
The Troubled Heart

Jack irresponsibility invites trouble to his household.His twin James struggled to understand him throughout their lifetime.A wretched parent had to farm to fend for the family, while Jack indulges in drug abuse, womanising and gambling,James resorted to be a Reverend father.Before this desire James had fallen in love with a Rich man's daughter Sarah at his palm wine spot where he works. As time passes James re-considers his desire of serving God as a Rev. father which terminated his intimate affairs with Sarah.Sarah disbelieved her present state, sought after James.In a bid to visit him she met Jack who deceived her as James, drugged her and impregnated her.You may wonder why she didn't antagonise the sex act since her boyfriend supposedly opted to serve God.Wonder why she fell into the wrong hands perhaps may be she thinks James finally came back. Why James never introduced her to the family at least to his twin perhaps because he was shy and his family is of low degree..Well they are bills to pay.And Jack has to pay his as a member of Sota.(Scholars of Thief association)....here his gang connived with him and robbed James father who passes on. Bullet killed James too in Sarah's presence who is pregnant for Jack. And the Trouble remains for Sarah to find out who the REAL father to her unborn child is, will be or should be. Will she love Jack if she finds out whom she is carrying the baby for or would she forgive Jack for causing the death of her true lover-James?

Peter_Uwukhor · Urban
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7 Chs

The Unexpected visit

The next day James was happily filling palm wine bottles with new wine. And a couple of customers were being served by him. As he turned he saw Sarah around unexpectedly.

"Hi!" He surprisingly says

"Surprised?" She asked

"Yeah, but a good surprise, how are you?"

"I'm cool, what about you?"

James excitedly offered her a seat;

"I'm okay, thank you" and I'm so happy, you're back here again."

"Now I'll have the opportunity to speak out my mind."

"Really?" she excitedly exclaimed

"Really there was this feeling in my heart the first time we set eyes on each other." "In your heart like what, here you go. She comments friendly.

"I told you I'd pay you a surprise visit. Didn't I?"

"Yeah! You did and it's well appreciated all the same. General laughter

Anyway, I meant to tell you that I really like you very much and right now, I can't stop thinking about you, so let me courageously express my feelings.

"I know how you feel like." She says.

"No, No!! You don't! Let me tell you, I feel like a lucky boy, like a serious minded, in fact since I set my eyes on you, I've been finding it difficult, to keep myself from thinking about you. See, I know you're a very wealthy person and I…

Shut up! She cautioned James quietly, It's OK! She placed a finger on his lips and drew him closer.

"I know it all, I know you like me; I saw it in your eyes the first time you saw me. She paused. "I want you to know that I like you too, and I am equally feeling the same. She paused again. "I think I have an idea."She looks around. "This place is a little bit uncomfortable for me and I believe it is for you too"

"Yes, I think so." James smiled

"May I quickly then invite you over to my house, maybe we could talk better at my place. Do you mind?"

James objected: "Yes I do because I can't, why not my place?"

"I would appreciate it if you could come over to my place."

"OK." arm stretched in request. What? James asked and smiled.

"Address, of course!"

"OK." James laughed and wrote on a piece of paper after some minutes, and enclosed it in her palm. "So when are you coming?" James asked happily

"That, I don't know, I will see how it goes I shall pay you a surprise visit."

"Don't worry. You know my dad does not allow me out."

"Bye!" She beats quickly the table, stood up and dashed out.

James thought aloud;

["Who will see this beautiful young lady and let her walk out of his life?" "I am finding her interesting, but I really think my ambitious desire will pose trouble here. Can I date her?" "She has made me to fall in love. I just hope am in my right senses." "God, Help me! I really desire to work in your vineyard as a priest, please Lord save me and my heart from this trouble of misunderstood love am about to find myself in]

"But she is actually beautiful!" he justified and joyfully went home that afternoon. On his way home, he picked up a beautiful rose, from a clustered shrub of Ixora coccinea.

"Let me see her at home surprisingly