
The Troubled Heart

Jack irresponsibility invites trouble to his household.His twin James struggled to understand him throughout their lifetime.A wretched parent had to farm to fend for the family, while Jack indulges in drug abuse, womanising and gambling,James resorted to be a Reverend father.Before this desire James had fallen in love with a Rich man's daughter Sarah at his palm wine spot where he works. As time passes James re-considers his desire of serving God as a Rev. father which terminated his intimate affairs with Sarah.Sarah disbelieved her present state, sought after James.In a bid to visit him she met Jack who deceived her as James, drugged her and impregnated her.You may wonder why she didn't antagonise the sex act since her boyfriend supposedly opted to serve God.Wonder why she fell into the wrong hands perhaps may be she thinks James finally came back. Why James never introduced her to the family at least to his twin perhaps because he was shy and his family is of low degree..Well they are bills to pay.And Jack has to pay his as a member of Sota.(Scholars of Thief association)....here his gang connived with him and robbed James father who passes on. Bullet killed James too in Sarah's presence who is pregnant for Jack. And the Trouble remains for Sarah to find out who the REAL father to her unborn child is, will be or should be. Will she love Jack if she finds out whom she is carrying the baby for or would she forgive Jack for causing the death of her true lover-James?

Peter_Uwukhor · Urban
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7 Chs

The visitation of the troubling spirit

Its 7:00 am, James listened to Don Moen emanating from the CD player. Then he turned to a page of his bible and read a verse of psalm 51. JACK came forward and ejected the cassette. "What is this you always play? Aren't you tired these religious things? Please listen to gyrating music." He slots a CD. "Don't start! I got that CD player first and I am using it to observe my spiritual time."

The sound from the music seemed to roar. "Do you know who sang this song?" Jack asked. "That's Tupac Shakur, my favourite rapper." "When did you start following rap songs?" James asked surprisingly: "Don't worry," Jack said. "Now you will know." He pushed James away, trying to increase the volume of the CD. James pushed him back and they started a fight. Jack hit him. James was raising his hand when the door slammed open.

Mama came in and warded off. "Stop it! What is the matter with the both of you?"

"I… I," James was starting to say. "Shut up!" she said. "Its OK, both of you should go to the kitchen and get your breakfast." They moved away. Mama called back Jack and warned him.

"Don't you ever raise your hand against your twin brother in your entire life!"

"You heard?" JACK grumbles. "Yes ma!" "To the kitchen!" She says and points