
The Traveller and The White Cat

In the vast expanse of time, traversing through countless dimensions and realms, there exists an enigmatic girl named Yuna. She is an eternal wanderer, a seeker of solace amidst the ceaseless flow of existence. Her footsteps echo through the eons as she tirelessly quests for a tranquil haven to call home, her appearance forever frozen in the visage of a petite, short-haired figure with a captivating shade of purple locks, standing at a modest height of 159 centimeters. However, destiny takes a mischievous twist as Yuna, amidst her interdimensional odyssey, finds herself adrift and disoriented, her mana reserves nearly depleted. With no other recourse, she descends upon an unfamiliar and desolate room, adorned only by weathered furniture that bears the weight of forgotten memories. Yet, in this unexpected juncture, Yuna's fate intertwines with that of an enigmatic companion—a girl who embodies the essence of an ethereal white cat. Their paths converge in this room of possibilities, sparking an unforeseen connection that will challenge Yuna's eternal voyage and beckon her to unravel the mysteries of an uncharted existence. As the echoes of Yuna's past reverberate through the threads of time, she grapples with the enigma of her newfound partner. Together, they embark on a quest of survival, forging an unbreakable bond amidst the uncertainty that surrounds them. Yuna, the ageless voyager, and her feline-like ally must navigate a realm where the boundaries of reality blur and where challenges beyond imagination await. Amidst the backdrop of shifting dimensions and the passage of eras, Yuna's journey takes a poignant turn—a quest not only for a tranquil sanctuary but for a profound understanding of herself, her place in the cosmos, and the meaning of companionship. Join Yuna as she embraces the uncharted chapters of her existence, navigating unexplored realms with her enigmatic partner, and discovering that even an eternity of wandering can be transformed by the power of an unexpected connection.

StygianNight · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Traveller And New Problems?!

As Yuna successfully subjugated one of the top 10 demon generals, an intriguing scene unfolds at the demon lord's castle. Around a large, round table, twelve presences gather to discuss a particular event.

"What? That pig was killed by a human?" One of the attendees inquired.

"Indeed, a human girl resembling a child managed to defeat the boar," a figure resembling a butler standing behind them relayed.

"Insignificant. That boar was the weakest among us anyway. What truly matters is... who is this human child? Could this be a stroke of luck?" Another attendee began discussing.

"According to reports, the girl employed a low-level spell, Fireball, to bring it down," the butler added.

"Fireball? Absurd! How could a mere Fireball vanquish the boar? It seems that creature has become even more pitiful," another figure dressed in a robe remarked.

"Curiously, that Fireball she cast also ignited 20% of the forest, resulting in the annihilation of most of the demons we dispatched there," the butler provided further details.

"Hmm? A simple spell like Fireball caused that much devastation?" A short, child-like presence chimed in.

"Send our most skilled spy to tail that human child. Be cautious not to be detected," another attendee commanded.

"Understood, sir. As you wish." The butler bowed and left the room.

"Meeting adjourned," as the child-like demon rose from their seat.

"What about you, Miss Nerium, the demon lord's daughter?" One of the attendees turned towards her.

"I have somewhere to be," Nerium replied before vanishing from the room.

Silence fell upon the remaining attendees, the gravity of the situation weighing on their minds.

"Hey, did you not hear? Let's prepare for defense!" One figure implored the others.

"Sigh..." The rest of them left the room. A few hours later, Nerium, the demon lord's daughter, arrived at Yukki's house and rang the bell.

"Yes, I'll be right there!" Yukki exclaimed, hurrying to the front door. She opened it to find a purple-haired child standing outside.

"A... a child?" Confusion marked Yukki's expression as she knelt down.

"Are you lost, sweetheart?" Yukki inquired kindly, extending her help to the young visitor.

"Is there a human with short black hair and wearing a black robe here?" Nerium inquired, her gaze fixed on Yuna's description.

"Ah, you must be referring to Yuna! Yes, she's here. Please come in," Yukki invited Nerium inside.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Nerium responded as she entered the house.

"Excuse me, then." Yukki nodded before closing the door behind her. She observed Nerium, intrigued by her presence.

"Oi, Yuna! It's rude to appear with your mouth full! Swallow your bread first!" Yukki scolded as Yuna entered the living room, a piece of bread in her mouth.

"Haha, my apologies! There, it's gone. So, is this demon our guest?" Yuna inquired, pointing towards Nerium.

"Wait, demon?" Yukki's confusion was evident, and Nerium herself seemed surprised by this revelation. Disguised as a human child, she had not anticipated that Yuna would detect her true nature so effortlessly.

"Haha, your dark mana is leaking, you know?" Yuna chuckled, revealing her ability to perceive Nerium's demon energy.

"H-How did you know I was a demon?" Nerium exclaimed in astonishment, recoiling slightly.

"W-Wait, she's a demon?!" Yukki's surprise quickly shifted to fear.

"Don't worry. She doesn't emit any malevolent intentions. But, you should practice controlling your dark mana," Yuna laughed, offering reassurance to both Nerium and Yukki.

"You can see it?" Nerium's surprise lingered, but she eventually bowed before Yuna.

"I apologize for deceiving you. I mean you no harm. I'm here to apologize for the actions of my comrade," Nerium expressed her remorse sincerely.

"Hmm... Excuse me for a moment," Yuna approached Nerium and gently touched her forehead. Instantly, the dark mana that had been escaping Nerium was erased.

"There you go, much better. Now no one can sense your true nature," Yuna said, flashing a victory sign.

"W-What did you do?" Both Nerium and Yukki were taken aback by this sudden change.

"Nothing much. I just temporarily erased your dark mana. Now, nobody will be able to detect it," Yuna explained, her tone casual.

"So, who are you, and why are you in our home?" Yuna turned her attention back to Nerium.

"I apologize for my late introduction. My name is Nerium Lavender, the demon lord's daughter. I assure you, I harbor no hostile intentions," Nerium introduced herself.

"I see!" Yuna nodded in understanding.

"Wait, you're going to believe her just like that?!" Yukki protested, still apprehensive.

"Of course! I can tell whether someone is an enemy or ally. It's clear she's on our side," Yuna affirmed confidently.

"But first things first, let's not stand around. Come on in!" Yuna took Nerium's hand and guided her to the living room, though Nerium seemed a bit surprised and embarrassed by the gesture.

"W-Wait!" Nerium called out in protest.

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