
The travellers

When Niccolo turned 18 he started to see creatures from a different world. It invaded his sleep and even his waking life. He tried to block the images but to no avail. He just learned to live with it. One day a mysterious new room mate arrived. He seems normal at first even friendly but as he got to know him the images became clearer and scarier. Even he can no longer tell which is real and which is imagined.

amore_05 · Fantasy
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The New Room Mate

My landlady just texted me that she accepted a new boarder. She must be really short on cash because the last time I checked we dont have any space left.

But apparently my room can accomodate one more roommate and one more bed. I'm two months behind on rent so i cant really complain. I just have to accept the new guy and hope we can get along.

Luckily all the bedspacer in my room all went home for vacation. It's already summer but i decided to stay and take some summer class.

So its up to me to welcome the new room mate. I'm friendly enough i guess or i like to think so. But somehow i'm kind of nervous cause I hate waiting for someones arrival.

I have to prepare by tidying up the place. It just too much work.

And what if he change his mind last minute and find a better place to stay. I'll be waiting and cleaning for nothing.

Whatever, not my problem. I like being alone anyway. Im just hoping my landlady wont asked me for that extra rent or i might end up going back home. And i dont wanna go back. I wanna graduate and finished school. Well thats the plan. But sometimes life gets in the way.

I was about to leave for school when the door suddenly open. My new roommate arrived unexpectedly. He looks a bit lost but when he saw me he smile widely like an old friend. A creepy old friend.

"You must be niccolo. I'm your new room mate Ric. I thought i got the wrong room again. But This time I think I got lucky. So wheres my bed?" He asked a little to chirpy. Like hes in a play playing a role.

But despite his effort to look chirpy he seems very tired. Well were in the 5th floor and the elevator isnt working.

"Im not really sure what bed you can occupy but that one right there is empty. You can use that i think." I pointed at the bed right beside mine.

"Cool. Going somewhere?"

"Yeah school."

"Be careful then."

"Thanks i guess. By the way nice to meet you. Sorry if i cant show you around." I got to be friendly.

"You dont have to. I'm sure i can find my way around here."

"See you later then." As i closed the door behind me. And just like that i got a new roommate.

He looks a couple of years older than me. So he could also be a graduating student or a new graduate looking for a job. I will probably just ask him later. I'm already late for school.

The second Niccolo left Ric carefully surveyed the whole room. There are five beds all in all. Two double deck and one single bed. How the beds fit in such small room he got no idea. The important thing is he finally found Niccolo.

Ten years of looking and travelling around the world and he finally found him here in Manila of all places. He congratulated himself. Good job.

Then out of nowhere a woman suddenly appear. He was surprised to see her. A ghost from the past.

"What are you doing here? I thought you got bored and left our group. You've been gone for four years."

"I was trapped here. I found Niccolo first but I was about to inform you for some reason I couldnt leave and was accidentally trap here."

"The trap wasn't an accident. So thats what happened to you. I'm glad you're back. You owe me now then."

He wasnt really happy that shes back. Though they have the same mission they dont really get along.

"I dont owe you anything. Its your job to find him anyways. And by the way why are you just let him walked away?" she asked while floating in the air in her white dress which gave her the infamous moniker the white lady.

"It took me 10 years to find this place and this room. Give me a break okay. I need to rest." he said as he casually lay down.

"But He needs protection." the ghost insisted.

"The angel will assists him outside. Thats enough protection for now." he informed her.

"What angel?" she asked.

"While you're trap here the devil asked the assistance of an angel. He's basically your replacement. He's more useful and he leaves me alone. So can you please let me rest."

"And i thought you were looking for me."

"Well she did look for you but just for a few weeks. But since you're untraceable we just assumed you got caught by some ghost hunter and they brought you in the underworld."

"How about the vessel? Were you able to find her yet?


"This is why I cant leave you alone even just for a minute. You keep losing your sight at the target." she sounded frustrated.

"My sight is perfectly fine. So please just leave me alone."

"You're also here to find the vessel. Your job is'nt done yet. Shes still lost somewhere. And without her we wont be able to move forward." she reminded him.

"You dont have to remind me. I got good memories. And why do you keep nagging me about the vessel. It's not my fault that shes lost. Find her yourself if you want."

"I would if I could but its your friend a former key holder that decided to betray the whole underworld by stealing the key to the vessel then disappear without a trace. And you cant even track him down by yourself. So you also need our help."

"For a lost ghost you sure knows a lot."

"As they say walls have ears. With the information i know I could kill you right now and leave everything behind."

"Threatening me with violence. Thats Scary. Must i cower in fear now?" he said sarcastically.

"Well you should." she glided towards him. And before he can even react her essence was already all over him. Trapping him.

"Hey get off me."

"Dont you mocked me again you scum. I'm a fucking ghost. I'm already dead. You're the one that needs to maintain a human body. You're the one that can die and be trap in this filthy room forever rotting. So dont get cocky with me if you want to stay breathing." she threatened.

"You dont scare me. You're the one that got trap in this room and cant get out for years. And I got your key. You wanna be here forever then go ahead. I got nothing to lose. So stop annoying me if you wanna get out of this little room. Because my dear ghost you're not going anywhere without me." he said

Her eyes suddenly turns icy blue and the room was enveloped by a very cold wind. Enough to send shivers down anyones spine. But she held her temper.

"You're right, i still need you to find the vessel but we will settle our differences after this. And i would make you pay. Your fake human body wont save you when I'm done."

"Well thats the spirit. Now can you please leave me alone. I'm sure theres an empty cabinet somewhere you can occupy."

"I'll just wait here. Or do you want me to follow him too? To keep an extra eye on the target."

"You cant just follow him around. He can sense danger. Why do you think it took me years to find this place? I had to hide my powers so that he wouldnt be able to sense my presence. Hes been hiding his aura from us all these time."

"I guess that explains why hes still alive. Its not mere luck. Hes been the target of so many ghost in this apartment but somehow he was able to avoid their trap. And he even unknowingly imprison me in here for years."

"Well he's human and we are currently living in his world. So technically hes stronger than all of us. So stop being a worry wart. He'll find his way back in this room like he always do. And i'll be right here waiting for him pretending to be his room mate."