
The Trilling

she felt it once again, the deep pulling feeling pulling at her soul. And a deep ache in her soul as she turned away and headed inside. But tonight would be different she was finally gonna answer that deep calling of her soul. No matter how scary it was she had to know why the woods were calling her. Layla had the perfect life. A perfect boyfriend a perfect family. Yet she always felt like she was missing something. She always felt like life had something more to offer, that there was some deeper meaning. Probably why she always read all those fantasy books, always had her head in the clouds. So on one night she goes on a walk in the forest the one her grams always warns her about. She meets a beautiful stranger. He offers her all the magical things she's dreamed of. But will she take up his offer or will she go on living the normal boring perfect life.

Lilie_Whittaker · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A test of wills

Dancing round and round, for what felt like hours she began to feel exhausted. She felt pure fear as she realized that she couldn't stop. No matter how hard she planted her feet or tried to hold her arms still she could not stop. She wracked her brain to remember the old stories her grams had told her.

Never enter a fairy ring. And if you do then you must...

She couldn't remember. Well no matter she would find her own way out of this mess. So she tried to dance her way to the edge of the fairy ring. But the music got louder and she began to dance faster her feet throbbing in pain. Dancing and twiddling in dizzying circles she had just began to give up hope when she remembered the music. If she could block out the music she could escape. So she started to hum. Her dancing slowed but it didn't stop. So she plugged her ears and then she stopped and made a mad dash over the ring and collapsed at the feet of the stranger.

Took you long enough halfling whelp.

She looked up at him with tears of frustration in her eyes. Why would you do that to me.

It was a test he replied with disinterest before glancing at her and for a second it looked as if his face showed regret and worry for her but it was gone in seconds. Replaced with a stone cold glare as he held out his hand for her.

Well come on we've a lot to do.

Where's Cal? I'd rather go with him humph.

Cal is his own creature with his own things to do. He'll come join when it suits to.

Now then...

He held out his hand again.

Hesitantly she took his hand and was hoisted up. Up ahead was the beging of another forest. As they started towards it strangely her feet didn't hurt. Why don't don't my feet hurt? Magic was his only reply as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her along through one of the paths. She felt a sense of deja vu as she again felt like was dragged along for hours and miles. Finally he stopped in front of strange building almost really a shack. He opened the door gesturing for her to enter. Hesitantly she entered and was surprised to see it looked like her bedroom inside. She turned and peeked out the door and nope she was still in the faerie realm. Must be more magic she absently thought as she sat down on her bed replica. As he stepped inside she looked at him. What's your name?. It's chamomile. Just call me Cam he said with a strained smile. Stay here I'll be back in the morning. Dont let anyone or anything in not even me he said mysteriously before vanishing out the door.