body off balance. All I saw was a small smirk from Hestia before a foot was planted right in my gut and kicked me.

It felt like a sledgehammer just hit me at full force as the wind was knocked from my lungs as I slid 15 feet back. My feet didn't leave the ground as I kept my stance and managed to force my lungs to take a deep breath.

"That's it?" Hesita said in a heavy mocking tone as I felt my eye twitch a bit. I don't know why but my instincts as a man flared up with anger as the kopis transformed into my spear. I sprinted forwards with fire in my eyes as I suddenly planted my foot in the ground and launched myself in the air. With one smooth movement my body flexed as I spun 360 degrees in the air.

With one quick movement my lightning wrapped shield was thrown forward with a deadly speed. Hestia's eyes widened as she put her shield in defense, but then a flash of silver was seen beside her.

Zoë appeared beside her like a silver ninja as both her blades stabbed towards Hestia, one towards her neck and one towards a gap in her armor. Hestia narrowed her eyes as her sword arm moved like lightning and blocked the blade aiming for her neck. The second one found its mark and sank into the goddess side. Hestia just sucked in a breath of pain, just then my shield slammed into hers.


Like a bell ringing, both shields shook violently from the collision, the force was even enough to make Hestia slide back a little as Zoë retreated to the side. She just waved her hand as soon a golden ichor covered dagger appeared in her hand. A nice retrieve function I added to her daggers just in case.

"Down!" I yelled and swung my spear with all my force as I landed. Zoë ducked down as the spear swung right over her and landed right on Hesita's shield.


Yet another bell-like sound happened but this time Hestia's shield arm was thrown upwards from the force of my strike. It was like me and Zoë were like tigers as we both took the opportunity and launched ourselves at the unbalanced goddess. My spear spun back around and I used the force to twirl one more time and thrust into her gut as hard as I could. Zoë kept low to the ground but sprinted right towards the goddess, her unguarded thighs her next target.

It seemed we were too naive, as even injured and off balance the goddess was a formidable force. In an instant her poker lit aflame with a flame so hot I could feel it through my helmet and armor. Even the plum on her helmet was lit aflame and her eyes turned from cinders to roaring flames. In an instant the poker stabbed into the ground as the goddess suddenly went horizontal using the poker and one leg to hold herself up.

A flaming foot instantly kicked upwards and landed directly on my spear sending me rearing backwards and even into the air from the power behind it. Zoë was even unluckier than me as Hestia's leg tensed and she suddenly kicked off the ground and kicked yet again. At an impossible angle that would normally be impossible to attack from, she kicked Zoë right in the head with her flaming foot.


The kick was too unexpected and quick to dodge as Zoë took the full force of the blow and was sent tumbling across the ground and her helmet flying into the sky from the force of it. I glanced at Zoë to see her lying on the ground but slowly moving, she was gonna be out for a minute. I turned my eyes to the goddess who stuck the landing and was now kneeling on the ground looking up at me with fire in her eyes.

"Alright let's get serious." I said as I took a deep breath and pointed my spear at her as light began to concentrate on the spearhead. Then the ground began to rumble as Hestia turned to see water flooding across the ground from the lake that was not too far from us. My eyes glowing a bit sea green and black as I focused on Hestia.

"Come." She said as I charged towards her, the instant I did the water also began shooting towards her in the form of spears. However Hestia seemed unphased as each water spear met its match by either her flaming poker or her now flame covered shield. Those were just distractions.

I then got within distance and started to stab and strike at her with the strongest force I could muster. The lightning and flames created explosions each time they met as our eyes kept locked on one another. Sometimes a water spear would land a hit but the damage was negligible as most was evaporated by the intense heat surrounding Hestia.

Although each of my stabs was blocked, Hestia was forced onto the defense as I continued. I twirled my spear with unrelenting force as it smashed into Hesita's shield hundreds of times. My powers were draining me quickly though so I needed to end this. Though Hestia was losing some steam it was not nearly enough. Ichor dripped from her side constantly but it wasn't enough to stop her.

Then I saw a shimmer of gray aura not too far away as I grinned. With a plan in mind I retreated, giving the goddess some space as she stood still catching her breath. I felt a pull from my gut and the water around me moved quickly and began to fly into the air and formed a giant water ball in the air. Hestia just stared up at it as I kept twirling my spear around me and just grinned.

"Who wants a bath?" I asked as I sprinted towards Hestia as the water ball dropped dowards as Hestia's flames burst forth with even more fury. Even though her flames could evaporate water instantly, there was too much. The instant the giant water bubble slammed into the ground me and Hestia were caught in it.

However in the one second the bubble was encasing us both, before it flooded away, it was like I just drank several cups of coffee. One foot kicked off the water and I shot forward like a blur through the water, regardless of the force it just fell down with. Only Hestia was in my green eyes, her flames were now extinguished by the water leaving her helpless.

I wasn't done as my spear slammed into her stomach armor like a freight train. A Boom sounded under the water as time seemed to freeze. Both her eyes went wide as a large bubble of air and some vomit came out of her mouth. An instant later she shot out of the water flying through the air and slammed into a tree as blood shot out of her mouth.

The water then shot forward and slammed into her again, breaking the tree in half, but Hestia was forced against the lower half that hadn't broken yet as she guarded her face against the torrent. There was only so much water and energy I had left as soon the high pressure torrent of water came to a stop leaving me and Hesita gasping for air.

"T-That's all you got boy?" Hestia sputtered out, wiping the blood from her mouth, her helmet lost to the water revealing an unusually serious look on her youthful face. I leaned against my spear and smirked as she frowned at me.

"Unfortunately yes, that is all I have, but her on the other hand…" I said looking to Hestia's left, said goddess then turned to see Zoë standing right beside her. Zoë was covered in her gray aura with her tattoos showing on her skin and frustrated look on her face.

Hestia didn't even have a second to think before a right hook slammed into her unguarded head sending her right to the ground. I just grimaced at the sound as Hestia hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, completely knocked out, as Zoë's aura and tattoo's retreated as she let out an angry huff.

"That was for kicking me in the head as hard as you did." Zoë said as Hestia slowly stirred from her quick dirt nap. Her cinder like eyes blinked in confusion for a second as she looked up at Zoë who was still showing an angry face with balled up fists.

"I may have deserved that. It seems that you two win." Hestia said, rubbing her head, quickly growing shinier as Zoë and I sighed happily.

"You two are finally able to defeat an immortal at the middle level of power." Hestia said happily as me and Zoë shared a look, in truth Hestia had limited her power to a certain level to train us. With passing this test so to speak Hestia was finally going to tell me and Zoë our quest that we were going on to help Tracy and more than likely Artemis.

"Though Zoë you need to participate more, I know Percy is more of a tank/dps position than you but, you have to attack more. Your more dps type than a sniping type." Hestia added as we both nodded. Me and Zoë had quickly grown used to the terms Hestia enjoyed using.

"So what is this quest then?" I asked as Hestia sat with her legs crossed as me and Zoë joined her. Hestia's injuries were already slowly healing in front of our eyes. However Hestia stayed silent for a second as she stared at me.

"Percy, what do you know about Rome?" Hestia suddenly asked as I grew confused.

"I mean isn't Rome just Greek but a little different? Like more militaristic?" I asked as Hestia rolled her eyes at my simple explanation.

"Hestia are you sure?" Zoë suddenly asked as I turned to Zoë as I grew more confused.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked as the two women exchanged glances with one another. Apparently there was a secret present that I was not a part of.

"Zoë, believe it or not he has the right to know, I can sense Neptune's aura in his blood." She said as I grew confused. However Zoë's eyes winded to an extreme extent. Almost like the time she found out my mom was Chaos.

"I thought Poseidon was my dad? I mean, isn't Neptune just Poseidon in Rome?" I asked her as Hestia stayed silent as her form suddenly shifted, her mousy brown hair suddenly was up in a ponytail and her cinder eyes narrowed and her whole demeanor changed from that of Rhea to much more militaristic and war-like. Her age aso shifted from her 20's to her late 20's as my eyes grew wide.

"Percy there is a secret only known to the gods and the hunters. There is a whole other pantheon that exists in America, Roman gods exist just as much as Greek ones do. We share the same body as each other, like dual personalities. It gets very annoying sometimes, but Percy, your father did something that has never been seen before."

"Not only did he adopt you under the name Poseidon to make you a true blooded child of his. He did so under the name of Neptune as well, I didn't believe it at first but as your powers developed over water I was finally able to tell." She said as I just sat there silently thinking.

"S-So what does this mean?" I asked, Hestia… no Vesta just smiled.

"Percy not only are you a demi-creator and adopted by Order himself but you have been adopted to be a true child of Poseidon and Neptune. You're a bridge between both pantheons, you are both Roman and Greek. This is where your quest for Asclepius' staff comes into play."

A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the good surprise! For those who knew shut up, I'm doing it again for new readers. lol Also quick poll, Tracy and her beefcake of a bodyguard Phoebe… thoughts?

E/N: Hey Nuts, for polls if you want I can set up ACTUAL poll links, and we can post those in the discord (shameless plug: discord.gg/wttJDs62Dy ) and let them all pick and stuff. I can set it all up and everything, and we can let it go for around a week or so. Just lemme know! - Dex (Sol)

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