

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 43: Two bastards but one is an idiot

Lucian's POV

I'm not gonna lie. I didn't want to go out today after what happened earlier. Maybe a walk in the park or around town would do me some good.

I figured that my skateboard would still be good and the park would be the best place to try it out. The rest also wanted to go to the park.

It was bearable at the very least but I grunted after what Anastasia said about Logan and I being alike. It was... fun I guess. Despite how they behave childish a lot, they are a nice company. I have no clue about that blonde racket and the two brats.

Soon after, My friends from the town showed up and joined in our fun. The mood was lively and I contributed once in a while. I couldn't help but smile though at how joyful everyone was. It reminds me of how free we are now.

I peeked at the girls who were conversing happily. I caught sight of Gale who was laughing which made me smile for a brief moment.

"Huh? Look! His mouth twitched up slightly." Enoch called on to the others. I think I heard a gasp and a pin drop. "You should smile more dude. It suits you."

I switched back to my signature expression. The other groaned in response with Enoch still smiling as he tried to urge me again to smile.

I felt someone glance at me as I looked his way. Oh, he was pondering about something.

The mood suddenly shifted or maybe as I was the only one sensing it. The others seemed oblivious to what I felt.

"You're not wrong," Madl spoke to me in my mind. "There's a shadow looming across that noisy one over there." I nodded before looking up.

I could not describe what I felt. Was it anger? Astonishment? I tightened my fist hoping it was just an illusion. But it wasn't.

I watched closely as he neared Jeffrey with a steel pipe in hand. My narrowed eyes dilated learning his motive.

"Jeffrey! Look out." I yelled but it was too late. The blonde had been knocked out cold. The others whipped their head in the direction of the blonde while yelling his name.

Elvis and Anastasia were the first to move to the boy's aid. They were stunned by what happened from what I could see.

"That should teach him not to mess with us again." I heard a grunted voice. I know that voice anywhere.

"We meet again." He uttered gravely with his boys behind him. It was Philip and his mindless disciples. What was he doing here?

"It can't be... Is that you Philip?" Sheila managed to get the words out of her mouth. She was shaking knowing what his friends did to her.

Philip only grinned stupidly before trailing his eyes on Enoch and Gale.

"I got back a week ago after I came back from the other neighboring city. I bet you thought you won't see me again. Too bad I'm back." He smiled maniacally.

"Enoch... Looks like you're in good health." Philip frowned. Enoch faltered a bit by his statement nonetheless he remained silent.

In a few moments, he was close to Gale as she glared at him. I suddenly felt the urge to punch the guy again. He was too close. The fact that he leaned in closer before whispering loud enough for us to hear.

"First I will start by taking back what is rightfully mine..." He whispered gruffly making Gale go eyes wide. She was about to step away but he leaned in to grip her waist.

I immediately came in between them pulling her close to me and glaring at Philip who didn't do anything but broke into a fit of laughter.

"You showed up again huh? I thought one of my friends said you left town two years back." He looked over to whom I assumed to be Mark.

"You haven't changed at all. I suppose that's expected from someone as ugly as you." I angrily said making his smirk turn into a frown.

"Still being cocky eh? That girl is mine and I do not see how you fit into any of this." Philip narrowed his eyes.

"Gale is not something you can just get. She is not a thing at all." I felt a huge sense of protection overwhelm me. Leaving her at her side would be bad.

"Move aside you green beast!" A boy from his friends yelled. The others from my group who knew nothing continued to look in confusion.

"Take one more step and I will do more than break your face. " I growled making everyone jump.

Enoch and Shelia stood next to me and Gale as the rest were behind watching the scene unfold. I gently held Gale making sure she stayed close.

"Jeffrey!" I heard Anastasia shriek. His head was bleeding most likely from the hit he received from the pipe. Luckily, Dahlia quickly tended to him.

"Oh, it's the other bastard who stood up to us earlier. He was an idiot for that." Philip snickered and so did his friends.

"You got nice friends. I'm sure you won't want them to get hurt." He continued as he walked closer not stopping. His friends doing the same.

"Who are you and why did you do that?" Philip focused his attention on Jin. He must be worried about his older friend. His voice shaking visibly but I can sense anger emerging from it. Elvis had an angry aura around him.

Dahlia and Anastasia tended to the injured lad as they tied a cloth around his head and tried to elevate his head.

The dysfunctional trio, Logan excluded as he dozed off lazily on the desk had different reactions but I had no time to think about that because Philip was already in front of me.

"Shut your damn mouth. I don't recall having anything to do with you." Jin flinched at the tone of his voice but still tried to remain unaffected.

Before I could sense what happened, Gale was already in the arms of Philip. I tried to grab her but she was tossed to Mark who began running away with her.

"Gale!" Sheila gasped beginning to run after her but was shoved by someone making her land roughly to the ground.

"Go after her and your friends get it." Philip signaled to the rest of the five boys who had stature like him as they cornered them.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. This is bothersome.

"Go after Gale or save your friends like last time before I change my mind." Philip cocked a mocking expression making my inside burn with rage.