

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 40: Not bad Ash

"That's enough for now." Lucian halted in his movements drawing in a deep breath. Madison stood from where she was as she announced this statement. Slowly approaching him and ruffled his hair.

"That was a nice spar. You'll have to do better next time." Madison said patting his head much to Lucian's disappointment. Taking her hands away he walked towards the house. Maybe he was embarrassed by her actions, I chuckled at the thought.

Lucian has been growing more close to us lately. He only trusted Madison at first and talked to himself once in a while making the rest of us wonder if he was going insane. He explained to us that he had a beast tamer in his head named Madl who he talked to often.

We didn't believe it at first. That was until he communicated with us telepathically leaving us in awe. He introduced us to one of his powers which was telepathy. He also said he was not still used to it and couldn't channel it properly and apologized for intruding in our minds in advance. I was the first to know about beast powers.

"I recently unlocked one of my powers which involves telepathy. Madl can also communicate as long as I can link into your minds." Lucian stated as we nodded showing that we understood. Still, Jin didn't buy it until Madl started yelling at him. Let's just say Jin has been quiet since morning.

The dysfunctional trio were new to this information about beasts so I told them all I knew. Lucian didn't interfere this time around. They had frightened looks after they realized what happened to our former classmate and other kids who disappeared. It took a lot of convincing to tell them that he can't even transform back to that form.

Since the awakening of his first power, Lucian had to learn combat as advised by Madl. That's where we are now. A slightly beaten-up Lucian and an unscathed Madison.

It was funny to watch for me as he got frustrated at not being able to land a single hit on her. He almost did though but Madison blocked it.

Some of the rest cheered him on but I only laughed at his misfortunes. I know it seems bad but he deserved it for all those times he treated me.

"Who wants to go next?" Madison turned to us.

"Huh?... You want us to try?" I asked tilting my head to the side to face others. Some had worried looks, another had an excited countenance and one didn't care.

"Why not? It would be fun training you guys. Also..." She paused before continuing" We never know what might happen. Daffodil hasn't shown up neither has Jake. I can't protect all of you at once and Lucian is still struggling while fighting his own battle." Her smile was still on her face but had seriousness in it.

She's right. Lucian is still worried over his sister and the fact that Albert was a beast hunter I think... all this worries him. John is still going to come after us according to them and who knows what danger we might face.

"I'll go easy on you. See I'm surrendering even easier than Lucian's match. Promise." Madison said flashing a grin. We gulped at her sudden jovial demeanor, yet it sounded like she was begging us.

"That dreadful..." Elvis began sighed

"What was that?" Madison faced Elvis still with a smiling face. Elvis shifted uncomfortably before turning to her. The atmosphere got thick as the two siblings glared at each other.

"Umm...yeah I got nothing" The rest deadpanned at me at my way of trying to light up the conversation or at least change the subject. "You can't expect me to do something stupid all the time,"


"Most of the time."

"It's kind of like a habit." I frowned at the rest. Jin was not even attempting. Was Jin even here?

"Are you guys still going to continue this or fight?" Startling all of us, we saw Lucian with a soda can in hand. He had already cleaned up wearing a white shirt and sweatpants while using a towel to dry his hair. Did he walk in here like this on purpose?

We barely heard him. I guess that's a beast for you. He can hide his entire presence or maybe we were not paying much attention.

Lucian had a deep frown on his face. He raised an eyebrow at us before sighing.

"As I thought, you are all spineless. I thought at least Jeffrey had some spine in him but I guess I was wrong."

Okay now that I was angry. I can see that Ash also looked mad too. I am not surprised. Another person who may have gotten to would be Jin. Even though he might be cowardly, he would try. Speaking of Jin, Where is he?

"Says the green jerk who got beaten up a few minutes ago..." I hollered.

He sighed with a tiresome expression.

"Don't you ever get worn out from shouting like that?"

"Alright, I'll go so we can get this damn thing over with. It's worth the shot I mean." Ash ignored whatever happened walking to Madison.

"I didn't know Ash had an interest in combatting, " Madison said slightly surprised.

"Well, she is Ash. What did you expect from her?" I said earning a nod from her, "Wait, you can fight? "

"Only one way to find out." She stretched before she maintained a stance.

"This is getting intriguing," Madison said gleefully before they dashed to a brawl.

Madison gained the upper hand as she threw punches while Ash dodged and blocked. She was mostly on the blocking side mostly using her arms. I knew that Madison told us she would go easy...

That was a lie. She was getting more serious about this. Not as serious as the previous fight nonetheless she continued.

I noticed Ash having a hard time blocking all her attacks. She was getting weary. Eventually, Madison swept her legs under her opponent's feet.

Luckily, Ash flipped backwards trying in time dodging a few metres away. Didn't Lucian just pull that off?

Ash dashed forward swinging her leg in the air to connect to Madison's face but she caught it.

"Bold of you to target there" Madison grinned before firming her grip. She managed to shove her back with the attack but not enough. Thrusting forward again, Ash continued.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder. Turning back, I saw a green jerk facing me.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you notice that? What did Ash just do? I made the same move while fighting Madison before." He said calmly as his eyes left me following the movement of the two girls.

My eyes widened in realization. Ash must have analyzed their match earlier. Lucian is a quick thinker when it comes to things like this so Ash tried to copy some moves.

"Urgh!" My thoughts came to a halt seeing Ash in a submitting position as Madison locked an arm bar.

"How infuriating, "Ash surrendered as Madison let go. She stood up from the ground dusting her outfit.

"I think that's enough for the day."Madison concluded."You did well today you two. I'm proud." Lucian didn't answer while Ash huffed.

"That was amazing." I praised.

"I tried anyways," she brushed it off.

"Thanks. It was nothing" Everyone had already surrounded her. Well, Logan went back inside.

"I didn't know you had it in you. That was so cool."Stuart beamed.

"Not bad. You were able to adapt my moves in battle that quickly and used it against Madison." Lucian added.

"You noticed huh?" Ash began slightly startled.

"Yeah, you also had some other good skills. If only you released the pressure that time you kicked her. She could have lost her balance. if you keep on training, you might be a better fighter."Lucian stated.

"Yeah, maybe even better than him" I pointed at Lucian who nudged me in the ribs.

"Actually... My Dad had his martial arts club. I watched them occasionally anytime I had the chance to see them." She explained. Her voice was a bit low now. Maybe she didn't want to go any further. I should say something.

"Maybe I should also try." Rubbing my chin at the thought.

"No" Elvis and Lucian replied.

"Why not?" I pouted. So much for support.

"You won't even last as long as Ash. You are completely hopeless." Lucian emphasized. Green-haired louse! He nudged me in the ribs again. He must have read my mind.

Damn it!

"Whatever. I'll try hard and show you it is not so hard... and I am not hopeless" I rolled my eyes.

"In case none of you have noticed, I have not seen Jin since morning. Any idea where he went?" Anastasia finally spoke.

Is it just me or is it that she rarely talks now?

"You're right Ana. Haven't seen him either?" Elvis confirmed.

Mark was fiddling with his fingers. Somewhat agitated, he didn't look up.

"Talk" Lucian demanded. We all faced him as he looked at us.

"I'm not sure but he mentioned exploring the house." Before anyone could say anything. Lucian ran in.

He's fast. I thought.

"Let's go after him." Ash followed me with the rest behind. He wasn't anywhere in the living room. We decided to split up hoping we encounter at least either Jin or Lucian.

As I searched the room where we slept, a shriek erupted startling me. I winced in pain after I had hit my head. Looking up, there was a door and Lucian had anger etched on his face.