
The Traveller and The White Cat

In the vast expanse of time, traversing through countless dimensions and realms, there exists an enigmatic girl named Yuna. She is an eternal wanderer, a seeker of solace amidst the ceaseless flow of existence. Her footsteps echo through the eons as she tirelessly quests for a tranquil haven to call home, her appearance forever frozen in the visage of a petite, short-haired figure with a captivating shade of purple locks, standing at a modest height of 159 centimeters. However, destiny takes a mischievous twist as Yuna, amidst her interdimensional odyssey, finds herself adrift and disoriented, her mana reserves nearly depleted. With no other recourse, she descends upon an unfamiliar and desolate room, adorned only by weathered furniture that bears the weight of forgotten memories. Yet, in this unexpected juncture, Yuna's fate intertwines with that of an enigmatic companion—a girl who embodies the essence of an ethereal white cat. Their paths converge in this room of possibilities, sparking an unforeseen connection that will challenge Yuna's eternal voyage and beckon her to unravel the mysteries of an uncharted existence. As the echoes of Yuna's past reverberate through the threads of time, she grapples with the enigma of her newfound partner. Together, they embark on a quest of survival, forging an unbreakable bond amidst the uncertainty that surrounds them. Yuna, the ageless voyager, and her feline-like ally must navigate a realm where the boundaries of reality blur and where challenges beyond imagination await. Amidst the backdrop of shifting dimensions and the passage of eras, Yuna's journey takes a poignant turn—a quest not only for a tranquil sanctuary but for a profound understanding of herself, her place in the cosmos, and the meaning of companionship. Join Yuna as she embraces the uncharted chapters of her existence, navigating unexplored realms with her enigmatic partner, and discovering that even an eternity of wandering can be transformed by the power of an unexpected connection.

StygianNight · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Traveller And Travelling?!

It had been a few months since the alliance between demons and humans was formed. Surprisingly, Nerium, the daughter of the demon lord, insisted on staying by Yuna's side. They now lived their daily lives together.

"Yuna, you've already gotten used to this world, haven't you?" Yukki chuckled as she washed the dishes.

"Well, more or less..." Yuna replied, lying on the couch.

"Are you ever going to continue your journey?" Yukki suddenly stopped washing the dishes, her expression turning slightly worried.

"Nope, I've already decided!" Yuna exclaimed, standing up from the couch almost immediately.

"D-Decided?" Yukki looked at Yuna with surprise and a hint of relief in her eyes.

"I want to live here with you and Nerium!" Yuna grinned widely at Yukki.

"Eh..." Yukki was momentarily speechless at Yuna's words, but her tone also carried a sense of relief.

"Not only did you save my life, but you've taken care of me like a normal person. You've also given me 'friends'. So, I want to repay you somehow!" Yuna settled back onto the couch, talking softly to Yukki. Yukki continued to wash the dishes, still somewhat lost for words.

"Both Akane and I are grateful to you! If you hadn't saved me back there, I would have died from mana exhaustion, and Akane would still be trapped in that seal. So, you not only saved me, but you saved everyone... including the town," Yuna mumbled to Yukki.

"I... saved everyone?" Yukki's eyes widened in surprise. She had only been thinking about saving Yuna, not realizing the broader impact.

"Just by saving me, you've indirectly saved the lives of hundreds of humans," Yuna smiled warmly at Yukki.

"Then... Yuna!!" Yukki suddenly straightened her posture.

"Y-Yes?!" Yuna was caught off guard by Yukki's sudden outburst.

"A-Ah!! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!" Yukki blurted out again.

"No, it's okay. I was just a little surprised by your sudden burst of energy..." Yuna chuckled softly.

"Well, anyway! I have a proposal for you. It might benefit both of us," Yukki said, sitting down on the couch right next to Yuna.

"Well, what is it?"

"How about we go on an adventure?" Yukki suggested.

"An adventure?" Yuna looked a bit puzzled.

"That's right! An adventure. This world is bigger than you might think. Many people become travelers to discover all sorts of things. If you want to live in this world, you need to understand it first, right?" Yukki smiled at Yuna.

"I see... Traveling, huh? That does sound interesting!" Yuna stood up, her curiosity piqued.

"I know, right? But of course, it won't be easy. We'll need to get through the borders first..." Yukki mumbled.

"Don't worry, we can ask the king for a permit," Yuna replied.

With the idea of embarking on a new adventure sparking excitement in both Yuna and Yukki, they discussed their plans further. The prospect of exploring the world together, discovering new places, encountering different cultures, and facing various challenges thrilled them.

"I'll definitely need to ask the king for a permit," Yuna stated with determination. "Since we're friends now, he shouldn't have a problem granting us permission to travel."

"True, and having the king's support would make our journey a lot smoother," Yukki agreed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

As they continued to talk, Nerium entered the room, having sensed the buzz of excitement. "What's all this chatter about?" she asked curiously.

Yuna and Yukki explained their plan to Nerium, who listened with interest. "So, you want to become adventurers and explore the world beyond?" Nerium mused. "It sounds like an incredible opportunity."

"But, there's the matter of crossing the borders," Yukki said with a sigh.

"I may be able to help with that," Nerium offered. "My status as the demon lord's daughter might grant us access to some information or connections that could be useful."

"That's true! Having you with us could open doors we couldn't on our own," Yuna said, a hopeful smile forming on her face.

As they continued to discuss their plans, they decided to start preparing for their journey. The first step was to approach King Simon to request a travel permit. Yuna was confident that their friendship and the alliance between demons and humans would work in their favor.

The next day, they headed to the castle where King Simon was holding court. They were granted an audience with him, and Yuna presented their idea of embarking on a journey to explore the world. King Simon listened attentively, his expression thoughtful.

"I understand your desire to explore, but I also have a request," King Simon said, his gaze shifting between Yuna and Nerium.

"What is it?" Yuna asked, intrigued.

"I would like you to take on a task for me during your journey," the king explained. "There are reports of unrest in certain regions, and I believe your unique skills could help resolve these issues peacefully."

Yuna considered the request. It seemed that even on their journey, they wouldn't be able to escape their role as adventurers. However, the idea of making a positive impact on the world resonated with her.

"We accept your request, Your Majesty," Yuna said with a nod.

"Very well. In that case, I will grant you the travel permit and provide you with a letter of introduction to help you in your travels," King Simon said, his smile warm.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Yukki and Nerium said in unison.

As they left the castle with the travel permit and the letter of introduction in hand, Yuna felt a sense of excitement and determination. Their journey was beginning to take shape, and the possibilities ahead were vast and promising.

Over the next few weeks, they prepared for their journey, gathering supplies, learning more about the regions they planned to visit, and saying their goodbyes to the friends they had made in the town. Their adventures were about to take them far beyond the familiar, and they were ready to embrace the challenges and discoveries that awaited them.

With Nerium's knowledge and connections, Yuna's magical abilities, and Yukki's swordsmanship, the trio set off on their journey, their hearts full of anticipation and a thirst for exploration. The world lay open before them, ready to reveal its secrets and wonders to these intrepid travelers.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

note: i'm sorry for the late. i'm really busy with real life stuff

PS: i recommend read from first chapter, i rewrote and fix everything

StygianNightcreators' thoughts