
the true angel

sucker012 · Fantasy
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the beginning of the end

'get out you useless brat'

a small girl with white hair and red eyes gets pulled out of a small beat up room by her hair by a tall man


the girl made a small noise that sounded like a moan of pain

the tall man stopped and went next to the girl's ear and slowly opened his mouth to whisper

'you think this is pain, just wait till tonight'

the girl was now shaking with fear as the man walked further with the girl's hair in his hands

the girl was now shaking with fear and did not make even the slightest of sounds

the man looked at the stairs which were now at his feeth and looked at the girl and sighed

he let go of the girls hair and let her fall to the floor with a hollow *thud*

he went behind her and kicked her in her small belly wich sent her flying off the stairs

after a few seconds she arrived at the floor followed by the man

the girl's clothes had been ripped and unveiled her small body even more there where lots of scars and more bruises than the eye could count

the man ignored her cries of pain and continued dragging her along

the man stopped and bowed

'greetings honereble lady esmeralda'

the lady was clothed in a expensive lookin dress with golden decorations she had blonde hair and purple eyes and stopped to look at the girl the man was dragging with him to wich she said

'I'm looking forward to tonight,... little sister'

she then proceeded to walk further along the carpet played hallway

after the girl left the men grabbed a rope out of his pockets and tied it around the small girls her neck before he stepped on the carpet wich looked endless the girl just stood up and followed the man along while shivering in fear of what to come

after they walked for a few minutes they came in front of a spiral stairway and the man said

'walk or fall, you choose'

the girl went down the staircase and the man walked away as a closed the door with a screeching sound

after a while the girl came down and was greeted by a group of men in dark capes and crow Looking masks

they saw the girls arrival and tied her to a wall like a dog

finaly the girl was able to rest she placed her back against the wall and started to lick the wounds she had clean after cleaning her wounds to the best of her ability she fell asleep after staying awake for 49 hours

<darkness, its all dark and full of pain

the only light you can see is from a small glowing rose as it slides over skin leaving Mark's behind

the evil smiles and laughter as the men and woman feast in front of me

my sister who uses me as a rag

my mother who beats me like a dog

and my father who sees me as a punching bag

everyone was looking with pleased and entertained eyes at me but not the sweet kind...

the evil kind